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  1. Thank you so much guys! I really am praying she is. This is our first litter and the excitement is unreal. People try to take our girl home all time is why we decided to breed her so we are really hoping for the best. My hopes were so broken yesterday so I’m just going to keep waiting and hoping the xray shows different. I go back October 2nd, which it 7 days before her due date. So finger crossed! I will keep you all updated.
  2. Hi, I took my 3 year old St Bernard to the vet today for an ultrasound. Today she would be around 41 days. Well the ultrasound they did, they couldn’t find anything? Has anyone else ever experienced a incorrect ultrasound. Where their dog was still pregnant? My studs owner said her female didn’t start showing till 45 days. She really isn’t showing any signs other than not really eat, and more lazy in my opinion. People say she looks bigger but I see her everyday so I don’t really notice a difference. I would say maybe her boobs are a little more saggy... any advice. Anything anyone has ever went through. They still want me to go back for the X-ray. That also did say she wasn’t the easiest dog to ultrasound.
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