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Everything posted by arawnhaus

  1. Please tell us Rottyluva,have you had some luck with these pup's eating etc as yet?? What has the vet said?
  2. Exactly Tonymc. People might purchase that "vehicle" only to discover all of it's problems later on.... ANKC are quite aware of it,they need to acknowledge it's benefits and then maybe it could be accepted by them as a valuable tool....
  3. Given the dog bit the hand with the bone,obviously resource guarding.She needs some training,no I wouldn't PTS in this case. If you lived with a dog and knew it rushed children near food, that animal should be taught that's not on. Alternatively NEVER put a scrap of food near dog/child.... People should accept to NEVER put a dog and it's food near where children can be........
  4. Wednesday,I'm sorry to hear of this Best of luck whichever way you all decide to go. Personally, I would PTS, because nobody can guarantee that dog will ever be around children or an adult she didn't feel comfortable with. A confidence issue by the sound of it,if you nip it in the bud now,you could well PREVENT a large attack. People can't guarantee she will not go near children as her quality of life would be very affected if she could not go for a walk/swim or in the car etc....... Many dogs are raised in not the Ideal of circumstance,and they don't bite or even threaten too. I'm glad the child didn't need hospital attention.Some people let their dogs have a 'nip' at their children and because it wasn't deep or they feel it is their own fault, they keep the dog assuming it will give warning in the future and nothing will come of it. That owner is a risk taker.I personally value a child's life more then this.
  5. Also, I believe it is Imperative as a Rottweiler enthusiast, to understand the true origin of the Schutzhund trials. Physical/Mental capability.To put only the BEST dogs out for Breeding,without passing these tests dogs wouldn't be considered breed worthy. In Australia it appears people evaluate their stock via the Show ring. I honestly am all for the responsible handler to compete with good dogs in this sport and I do hope more people breeding Rottweilers acknowledge this test and that certainly INCLUDES bite work. A once family orientated event has now turned into a "dog fight" story,bringing fear and hatred to our much loved and adored breeds via the misunderstood notions and hysteria brought on certain breeds once upon a time, due to their Country of origin Germany.Remember when and why we had to call the GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG, ALSATIAN Instead? Breeding dogs with a balance of all drives is key to continuing with sports such as Schutzhund and it SHOULD be considered respectful for our breeds heritage, to continue to produce dogs worthy and capable of such a working test... I sincerely hope one day ANKC can acknowledge and pass this test for the betterment of our country and it's breeding programs. JMO. Nekhbet,You have that spot on,put it on a lead poke a stick at it and there you have it, a monster, if only those morons could get passed defense drive and cruel Macho "I'm cool look at my dog" ego's.....
  6. Hi, Yes I do it with all my dogs and with any past rescue/foster, I also do it if a behaviour is REALLY bad.Though I don't do it till they're over about 4 months old.Many do it right from eight weeks old.... I don't recommend this for the sick,whelping or lactating though....
  7. Rev low fat milk, and if you ever catch a tongue kiss from a bub it tastes that way too.......
  8. We do the empty plastic bottle/container thing and whatever is on special like rope tugs or we use old towels.Toilet roll holders are good, kong style products are good too. All are reasonable in price but the household stuff is best and cheapest because in most cases,it is stuff you had to buy anyway.
  9. 8 to 12 wks is fine, anything older, I would want to know about socialisation and where the puppy had been and not......
  10. Cavandra, Your post is very offensive."I am not interested in your dogs slipped disc" that is distasteful at it's best. Grow up and find your manners!
  11. Oh, yes I understand those words :rolleyes: sometimes our words are powerful and although only words,they touch the heart deeply. I lost my Mastiff x to numerous problems 3 yrs ago, in the end I put him to sleep. Sometimes preparing a meal and placing it where you feel your lost ones spirit, helps the pain.
  12. Truly a lovely tribute, may he run free and be enjoying his new found healthy body over the other side. :rolleyes:
  13. Aww that's so sweet Allerzeit, your "old bag" was and is a beautiful lady,may she live on through her relatives and be tearing up the grass in the next plain. She is now with her kin,having a great old time with renewed strength. Blessed Innes.
  14. Farewell Handsome Lad....May there be an endless supply of tennis balls in the next plain. Sorry to hear of your loss ellz, he lived a decent length of time, he must have been well loved!
  15. Oh no, That's such a waste of life. I am so sorry for the loss of your Abby ;) May she run about like there is no tomorrow and be having a great time with all the other dogs whom are now crossed over. ;)
  16. This is an oldie ..... Steve, You mention giving Orange juice, how much? I have a pup four and a half months old now,who has always been a little low in pastern,I think it could be half genetic, his breeder also gave them vitamin c with a raw diet no other supplement. He's on a different diet now and over time has improved. I've never had a dog or puppy with a low or loose pastern before,so it's not something I've needed to research. He's on bonnie with some raw, like wings, beef,ox heart no longer any heart.He was eating yoghurt and cheese but I've removed them too and I've been keeping him on the lighter side. He's been going to the beach which I know is good for fixing fronts,Swimming/sand.I lift his front to suspend him, his feet are dead straight,when stacking I slightly adjust him and it's not there.He runs/walks straight no sign of anything.He places himself shockingly at times,he has substantial bone for a pup his age,hopefully it's nothing more...... Advice welcome! The first pic is the best, the middle is worst.
  17. :D ;) Fly young lady, off you go........Darling Ishka, R.I.P Pandii take care, you and the family. poor kids, Such short amounts of time we have with special friends,that's why we never forget them, a thousand years can feel like one day in the company of those we truly love....
  18. Trace, So many words so many thoughts come to mind, but what Abby was and still is,is your beautiful fluffy baby girl who lived alongside you all so well, may she herd those sheep whilst you are asleep and watch over you in the still of night. Abby R.I.P May you live on and live well,you are a hound with wings now,spread them wide......
  19. CavnRott, What a horrible experience,going to the vet for surgery and having to be careful of other dogs mess like that, absolutely not good enough IMO, when we humans go to the doctor,we are not expected to put up with that lack of consideration/hygiene. I hope all went well for your faith . I must say I have never done pup preschool, from what I've heard of it ,It's geared up for extreme novice dog owner's and the last thing I want to hear about is how to raise dogs from people who have only read about it in books Not saying all are this way...... My vet gives the Eukanuba sermon too :D Not to mention the "free" sample. Sometimes there is no choice but to use a clinic,less then desirable........ If a dog caught parvo from a vet clinic, I doubt they would divulge such info.
  20. May she run wild now :rolleyes: Beautiful Keisha she will always be with you in spirit.. :rolleyes: to you Ashli. :p You did the best thing for her,rest easy.
  21. 6 - 7 weeks old? Don't think it matters where they came from, the vet runs the classes from after first vaccine, so they are perfectly allowed to be there according to the vet, I don't agree with that at all either HH..........
  22. Should you wish to board a dog, first thing they ask is if you have a fully immunised dog,they require proof of this too............. It only takes one puppy to die,but I guess one is not enough to take note........... Taking a 6-8 week old to a vet IMO is for immunisation only, imagine that, puppy classes, what a great way to plug their products and of course the sponser's food..............
  23. I was quite surprised to be told by a vet this morning,that their preschool started from as soon as pup had it's first immunisation,I would think from 12 weeks old should be the begining,but I was informed my new 13 week old baby is most certainly too old.....................
  24. Griff Take care and always remember the good times, he's flying free and pain free,Good bye old boy :D Travel to the next plane with your buddies and be sure to check in on your human mum every now and again.
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