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Everything posted by arawnhaus

  1. Very cool sigs. Me please! Can I be in line too? :D Some photos, play with these please. :D
  2. I remember that thread now... Please come and let us know how she's doing.
  3. What am I missing? This is a thread for problems with a fearful dog. I have met two in the last three years,both I have owned.The first was a bit over two years ago,I bought at the age of 18 weeks old I kept the dog for 5 months and returned it to the breeder,this animal had never even seen a dog lead let alone walked on one,snapped at everything in sight and would retreat behind me.That is fearful yes? I think so.... Second dog I owned from 8 weeks old or a tad earlier,fine apparently normal pup,then at her second show got spooked by the judge. Since then, is having private show classes and has attended a couple of members comp's no prob's, then quite unexpectedly starts becoming spooked by more people of all ages and sexes.......Fearful yes?
  4. Another thing is what do you mean you've tested her out put?
  5. I take it you are not in the breeder section because you don't own a prefix? Anyway,are you giving her LOTS of water? Put her on Rapberry tea leaf in tablet form for good supply and uterine contractions for clearing out her system and bringing her milk down.Please try and keep them suckling as well as a top up IF really needed as the golden rule is..... The more they suckle the more she will produce. Getting whelps onto a teat can be frustrating,if you aren't getting anywhere try gently syringing it off to the side of the mouth,some puppies will drink from a syringe also.Alternatively a dropper will work nicely.What is the supplement you are using? Do please try and let her feed them naturally as a priority though.Give her calcium Sandoz if she is a bit thin or weak or just to help her along it is good stuff.
  6. I carry them about and use concrete paths etc I'll take them into a main street but no sniffing bins poles those sorts of things were other dogs most likely have been.
  7. Because I have come across it personally within the last three years. Thank you cosmo for your answer.
  8. I've come in late sorry,but is there a spot for Sunday available with a dog?
  9. I've heard great things about Morwell,may even get there soon. :D
  10. Interesting read. What happens if a dog was exposed to all the average things most dog owners let their dogs see and meet but the dog develops issues of fear eventually giving a classic example of flight/fight.?That is a puppy socialised by experienced dog people then with each outing becoming more nervous, not less,with minimal recovery time.This is only with people. In all my life of living with dogs,I've never really experienced fear based problems with dogs,within the past 3 years that has changed unfortunately.
  11. No way,better to not train at all then to do it incorrectly,Leaving the dog confused and perhaps without realising training bad habits and undesirable traits is all that achieves.
  12. Maybe try the Warragul and districts kennel club.There must be some training going on thereabouts.
  13. When one of my dogs was a five month old puppy,he killed a cat accidently shaking it. It was our Kitten and she got in the backyard.He isn't trustworthy around cats,he doesn't try to attack them.He sets himself and wants the chase and grab. Sorry no advice,I've accepted no cats for us and will always keep him away from other peoples.
  14. Wonderful news,what a miracle sophie is. Great news Anne. Again I'm very sorry to hear of Z passing on. BP, Sorry for your loss of Miss Keisha,I remember her frolicking around the yard,a photo from a while back with Diesel when he was much younger.I don't doubt she is doing the same frolicking in the next plain.She led a great life with you by the sounds of it. I do read your posts and again I do feel for each and everyone of you all whatever breed or type your mate is.
  15. I only just read this. :D How genuinely sorry I am to read these words. He was born in 05 and went today 08 on this day,amazing he had his last b.day and has now moved on to the next realm to be with all the Rottens and true Rotten friends.I bet he is blowing out his candles as we type and acknowledge this sad event. R.I.P Zed.
  16. I'm just letting all of you know, I feel for you and do think about the sickness's you are going through with your fur kids.I do read about all of you and I am very thankful to have never lost a dog to anything but old age.Cav,BP,ZED,you're in my thoughts and I am genuine I'm not just writing this "because". Blessings of happiness and contented dogs for you all.
  17. At one point supercoat was a decent food IMO but in the last couple of years it is horrible stuff. Your pup doesn't need cereal or milk porridge either.Toast with Vegemite is a way to get vitamin b into them,you could use any liquid vitamin that is sold for children such as pentavite if your worried about vitamins. I find many apparently 'premium' foods not good for my dogs as in it dries the coat and gives them a extra doggy smell.Great for reducing poo though. So for me it is BONNIE working and BONNIE puppy. Fresh bones/yoghurt/egg/cheese and the occasional tin of tuna oil and Apple cidar Vinegar. All this scattered throughout a fortnight. :D Good Luck.
  18. All my dogs and pup's get dry food and bones raw veg and the usual yoghurt cheese oil etc never a problem in one of them.
  19. I feed Bonnie puppy. I also feed raw all through the week.
  20. Absolutely, If my dogs do something out of the blue,I change their routine..It has always worked, Gomez. My young male Rottweiler broke into the food bin and ate about 3 days worth of food for him and two other dogs.He was starved for 48 hrs.That is about 36 cups of food......I honestly doubt he was hungry..
  21. I used to be a Supercoat fan,but in the last two years it is different somewhat.My dogs don't do well on it.I will be honest and say previous to this, it was a great food and did a wonderful job for oldies and youngens,I've had. It was a lot better then Science Diet /Advance etc.....However I only ever used the puppy formula. If it works for you,keep using it. Mine get Bonnie working or puppy for all and I throw in meat and veg yoghurt cheese etc throughout the week..... Cat poo is yummy for dogs Isn't it!
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