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  1. Well when we got our pup (who is crate trained) we kept her in our room for a few weeks to allow her to settle in. Then we slowly moved her into another room (couple days every week or a few hours each night). It also really helped because our other two dogs were with all the time so she didn’t feel alone
  2. My puppy is 6 months this Friday, she is of course teething. No problems with chewing on things but she seriously has been weird about it. She has had a fever which caused a heat rash on her belly. And she refuses to eat unless we give her something smelly (ground beef fat, ground beef, canned food, etc.) and we were fine with having to add something. But now she is deciding she doesn’t want the same thing in her food for more that two days. She has lost a lot of weight and is barely eating, any tips? We were gonna maybe try the puppy teething gel but were unsure.
  3. We have a 6 month old lab mix who LOVES digging. Multiple trainers have recommended a kiddy pool filled with dirt and hide toys and treats. She loves it and it has worked great but...our other two dogs (never dig) decided that is would be nice to piss all in it. The puppy loves to dig and hates their smell of pee which makes her dig everywhere else but the pool. So we are constantly changing it out. But how do we discourage our other dogs peeing in the pool?
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