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Posts posted by goldielover

  1. yep. final tally is 5 boys and 2 girls. that's an average litter for goldens and lovely for me as i live alone. i have a few friends who also breed goldens and their biches are from lines that have a lot of pups, and its common for them to have 13 or 14 pups!! no way i could deal with that!!

    pomz , my house looks like a crime scene. jumped in and out of the whelping box and just shook her entire body. i have gunk in my hair, all over the walls, and I'm pretty sure the ceilings copped it too!

  2. Sounds like you're going well Pockets! Using your nails was probably the best thing at the time. I usually have a small set of artery forceps (hemostats) here to help if needed (i have no fingernails LOL). I think you can buy them from whelpingsupplies.com.au?

    Gosh, i hope my Izzy is taking notes about daytime delivery!!

  3. It does sound like an animal, which is comforting LOL. My male golden has made a similar sound when yawning and 'talking' at the same time, but not for that length of time though, and also, considering the volume of the sound, it seems to be fairly close to your recorder, so not from outside. Also, i think i can hear other dogs howling in the background?

  4. The temperature doesn't gradually go down - it fluctuates, but once you get down to late 36, then usually it's within 24 hours after that, with the change in hormone levels

    It can be so difficult with bitches who are fussy eaters during pregnancy!! My girl was a shocker last time, but this time has been much better. I also had one girl who would only eat chicken necks. I was so worried about her, but we ended up with 7 healthy babies!

  5. LOL Poms - don't say that! I had a golden once who was ball obsessed. I had to chase her around the house while she raced around with a tennis ball in her mouth and i was busy catching puppies LOL. Thankfully after she delivered 4 or 5 pups she retired to the whelping box (with the tennis ball of course!)

    We saw 6 on the first ultrasound at 4 weeks, then 7 at 6 weeks (just wanted to check that she wasn't reabsorbing as she's had issues before). Wouldn't be surprised if there's another 1 or 2 in there (or perhaps i've just fed her way too much LOL)

  6. This can be quite normal and some dogs always have a small amount of pale cream discharge, kind of like the smegma equivalent in dogs.If the discharge is very smelly though or is green or particularly gunky then it could be balanitis which is an inflammation of the opening of the penis and should probably be seen by the vet and depending upon the severity, regular flushing or antibiotics may be advised.

    That's it! Couldn't for the life of me remember what it was called :)

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