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  1. FYI, most of us live in urban areas and the responsible ones do not let our dogs out of the house to roam - there are dangers, such as being hit by a car, stolen, getting lost and starving... We also have to leash our dogs in public. Can I ask, how large are your dog parks? Let's say you're on one side, your dog is on the other, getting himself attached to a bitch in heat. How fast could you run over to detach them? Chances are, not fast enough to prevent impregnation. Does this make you an irresponsible owner? Of course it does - you have the opportunity NOW to prevent this. If you don't take the opportunity you are irresponsible. Please, visit an animal shelter, and see how many unwanted dogs are there due to "accidents" caused by undesexed dogs.
  2. I wash my staffy x about once every 4 weeks, and do the flea treatment at the same time. She also gets rinse offs when she's been to the beach. She's sooo funny now though, because she's learned that if we follow her around the house calling her name, it must be bath time, so she slinks unhappily into the bathroom and hops in the bath :rolleyes:
  3. if there's heaps of demand for the DVDs I have a DVD burner at home and could help out making some copies (only on request by Steve, of course!)
  4. You know that AAMI insurance ad where the dog jumps through the car's sunroof and lands on the girl's head? .... Yep.
  5. wooo.. i fink I knows where you live, Myszka! it's actually not very far from me I'm on the other side of the reservoir on Forest Rd Thanks Tarka, I know all about editing, so no worries there - take your time!
  6. Can someone let me know when the video is ready? then I'll pay my bucks to get a copy! (oh, btw, I only have a DVD player so i'll need a DVD not a VHS - hope this doesn't cause too much trouble) Thanks I really wish I could have gone
  7. I'm also interested to see the presentation, but get home from work at 7pm so can't attend (even though I'm probably just around the corner from you, Myszka!) I'd be happy to pay $35 for a copy of the tape. (I could make a DVD with intro and credits and music too) Steve could sell it in a shop on his premises!!
  8. I must admit, I was feeling guilty getting free advice from you I'll see if I can talk my bf into it.
  9. Thanks, patch. In my many searches on dog behaviour when I first got Amber, I did come across Turid Rugaas. I lick my nose at Amber
  10. I see what you're saying. the key is to notice the triggers and step in to prevent a bad interaction. I have noticed with Amber that she can be a bit of a bully. I had diagnosed it as fear aggression, but only when it became extreme circumstances, as in my original post. I wasn't aware that the same factors were causing her to pull on the leash while walking I remember reading some advice on a website to ensure that I watch the dog as well as the world while walking her, and after last night I think I'll be able to see the early signs of avoidance - change in gait, head turned and focused on something, change in tail position - and take the appropriate steps. I think this might be a big challenge for us to overcome. We've come a long way since adopting her in January. I'm hoping this will have Amber being the happy dog she is at home, instead of the wild dog she can be on walks and in the park. Now I just have to educate my bf... (he can get a little distracted with talking while walking...) Thank you.
  11. Thanks ppl for your replies and helpful advice. I walked Amber last night and this morning on our usual route, but this time I made sure I had myself between her and any houses that have barking dogs. Being the usual route, I knew when they were coming up, so could manouvre myself in between. I must say, I've never seen her so calm on a walk before! She usually gets kind of strutty and skittish, and pulls at the leash, but by then end of the walk this morning, she was like a kid hanging off its mothers apron-strings! I'll keep practising this, particularly in situations with loose dogs. Thanks a bunch!!!
  12. ok I'll try that then. Thanks to both of you for your help!!
  13. Should I call to the other owner/s to get their dogs away? Because we've (my bf and I, and Amber) walked away and been followed by the off-leash dogs, and this gets Amber even more nervous (I imagine because she can't see the other dog)
  14. It's down, but not wagging (pretty sure about this, will have to check next time, god forbid!) Thanks heaps for your advice.
  15. How would I control the meet? Thanks for your advice K9 Force
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