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Everything posted by bel

  1. bel

    T & G

    I'm not entered , but can anyone tell me how Shih tzus and how many Dalmatians are entered please?
  2. Can someone tell me how many Shih tzus entered?
  3. He's a half brother to Lilly my friends dally.
  4. Gussysmum what is Gus's prefix? Mack sure if come and meet Lilly and her fluffy friends.
  5. I'll be there with a friend who has a stall for pet photography. If u see some crazy ladies with a heap of Shih Tzus and a dally come and say hi.
  6. It decided to ram just as the Tzus were about to go in. Didn't bother my guys, with my older boy Carter (Beltzu Headline News) picking up a 10 point best of breed bringing him almost half way to his title.
  7. Can someone cross post the breed breakdown? I can't use oz show as I only have a yahoo email account. Thank u. Ps or at least I need to know dally and Tzu entries plus non sporting totals thanks
  8. Is there anyway of finding out the breed breakdown?
  9. Me. I'm heading up again for the 3rd year in a row.
  10. BB- breed is Shih Tzu. Her due date from ovulation was jan 4th. Will post pix soon just waiting for computer to be fixed.
  11. Didn't add anything earlier as I didn't want to jinx anything as she had missed last season. Miss Bronte gave birth to 6 beautiful babies last night. 5 boys and 1 little girl all black and white.
  12. I use comfortis in all my dogs bar pregnant or lactating bitches. One of my girls had it monthly until she came in to season and went on to have a very healthy litter of 4 pups. I currently have a bitch 5 weeks in whelp (confirmed via ultrasound last week) who was also on comfortis until she came into season. She is expecting at least 5 pups. I don't know about my stud dogs fertility as 1 has had the superlorin (sp?) implant and neither of my other boys have been used at stud. I will continue to use it as I have had a severe flea problem where one show dog ripped all his coat out.
  13. *********Update******* Girls have been found. Both were together. The ranger rang me saying he picked the girls up and them proceeded to drop them home for me. Very relieved and so happy they are home. Fences have been fixed from where the excaped so fingers crossed they don't find anymore gaps.
  14. Sorry should have said. They went missing from st Clair near penrith in western Sydney. Did a door knock today. Someone had sighted them but told them to go away. Will continue to do flyers and more door knocking tomorrow night.
  15. 2 of my Shih Tzu girls decided to take themselves for a wonder on Saturday night. Bronte is a black and white she is 2 years old and my main fear with her is she is approx 4 weeks pregnant. Chelsea is gold and white almost 4 years old and only has 1 eye. The girls are mother and daughter so I expect them to be still together. They are both microchipped. Details are up to date. I have rang both blacktown and hawkesbury pounds as well as some of the local vet clinics. Have also spoken with the local ranger. About to go do a door knock of the area Prayers needed for their safe and quick return.
  16. Good luck everyone. I. Entered but as it's been raining and is still predicted to rain all weekend I've decided not to travel the 6 hours each way to the shows. I'm a bit of a woose lol didn't want to take 3 coated dogs. If anyone wants catalogs I've ordered one for each day you can pick up. Looking forward to seeing non sporting results particularly Shih Tzus.
  17. Can anyone recommend an obedience club with in half an hour of Erskine Park? I want to eventually trail one of my Shih Tzus so need a club whose instructors have dealt with small dogs. I know penrith k & o c run on Wednesday nights but was looking at doing a few nights a week with him. Thanks
  18. No idea on full results, but my baby Shih Tzu , Emily (Beltzu Heart And Soul) went baby in group. I think BIS was the dally
  19. My girl had an xray last night she has 8 days to go and was able to see pups clealy.
  20. Had a great time showing in Darwin over the last 2 weeks. These shows were run so well a big well done to all who put the hard work into making these shows enjoyable. Our results were better then I could have expected. Gus (Beltzu It's All About Me) won 3 X best in groups , 1 X runner up best in group and 6 X junior in groups as well as gaining his final points and will be now known as Aust Ch Beltzu It's All About Me. Bayley (Beltzu Dare To Dream Bout Me) won 2 X Baby puppy in groups Lilly (Ch Beltzu PS I Love You) won 3 X intermediate in groups as well as beating Gus for best of breed at our last show up north (Lilly is loved and shown by my great friend Carol) And finally Chloe (Beltzu Love Me If You Dare) won 4 X baby puppy in group. Chloe will be staying in Darwin to be shown along side her big sister Lilly. Can't wait til next year to head back again.
  21. Catalog is in the grooming bag so don't know names of dogs. From memory big group 4 standard smooth haired dashound rubig whippet Big group 3 German shorthaired pointer rubig Irish setter
  22. Yay mine numbers arrived today Only 2 sleeps to go til I fly to Darwin see you all sat night
  23. So looking forward to going. Only 4 weeks today til I fly to Darwin My royal entries have been confirmed (thanks Sooz) just hope the other entries made it safe to Darwin.
  24. No puppies for us. Both my girls have missed. I have now suspended my breeding program indefently.
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