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Everything posted by goldielover

  1. I also don't come in here often. I'm so sorry for your loss springergirl. I remember meeting Max at a DOL meet at KCC Park and even have a few pics of the meet. He seemed like such a lovely boy!
  2. I thought Interceptor Spectrum did all intestinal worms?? I think i still have some here so will check it out.
  3. I use the Melrose brand from a health food shop, but don't measure - just add a good dash LOL
  4. I've had to do that with both Chelsea and Ally. A cup or so of dry is gone before i can even stand up from putting the bowl down. Chelsea is fine now, but i still feed Ally outside by spreading her dry over the concrete ground - takes her much longer that way!
  5. If you're adding mince (beef in particular) you should ensure that he's getting enough calcium as well so as not to upset the calcium - phosphorus balance. If you want to continue adding mince, i'd be adding lite cottage cheese (not creamed) to most meals and maybe for some variety natural set yoghurt. Also being quite young you could soak his Supercoat Puppy for around 20 mins in warm tap water until it's mushy, then add the mince and cottage cheese in and stir it, so he can't leave the dry food then. If he's still not eating all 3 meals, decrease the quantity of mince. Are you absolutely sure he's 3.2 kg?? That is very small for an 8 week old baby! We also have a Retriever breeds thread in the Breed Sub forum of the General section - feel free to join in - we have a great bunch of retriever owners there who will offer lots of support!
  6. Maybe take a pic if you can so that we can see? I use Ungvita for regular rashes, but not for anything fungal.
  7. After having GSD's, I got a shock the first time I gave my Goldie a chicken neck as a puppy. There was no chewing (no enjoyment). He just "sucked" it down. It was a long time before I gave him another one . I have the same issue here. If i want to feed young pups chicken necks i mash them down, otherwise i usually wait as my goldens just swallow them whole!!
  8. I also supervise young pups with chicken necks. I remember another goldie breeder once telling me that she had given a young pup (i think around 10 weeks) a chicken neck, which she gulped down, she must have regurgitated it whilst the breeder was out and chocked to death. I do feed chicken necks, but make sure i'm home for the next few hours, particularly if they just swallow them whole.
  9. Yes sirreeeee! Lamb necks especially give my golden girls the farts (not to mention sloppy poo's!!!)
  10. Thanks for that Cosmolo - will give them your website link!
  11. Hi everyone, Can anyone recommend a dog club/obedience center that uses or will support clicker training? It's for one of my puppy people who lives near Patterson Lakes, but willing to travel. Please feel free to PM as well - any negative as well as positive experiences! Thanks!
  12. I wouldn't be getting 2 pups at once either. The amount of effort that goes into 1 pup is plenty!! I'd do as FTPO suggested and get another pup when your first pup is older. You may even find that you can't cope with another for a few years!
  13. I don't have a problem selling a puppy to a couple who work full time (say away for maximum of 8 hours a day). If they are dedicated and committed to ensuring that the pup gets lots of attention, correct feeding, exercise, etc., i would rather one of my pups go to that home than one where someone is home all day and basically leaves the pup in the yard. Some employers are also willing to negotiate times. For example if you both work 9 to 5, perhaps one can start an hour or 2 earlier? From my experience, people who usually work during the week are also more likely to take their dogs to socialisation and obedience classes (MOST IMPORTANT for a puppy!) than say a retired couple. I would definitely not be crating inside for lengthy periods though, particularly without supervision. The pup would be better off in a small fenced off area or run with shelter.
  14. Spot on molasseslass. I've done a fair amount of research myself and have come to the same conclusion: Nutrience (holistic), Nutro, EP, Ziwipeak and Dick Van Pattens Natural Balance came out the best for me as well. In saying that, sometimes my budget dictates what i buy for my girls and over the years i have used some Advance varieties, Proplan, even Optimum on the odd occasion.
  15. There are some people on here that will only shout the praises of certain brands which really riles me. It is all about what your dog does best on. Some prefer Eagle pack, some prefer Nutro, some RC, etc. etc. When a vet asks you what food you're feeding and hasn't heard of it, you can guarantee that they know very little about canine nutrition. It's not like there are thousands of brands out there. I would think it would be part of their job to be up to date with different brands and different methods of feeding, not just several brands - and why always the same 2 or 3??
  16. Nutrience Holistic is an excellent food. Nutrience original formulas are pretty decent too, and i would imagine quite comparable to Advance. I would not say that Advance is a super premium food either. The Advance formula's i have used and looked at all contain by-products??? As for (non-prescription) Science diet, you only need to look at the ingredient list for yourself and compare it with Nutrience. I do only feed human grade mince, but then i have a local butcher where i can get it for $3.50 a kilo so it's very cost-effective for me.
  17. I usually start with a little mince or tiny beef shavings at 3 to 3.5 weeks. I also give natural yoghurt very early on. I've weaned puppies onto ProPlan, Advance Rehydratable (then went to EP at 6 weeks slowly) and the new EP Holistic for Large/Giant breeds (recent litter) and can honestly say that they did well on all of them. I found that the EP Holistic soaked really well (about 25 minutes in warm tap water), but only if i used a plastic container and popped the lid on. If i soaked it in the metal bowl it took ages - no idea why! ETA. I also made up some Biolac at night when they were over 5 weeks old (just half strength) and fed it to them at night right before bed. They don't need it if they're getting a complete food, but i just found that it helped them settle very well.
  18. I agree - lose some of the fruit and give her an extra worming. If it hasn't improved in a few days take a sample to the vet.
  19. It's also worth checking if any of the retailers or delivery services will offer a 'buy x amount and then get a bag free' sort of scheme.
  20. I use Eagle Pack as well - different formulas for each dog. My current litter is being raised on the new Holistic for Large & Giant breed puppy's and i also have an 8 month old golden on it who's doing very well. So far i'm very happy with it.
  21. I remember my golden girl having 3 weeks of mucous/jelly like mustard coloured poos after her 12 week vaccination with Fort Dodge. Are the Protech Duramine injections made by the same people, or are people experiencing a lot of reactions with that as well? I've been using that since for all of my pups and adults with no problems (yet!)
  22. What a bummer! I also have a girl that has an anaphylactic reaction to bee stings - it all happens so quickly. You should really speak to your vet about injections to keep at home. I know my vet isn't happy about people giving Adrenalin, but i have Cortisone and anti-histamine injections at home just in case. I did have to use them last year though!
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