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Liver Shunt Diagnosis And Vet Recommendation
bel replied to digitalwingx's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
My Shih Tzu Logan has just had surgery to repair a very large liver shunt. Looking back Logan had signs all along but nothing was distinctive of a shunt. He was a sole surviving puppy who his mother would try and bury every time he fed so we had to bottle feed him. We put his aggression down to that but it's also a sign of a shunt. Logan was always skinny but not overly small for the breed. His coat was never as good as what the breed should have. He wasn't diagnosed until he was just under 4 years old. Late last year he vomited blood , vet check we started antibiotics and he seemed to recover. Less then 6 months later he vomited blood again but was not back to his self so we did blood tests. All signs pointed to a portosystemic shunt. Off to ARH in Canberra and he had surgery. The specialist couldn't believe he was 4 and was still a very bright and happy dog. He couldn't believe how large Logan's shunt was. It's now been over 3 months and Logan is now a normal happy healthy dog. It cost me under $4000 but that was only the ct and surgery as I work in a vet clinic so all his meds I got through my work. He lived on hills l/d for about 8 weeks post surgery and is now on normal adult dry food -
Excited to say our Dalmatian litter arrived last night. Poor momma dog was rushed to the vets last night resulting in an emergency c sec. One pup was blocking the way and sadly didn't make it. We also had 1 pup which looked to have died about 1-2 weeks ago and there was also a mummified puppy full of black fluid in one horn of her uterus which resulted in her uterus being damaged. We there fore decided it was in her best interest to desex her as the vets felt she wouldn't be able to sustain any further pregnancies. So we have 8 surviving babies 3 boys and 5 girls.
A bittersweet day yesterday at Beltzu Shih Tzus. Miss Maggie blessed us with 4 gorgeous babies on what would have been Hannah's 14th birthday if she was was still with us. We take this as a sign of her looking over her newest grandchildren. We have decided to name one of the babies after her so their names will hopefully be: Beltzu Sweet Dreams (Bella) Beltzu I Will Always Love You(Whitney) Beltzu The Bodyguard (Frank) Beltzu Waiting For You (Fletcher). Hannah was my first ever show dog, the foundation of my lines and taught me so much to do with breeding and showing dogs. We lost Hannah to mammary cancer in September last year. These babies are sired by Hannah's son from her last ever litter so they are extra special in every way. If all goes well and they all turn out to be amazing examples of the breed it looks like we will run all 4 pups on for showing Hers a pic of the amazing babies and their mum.
Our shih tzu girl was confirmed yesterday. At least 3 babies seen.
Fingers crossed for a shih tzu litter due March 17 and a Dalmatian litter due March 20. Busy times ahead here.
Cara de mo chrio Irish for friend of my heart
Our babies arrived yesterday by c sec 6 boys and 2 girls. Mum and pups doing well.
Really excited to announce that we have a confirmed pregnancy
If any of my girls require a Caesarian , I desex them at time of surgery. I don't allow my girls to have more then one even if it was to be their first litter.
For Those That Have Used The Suprelorin Implant
bel replied to OSoSwift's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Been quite a while since I've been on these forums but thought I'd five an update on my boy. 6 months ago we tried to get a sample from my boy. Managed only a few drops. There was sperm but not much and it want of quality either. Fast forward to yesterday. Have a bitch on season who I really wanted to use this boy over but had resigned to the fact we may never use him. He's driving me crazy with her in season and ready so we head off to the vets. Talk about a super keen dog, vet only had to touch him and he was all for it lol So long story short he's quality and quantity is amazing he even has a far better sperm count to before the implant. Only took 4 1/2 years to wear off. -
I have a brachy breed and have only had 3 Caesars in 13 years of breeding them.
Guess I'll get in nice and early. Did an AI yesterday so pups hopefully due dec 10.
Sorry haven't been in here lately. Congrats to all the mums there is going to be some very busy times ahead Hope nynx is going ok with her leg. Sadly we lost a girl on Sunday night and had to make that decision today and say goodbye to another one of the girls. It's times like this I wish I didn't breed dogs it's been a very emotionally exhausting time lately and it's making me seriously think about why I would want to breed again.
Good luck to all mothers due. Hope all goes well. I'm so sorry to read indigirl about nynx. Hope she recovers well. Miss Beth's babies are 9 days old and growing really well. We still don't know what's wrong with Beth but she's eating and drinking well is quite happy within herself now. Blood test reveled her kidney enzymes are high. Vet is unsure if what's going on is related to the c-sec or pregnancy/lactation so we are waiting til the babies are weaned and will repeat the blood tests again unless she becomes sick in the mean time.
I have had 8 pups before with a shih Tzu litter. But yes it is a large litter. Mum is very unsettled at the moment but she is cleaning and feeding them.