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Everything posted by smisch

  1. bit sad just mapped it, 2hr journey each way sadly the fuel cost are just too high atm. otherwise I'd have a lowchen who simply loves kids and people... if theres a program like this up central coast way I'd love to give it a go! good luck everyone it sounds like a wonderful cause
  2. ahhh bummer I didn't get a chsnce to read everything just skimmed quickly but will recommend paws for life they have been cheaper then most other places for other things so far like flea treatments
  3. we use paws for life for our black hawk.. for a 20kg bag delivered every 6-7 weeks we pay $83 we worth it and they have lots of other options too :)
  4. funny enough numerous times we have had discussion with the council about our dog numbers as we don't want problems... everytime we get a different answer and so keep doing the right thing and registering our dogs so we don't have problems... so far there are 6 dogs known to this address, one who no longer lives here though...
  5. right now we have 7 LOL had 9 earlier this week but 2 went home... right now ages range from 3 x12week pups and then the 14mth lakie the 2 lowchen who are 2 1/2 & almost 4 and then a 5yr old afghan
  6. same days as the grooming comp.. if you get bored :p not that that's possible come say hi lol im grooming and will be hanging about the ring with puppy getting her well socialized :) good luck to everyone this year :)
  7. wooooo finally!!! I fought for mine about 2 years ago with no luck! pity Im in NSW now! but yay for the rest of exhibitors
  8. This is why the Kennels where I work we DO NOT allow other dogs to run or bunk together unless they come from the same house or there are special instructions ... yes it takes longer to exercise the dogs but its safer and we can safely clean the kennels without worrying when the dogs are hhaving their run. Having said that though is it possible another dog got this boy through a fence or something? I know our indoor runs are solid so dogs cannot get to each other but if you head to the outside part of the run it is mesh. Just thinking if there was gaps or spacings in the runs walls that he could have been attacked through a fence. As far as what they can do Id be taking photos and get a vet report and talk to the manager/owner of the facility and make them aware and re-explain about the fact that they did pay extra for solitude. If the kennels values its reputation then you'd hope they'd do the right thing but of course that's not always the case. I hope everything works out for your dogs owners. ETA: I just saw your last post FFS that's ridiculous 5 days without treatment is cruel also the weight loss shocks me, but not defending these guys but is the dog in question a fussy dog as we have some dogs who come in who take a few days to adjust and eat properly, 7 KG is a phenominal amount of loss though so I'd actually be questioning what they are feeding as it sounds like complete crap or he wasn't fed at all
  9. Im so Sorry to hear about Buddy As someone who is learning to groom (more so to just be able to do a basic clip and trim to maintain my own dogs)I find this behaviour disgusting the first rule I learnt is never leave the dog on the table if you cannot keep a hand on them at all times.. Even though it doesn't bring Buddy back I know OH who is a groomer as well has shared your story through a groomers group to educated and remind others of what a simple and stupid decision can do.. *hugs* to you and your family tonight I hope some justice come from this
  10. 2 of my fav photos of my kids :) first one is our little girl Twist FKA Fattie lmao and the other one is our little boy Bazinga FKA Squeak! I haven't got too many of Bubbles atm as she can be camera shy lmao!! Hope everyone is coping well in the heat the bubs are coming to work with me tomorrow so they can have the A/C in the car and in one of the rooms whilst I work out back.. hopefully make the day a bit nicer for the lot of us.. don't wanna loose anyone to the heat thank gosh for good bosses!
  11. Finally some photos for you all I lost my pick at 3.5 weeks still not sure why but since then have fallen in love with these 2 and cannot part with them so convinced OH that I need to keep both of them LOL! so guess the mob is extending to 6 They're 5 weeks old tomorrow First one is our girl Miss Twist (Darkrai Twisted Sunshine)and the 2nd one is the little boy Bazinga (Zing) (Darkrai All That N Sunshine)Loving my bubbies and loving seeing them grow! Cant wait to experience the world together as right now the living room is a rather boring place Congrats to everyone who are expecting bundles of joy :D
  12. Here we go :) First one is our Girl Darkrai Twisted Sunshine - Twist Spitting Image of her mother LOL Sable and white Parti with a personality to match The 2nd one is out Boy Darkrai All That N Sunshine - Bazinga (Zing) Black and White Parti The Kids are 5 weeks old tomorrow :)
  13. Thanks i tried them on soaked biccies and divetalact and not much interest one boy licked it off my finger the others no interest think we will wait and try next weekend they will be three weeks then. I ave put a oool mat in one corner a couple have rested their heads on it. Just had a visit from a friend whose been a longtime breeder she said they are all ok and mum doesnt need to be with them as much so it was good to put my mind at rest she said they also start o vocalise a little bit as well just perimenting as long as its not on going they are fine. Thanks or all the support guys you never want o ush to ting the vet uneccesarily but also dont want o not go if need be and being new to having a litter i think i do panic at the drop of a hat....???? I hear you lol! you've read our saga from the last few weeks lol! but I think we've got it! lol gave the pups some mashed potato and pumpkin on a plate next to their regular dinner and well it was like little kids and cake lol!! they sat in it and gutts it!! they'll let you know when they are ready for Big kid foods
  14. we've started mush at about 3 weeks.. soaked bikkies mashed up and divetalac , our breeder suggested porridge made on puppy milk.. at 4 weeks old they're getting 4 meals a day and still sucking off mum when she lets them as the teeth are popping through slowly and it's obviously hurting.. we just leave the bowl down for them so they can pick as they choose but we change it for fresh food bout 4 times a day.. atm they get fed morning, mid morning, afternoon and then evening/night
  15. how did everyone go with fireworks last night?? pups had a party lol running round the lounge room as we rung in the new year send there appeared to be fireworks everywhere lol.. so far we've had the vaccume, storms, fireworks and everyday household appliances and they're going well with them :)
  16. well good news is she has pulled through :) back to happy fattie puppy lol! she's picked back up in her appetite and isn't as shaky so we can hopefully say the worst is over. still doesn't give us any answers as to what happened to her or her brother but for now take what we can get which is a happy pup sitting in her food dish :)
  17. what a day we've had.. had to run off to the vet as our fat girl looked like she was going downhill and didn't want to risk losing her. sadly though we still have no answers though.. we got her and a sibling tested for hypoglycemia with no luck as they were both normal andthe vitals are normal with the exception of a slightly raised temp but not high enough to be a fever.. as she is still little we can't get enough blood from her without risking making her worse or killing her as they need about 3mL of blood which is a lot of a 400g or so gram puppy if that.. no upset tummy or vomiting just the shakes and off her food which is not like her.. and this was in the space of about 3 hrs that she went downhill...vet suggested fluids except also admitted it probably wouldnt do much as she had good hydration and not knowing what was wrong with her it was possibly a waste of time and money she has improved slightly with less shakes we have to syringe feed her to keep the food going but she seems to be through the worst we hope..if she doesn't improve we will head to our regular vet this week as being Sunday had to go elsewhere.. there's been a few suggestions thrown around about conditions that will require more testing as she gets older but those are very unlikely scenarios... mum is healthy so not sure we just have to take it each day as it comes and deal with what we can. were trying our best to learn what we can, we don't know if this is a Lowchen thing or something else entirely but hopefully our journey will help others.. sending healthy vibes to everyone
  18. I have a few here lol :p if you want to come train one lol! but in all seriousness I'm aiming to have the first ET titled Lowchen .. were gonna be a bit late starting our training as she's still got a litter atm so hopefully we will start soon! also start training our lakie for 2014 :)
  19. What was the first indication that there was a problem? Has anybody read the thread on giving red cordial to puppies? literally in a space of hrs he developed what was believed to be hypoglycemia which we treated and there was minimal improvement .. went to bed Friday he had the slight shakes but apart from being whiney wasn't too bad, just lethargic but hoping a good nights rest and give his body time to rest. Saturday morning had to look after family but he was back to how he was Friday so treated him again and left him to rest with the plan of heading to the vet a short while later but sadly he passed on.. we're not sure if possibly mum sat on him as originally we found him curled up under his bed but we're never going to know.. our girls breeder had a litter recently where she lost a few to what we still believe was hypoglycemia.. she also managed to save a pup from it too.. so right now being vigal with everyone else. being an uncommon breed we don't know if they are susceptible to the condition.. so it's just a matter off Learning what we can.. it has been touch and go here as mum decided to stop feeding for a bit but we managed to get onto that.. her breeder has been so much support to us. just all the little things have Made it a roller coaster at the best of times lol!
  20. sadly at almost 4 weeks we lost our little dark boy "zayde" devastated as he was my pick to stay here not too sure what went on but he's not suffering and that's the main thing.. RIP my little Z-man "Darkrai Steal my Sunshine"
  21. congrats capanash :) look forward to photos!! well we had our first storm with no issues but the little brats have learnt they can fit through the baby gate lol!! so gotta be careful or I'll have a litter of Lowchen loose through my house lol! merry Christmas everyone :) from myself, Darkrai and the "sunshine" litter :)
  22. :D well my bubba Is 2 weeks old and they are growing like weeds :) got the choice between 2 boys and 2 girls.. and for those wondering what breed LOWCHEN :) what's another one in the house lol
  23. There's no limit. Only get problems if you get neighbours complaining, I have 11 dogs at my place. *Starts looking for a job in NSW* yep our council's do.stupid things like base numbers on weight lol .. our council does that ...I currently have 4 adults and 4 babies lol
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