I have 13 yo family dog who is some type of Shepherd mix, but a large dog approximately hundred pounds. He was diagnosed with hip dysplagia when he was 7 and underwent a surgery at that time to help him walk. He has been on heavy pain medication since. For the past three-four months, he has been suffering worsening mobility most likely due to his hip dysplagia with significant muscle loss in his hind legs. At this point, he is unable to get up by himself and unable to walk more than five minutes unassisted. He is also incontinent and suffered at least six falls in the past few days often while trying to go #2.
The thing is, he still has an appetite and seems to want to go outside. We started using a make-shift harness in order to lift his hind legs. We are considering getting him a wheelchair for his hind legs. As of now, we have to monitor him constantly so that we can hear him whine when he wants to get up.
He mostly sleeps all day, but considering his limited mobility and who knows how much pain he is in, we have been back and forth considering putting him down. However, this is our first dog, so we don't really know when it's time. I was hoping to get feedback from this community about your thoughts or experiences with dogs with similar situation. Any help is appreciated, thanks!