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Everything posted by goldielover

  1. We've also bought from them several times (i do one order a year to save on postage). They're fast and efficient. It's run by a vet surgery in Qld. The products i've ordered (Advantage and Interceptor Spectrum) also have very long expiry dates (several years!)
  2. aargghh.. Jazz is a great burper. She comes right up to your face and lets it rip LOL. Apparently it's in her lines, her Mum and kids are the same! haha. Chelsea is a farter... not loud, but when they pop out, she gets an almighty surprise and looks around at her butt as if she's surprised!
  3. I enjoyed Berwick Obedience Club (McKenzies Lane, Narre Warren North). Quite laid back and friendly. http://www.berwickodc.asn.au/ I'm now going to ADT at Berwick (Kangan Drive, opposite the hospital). They are excellent,but it really depends on what you want out of a club and your budget: http://www.australiandogtraining.com.au/ Both train on Saturdays.
  4. You learn something new every day... i didn't realise that Linseed and Flaxseed oil were one and the same! I've been using Goochy's lately, which i've found quite good (but messy), but prior to that i used Vets All Natural Omega Blend. I've also used their Flaxseed oil. With the Vitamin E capsules, you can cut them open and dab the oil directly onto (closed, not open) wounds to help with healing.
  5. :D agree! oops... i hit the reply button accidentally.. I keep rooms i don't want my girls to go in blocked off when i'm not there to watch em... little buggers!
  6. I agree, always stick to what is best for your dog... axxl, if you're using Eagle Pack Large Breed Puppy you can safely use that for quite some time. You are absolutely correct in saying that the only difference is the extra glucosamine. I know of some people using Large breed puppy for older dogs as well. It's some of the other super premium foods with a higher level of protein that breeders are referring to when they recommend changing over to adult at 5 or 6 months of age eg. Euk, ProPlan, etc. I only have my puppy (9 months) and adult bitch on Adult Eagle Pack because i'm lazy and don't want to feed different foods, plus i can get the 18kg EP quite cheap, and i also supplement with fish oil anyway for joint health.
  7. With a larger breed dog, MOST research indicates that a lot of Puppy/growth formula's contain too much protein. Protein is essential for adequate growth, but with the large breeds you want that growth to be gradual and more sustained. Some of the super premium foods have a high percentage of protein. I've never looked into IAMS personally. My choice would be Eagle Pack, but it may not suit you if you're looking at a larger biscuit. Come to think of it, most of the brands i've used have smaller sized kibble. I guess another thing you could consider is giving more raw meaty bones to give his teeth and mouth a bit of a workout. Many Golden breeders change their pups over from Puppy to adult food at 5 or 6 months, but i'm not sure how large your breed gets?
  8. I agree with the others. The only one i buy occasionally is Natures Gift. They probably get only get a can or 2 a week each though. My older girl isn't keen on any dry food, so i use it to make it more palatable for her. Mind you, when she was in whelp last year, she wouldn't eat anything but chicken necks and raw mince. Out of desperation i tried everything and the only thing i could get her to eat was Optimum canned food. Didn't want to do it, but didn't have a lot of choice! lol
  9. I think the vaccination only covers 2 of the many strains of kennel cough. Hope your dogs are feeling better soon!
  10. Yep, exactly! It can be very difficult to explain canine nutrition to puppy buyers or people new to dogs, so i've always found it best to discuss what will suit them best. Some just want to feed dry and the odd bone... others want to feed different foods, but many don't know what foods to avoid or to use in limited quantities.
  11. Sorry, i disagree there. Depending on what is fed in addition to some super premium foods, you are in danger of creating nutritional imbalances.
  12. I used the Large Breed puppy on my Golden from between 4 and 6 or 7 months of age, then went over to the EP Natural Holistic Adult so both my girls were on the same one! The litter had been raised on Purina Pro Plan, which i also find an excellent food, but it is a complete food and i like to feed other foods. I also feed some raw meat/vegies/BARF patties and bones, plus some other goodies like cottage cheese, sardines, the odd egg, and natural yoghurt. Mine are doing really well on it. If you need to buy the adult EP, Pet Stock have it on special for $76 for 18kg. I think the Large Breed Puppy was also on special, but couldn't tell you how much.
  13. Sounds like she may have put her back out. Definitely take her to the vet first.
  14. My young girl also experienced colitis at around 12 weeks of age. We initially tried boiled chicken and rice, then had her on the Science Diet Z/D, and also tried slippery elm powder and aloe vera juice. Pretty much nothing worked and after 3 weeks all of a sudden it suddenly cleared up. The vet could feel nodules in her bowel, and felt in the end that it was a reaction to something she ate. I hope your pup improves!
  15. I use Wahl straight scissors and double sided thinners. I think they were about $75 each? I'm quite happy with both.
  16. Yep, same... usually chicken necks, or a carcass, or Eagle Pack if i decide to feed the bones inthe evening.
  17. Anne, you poor thing.. you must be so worried. I've only just noticed this thread. It's awful when our babies are unwell. I'll keep everything crossed for Murray and sending lots of pawsitive thoughts your way!
  18. Glad to hear of positive experiences with Tony.. we're going there on Wednesday. My girls are the same... they run around like complete idiots. My young one, in particular is as rough as guts, flies over pretty much everything (dreading getting her hips/elbows done!) and actually body slams her mother!! Poor Jazz will be just standing in the yard and Chelsea will run full pelt into her, slamming her onto the ground... i cringe every time! Anyway, hence the need for a chiro!
  19. Hey Simone, I've got Thursday and Friday off if either suits for the kids to have a play in the park. Chelsea and Jazz are both off to the chiropractor on Wednesday, but i'm sure they'll be fine. Chelsea flew over the puppy pen that i use as a barrier this morning, so it shouldn't be anything serious... hasn't slowed her down anyway!
  20. P.S. Chelsea says, if Toby needs any hints on misbehaving, just to ask... she has plenty!
  21. YAY! Well done guys! Toby is such a smarty pants. Chelsea is telling him he'd better play up a little so as not to be teachers pet!
  22. What a lovely looking boy Sam was. I'm sure he'll be winning the races in Rainbow Bridge.
  23. lol she may slow down a bit. My golden pup was the same. Food would be gone before i could even stand up! Now it takes her at least a full minute to finish a meal . I'm not sure what you are feeding, but if it's kibble, you could always spread it around a large surface.
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