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Everything posted by Paige04

  1. Hello, I am wanting all the advice and tips I can get from breeders. I am 15, and in the future, I would like to raise dogs. I have read into OFA, PennHIP, and the proper 'tests' certain breeds (That I would consider, and have liked.) should have.I have helped with whelping. I have read up on breed standards. I understand there are many back yard breeders, and I do not wish to breed for money profit or for color. I want to create my own lines of bettering the breed I go in. How did you start off? Advice, tips, anything is appreciated. How did you find the dog(s) that started your career? What was your set up? I am going into college after I finish HS, so I still have time before I decide, but I want to learn beforehand. Thank you for your time. Edit: For you, what do you consider as a Back Yard Breeder, and what are cons you take into consideration when trying to find a breeder? Also, do you register as a breeder? How does that work?
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