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Everything posted by bel

  1. Last night in Darwin, my little Shih Tzu girl Mollie (Beltzu Leap of Faith), who is co-owned and handled by Carol Sherwood, gained her final points to become an Australian Champion. What made it even more special, she not only went BEST IN GROUP, Mollie followed it up with RUNNER UP BEST IN SHOW. Mollie is my 8th home bred champion, and the 8th for her dam "Hannah"-Ch Erintoi Sweet Dreams.
  2. I took my girl in for her ultrasound tonight. Chelsea was comfirmed pregnant We could see 4 puppies as soon as she put the prob on her. Vet seems to think 6 maybe even up to 8 puppies. i think she is following her mum as she also had large litters.
  3. "She's coating up really nicely too Bel" thanx. Carol has done a wonderful job with all my Tzu's i have sent to her. She will have another one mid April so hopefully he can do well for her as well.
  4. Well done. I have a little brag for someone up there, my little Tzu is being shown by carol picked up another runner up best in group. Mollie is now only 1 cc away from her title.
  5. I have been waiting for someone to start a March thread lol I have a litter of Tzu puppies due from the 12th
  6. I used it last winter on my then 11 yo boy. He was lame for an unknown reason so after x-rays and a course of cartrophen injections he wasn't getting better. I used this and with in 3 weeks he was walking on his leg.
  7. I don't know about thinning sicssors , but I was desperate f few months ago and went to Mr Minute. It cost me abouyt $15 to get my sissors done.
  8. Another product to try is Pernaease powder. I have had my 12yo on it for just over 3 weeks and have noticed a big difference. It is also a lot cheaper then Joint Guard. regards Bel
  9. Advocate doesn't cover tapeworm, so you will still need to worm for this. It can be done with a tablet called Droncit, which only covers tapeworm. Endogard is an all wormer covering all 11 intestinal worms. \How old is you puppy/dog? If he/she is under 6 months you will still need to use a all wormer regardless of what other products your using.
  10. I had a dog with ringworm several years ago. I washed the affected area daily im malaseb. Malaseb is an anti fungal shampoo available from you vet. regards Bel
  11. I would also reccommend k9kutz. He has become the proud owner of 2 of my Tzu's and they are in fantastic coat condition. PM me if you would like his number. Bel
  12. I decided to bit the bullet and enter Pugsly in his first ccd trial. Although he didnt get a pass, he did better then i expected. He's score for heel work was 21 and he's stand for exam was 8. He then decided not to come on the recall. regards Bel
  13. thank you for the link. I did about a five mimute training session with Pugsly earlier today and he was very eager to work. I will deffently be entering him within the next few months and will see how he goes. regards bel
  14. Thanks for the replys. The dog in question is now 10 years old and he is a cross bred terrier. Pugsly always managed to fail an exercise in novice and he hated the fact you had to do 2 healling paterns. He is a very stable dog with his stays, never put a foot rong in the stand for exam or stand stay, by the time I gave up obedience with him he was doing open and ud stays. He cant compete in open or ud as he has spinal problems and we have been told not to let him jump which also stopped him from doing agility. I will take him back to training classes in the new year and hopefully entering him with in the next few months(he hats the heat so might wait until its cooler). thanks again for your replys. regards Bel
  15. Just wanted to know whats involved? I have trained one of my dogs to CD (novice) level , but was unable to get any passes with him. This was over 4 years ago. I then got envolved in comformation shows, which I do most weekends and gave up with training/trialing him. I was looking at taking him back to training and got to thinking about the new classes and thought I would have a go at trialing him again. From what I've read it is less work for the dog. Any help or comments would be appriciated regards Bel
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