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Everything posted by rubiton

  1. Thast disgusting nekhbet - anywhere like that should be reported to Dept of Primary Industry in the relevant state (there are regulations that they are to abide by). Unfortunately seems like not enough people want to make the effort and have their name on record these days.
  2. I paid $5 and got dog ones to have in case from the vet after an expensive emergency vet visit. However on the night the emergency vet suggested human ones but ended up giving her injections of that and something else as she was worse than he thought (suggested stuck bone or something due to her pain reaction but it was just a bad reaction from being stung by something she swallowed in her throat))
  3. Unfortunately today is SUnday and any shops that were open were not open long in this part of town to get rice (no chance of meat on a SUnday) nor are vets to even get hold of ID food (the Hills ID food was easier than chicken and rice and the dog doesnt like rice - would pick the chicken out when got bad gastro two years ago). Only gave her a tiny bit (as in she was 'well wheres the actual food') and now trying to keep her calm as excitement (such as rushing around after hearing the damn wandering cats) or rushing around period seems to bring on another episode. But then I guess its a bit like us you feel better you overdo it you lose ground again. The canned food is the closest one I could find on ingredients to the ID food two years ago when she got better so it will have to do until tomorrow when the shops and vets are open again and will see how she is.
  4. Just wondering how long it can take before the bouts of dirrahoea for what at this stage is assumed eating something she shouldnt yesterday (main suspect is cat poo at this stage)? Last night after tea it was a tiny bit loose (as found this morning) but within range of normal but at 2.30am she had the first attack (very loose half the width it should be) then 5am the second attack then 6am the third then 6.45 the fourth and since then its been a couple of times in late morning and once about 5pm (she hasnt had anything to eat since last night - and the amount is decreasing but youd expect that). SHe has brightened up a fair bit in the last few hours (and has interest in the idea of food) but was hoping it would settle down by now as was planning to give her a tiny meal of can food only (lowest fat level of anything with 4% - and talking only a few mouthfuls) but dont want it to flare up again overnight. If its still going on tomorrow it will be a trip to the vet as last time she got a gastro issue it was two weeks of pills and liquids but that time there was blood - at this stage its just very very very loose and until 5pm thought it had settled down.
  5. If his body was possibly full of drugs like bute or steriods, I'd not be wanting to eat it. Ask yourself what sort of drugs the trotting industry uses. Plenty of off the track standardbreds end up as pet food. Horse meat for pet consumption doesn't have to pass the same strict testing that it will for human consumption. If you have no choice in the animal you feed your dogs, then at least make sure its not going to do them harm. Doubt the SBs would have anymore drugs than any other equestrian use horse (Tbs must be drug free and that includes steroids to race and since the trotters dont have bute/lasix noted against them as they do in the US would assume that they are also under similar rules). And then you have the ones with no drugs (eg the brumbies and horses left in paddocks til someone runs them through a doggers sale) but god knows what worms and other things that have not been treated in them. INteresting article in the SA paper last Sat was about the bloke who buys & sells to Peterborough and how he has to hold them for 6 months to ensure everything is out of their system (he also sells on for equestrian use any that seem sane & sound if he can).
  6. You are correct Wazzat. What are your thoughts on testicular cancer in dog's, have you experienced it???. Having no testicles myself No ( Although my old boss thinks I have em!) I personally desex all dogs if they are not being used for breeding by myslef, although I have heard That most malignant prostatic tumors in dogs occur in desexed dogs and desexing your dog puts him at risk for one of the worst cancers they can get. You can remove the very slight risk of testicular cancer in desexed dogs, that's a small matter; the incidence of testicular cancer is so minimal. I have read a large number of testicular cancers in dogs are benign. But this is only what i have read on the net, I myself am a desex em if your not using them person and will continue this as I have had no problems in the past with my choices. It will be an ongoing debate and there are both good and not so good for both realms of thought You also remove the risk of adanomas (or could be adenomas) - nasty lumps that appear under their tail and ulcerate and you have to get them removed and have an entire dog on the right amount of female hormones or they come back. Unless people like the idea of having their older dog operated on into their teens. You also remove one reason for the dog to be stolen - entire good lookin dogs are a target and people on here have written about it happening.
  7. The canned food we use (optimum) has 6.0 % protein and 4.0% fat - when I chose it I was looking for the low fat and NG was one of the higher ones. Now its also protein I need to look for and it seems to keep low for that too. Canned food is added to the dry food (dry food is the bulk of diet).
  8. Why would you give dogs yoghurt? Marketing. Dogs dont have a system like ours and yoghurt if anything is a treat its not a gut thing
  9. If its an allergic reaction would dog antihistamines work in the long run? (got some from the vet in case ours ever swallows something that stings her in the throat again).
  10. CHoke chain and harness - they work with each otgher so dog cant get head down and pull and cant 'choke' herself because the chain cannot get too tight.
  11. Why not just use salt water to bathe any inflammed areas? PLain old salt water works miracles on people with mozzie bites and I've used it for irritation on the dog and the redness has gone overnight (was a bug or spider bite).
  12. Our dog sees it as if its a cat its there as a thing to be chased by a dog - when on walks if one is close enough she'll try to charge but will listen and turn left (she knows left means go left) away from the cat property (have seen up to 10 cats in the front yard, roof, windows). However cat in HER yard and she's after it. Currently we've got one that comes in the yard just before dawn (I heard the collar but was gone by the time I could look outside) and she makes a point to patrol everywhere even though its gone. We got her to the stage that she will listen to us and not go headlong after cats (unless they are in her backyard) but that about 8 years now so some you can train to listen to you but if its strong enough they will always see cats as things to chase. And remember if cats cant get away they can and will fight back against dogs - they can inflict eye damage with claws so be careful to always give the cat a space to escape to.
  13. Desexed asap - our family dog for years suffered from Adanomas (could be adenomas) desexed would have prevented that but for some reason my parents were never advised of this. If he's old enough to recover from being knocked out then Id do it asap - my 11yo dog took a couple of days to completely get over the anesthetic - as long as they drink something and dont get dehyradted they can handle a couple of days wihout food. If youve been throurgh an operation you'd know how you dont feel all that flash for a day or two afterwards.
  14. Several people have put various injections in (cartrophan, antibiotics, vaccinations) and as she's gotten older it seems she is just more sensitive - lucky for her she has lots of loose skin and hair around the back of her neck so while we can feel it she doesnt seem too fussed. Just wondered if others had had similar issues as none of the family dogs ever ended up with a needle site reaction. But then she also has skin reactions to insect bites (which had to be treated with salt water bathing), swelling in her throat from a sting from a bug (expensive home vet visit and now has antihistamines if it ever happens again), got an infection from walking into a stick at the park that stabbed her leg - hardly a graze but enough to need antibiotics within a few days, then she had the small lump that came up under her eye like a pimple (at least that healed without treatment) and then theres the wart she's had for 6 years and the more recent lumps that give the indication of being fatty lumps in the skin (well the two that were removed were and the others to be monitored have the appearance of hopefully being the same). Maybe dogs were bred to be tougher in the 80s and 90s!!
  15. Tend to agree with erny - ours gets her monthly heartworm tablet (which is for heartworms only) and maybe twice a year if that gets an allwormer from the vet. Likewise flea treatments shes never been treated for fleas yet you read about some dogs that are treated as a routine not because anything has infested them.
  16. I would not be putting it anywhere near a camera and then would be taking it to a repair place to see if its worth repairing or better to buy a new lens. You dont want to introduce fugus into the camera (because that would mean a repair or replace).
  17. Ive never cleaned a sensor and the cameras have a self clean thing these days anyway. The only problem I've had is a red pixel and that was solved with the putting the body cap on and holding the shutter open for 30 seconds so it does a self clean. However if outside I try to avoid changing a lens after leaving the house.
  18. Ive had a finger chewed on and its not recommended (the dog was eating 'something' in the back yard and as she hadnt had bones etc for a while had to take it off her. Anyway she tried to swallow a hugemungous chunk of bone and when I grabbed it she tried to chew it and I got momentarily caught between the molars. I did get the chunk of bone but not the best way to retrieve a chunk of bone.
  19. The dog use to get a huge lump on the back of her neck when she had her vaccinations. Went away after a few weeks - thought it was a reaction to the vaccination you read about. Well not really as she's gotten older its now been a reaction to the fourth of the weekly cartrophan and now its to the third and fourth. And then when she had I assume an antibiotic shot when she had her teeth cleaned came up in a huge lump again that started to reduce after a week. Would appear its the actual needle jab rather than whats in it that she reacts too - its this a common thing that some dogs skin reacts badly to being a pin cushion?
  20. Check with the vet - a few years ago I gave the dog antibiotic tablet and an hour later she threw up. He said after about 30 minutes its gone so not to worry. Therefore seek advice before dosing again
  21. And once the food arrives you dont have to 'add a variety to avoid boredom' dogs dont 'get bored' with food. If its in the bowl and they are hungry they eat it - they dont go oh I had that last night... Kind of defeats the purpose of prescription food to add extra stuff (and bones are high in fat if they get access to the marrow). Only reason would be later once the weight is down to being at a better level for YOUR pocket to try and find other meals that wont stack on weight.
  22. On exercising - have found the dog is fine if we go for a fast walk for 2 1/2km (as in Im walking she s trotting) and that includes a short run at the park near the end each day (once we are fit again and it doesnt get dark so early). However if we go out somewhere and she doesnt do the steady trot for some time and just does the run around like a nutcase she will be proppy later that day. On the joint guard she hasnt been anymore than a bit proppy due to running around like a nutcasewithout the 20min trotting warmup. Vet also warned against letting her bolt around the backyard after a walk (she would go flat out then through herself into a roll) but she has started to be a bit more careful with that especially after once being fine after a walk til she threw herself down and rolled and got up lame on an elbow.
  23. Once a day is fine - still works. Just follow the guide for the amount and for 5mg its one scoop on their tea at night. Of course if you want to feed half in the morning go for it but our dog doesnt get a breakfast meal so it goes on her meal at night. OUr maintenance amount is the one scoop and while it seems a fair bit most of it seems to go in the dog with her meal.
  24. Have heard too many other focus issue stories from others to ever recommend a 50D at any time. WOuld abgree with kja if you can find a 40D in good order it is a fantastic camera and would be just fine for a second camera.
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