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  1. Hi all. I have a 4.5 month old staffy x kelpie puppy, who after a terrible accident is now mostly blind. He only has one eye now, and that eye has very limited vision. Unfortunately the accident happened before he had finished his last course of puppy vaccinations, so he hadn’t had much exposure to the “outside world”. (He had attended puppy school and visited with various dogs of friends we knew were fully vaccinated.) We are slowly introducing him to new places and experiences - we have been walking lots and going to the beach, which he loves. He gets around really really well, plays and runs around with our other dog and most of the time you can’t even tell he is visually impaired. So whilst he is getting better when out and about, there are a few things that we are having trouble with. - When out for walks, he relies heavily on his hearing and can hear things coming from a distance away (people riding bikes, other dogs, cars, etc.) but as he can’t see it, he will get his hackles up and bark. If it’s something like a gate that’s making noise in the wind or a person walking etc. I will walk him up to it slowly so he can see it a bit better and have a sniff. Sometimes this isn’t possible (when people are riding bikes past or dogs barking from behind a fence) so I’ll pat and talk to him reassuringly, but it doesn’t seem to help that much. Just wondering if anyone has any good ideas on helping to get him use to and less reactive to strange noises etc.? - And also, does anyone have any other tips / ideas of things we could be doing with him to help him thrive and best set him up for his life with blindness?
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