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  1. Thanks Rebanne and Dogsfevr. I think I might just get her the 3rd booster anyway. From what I've read it probably won't do any harm and after having a chat to the vet they have confirmed that we're in a fairly high Parvo area. I didn't know about possible pet insurance restrictions based on number of Vaccinations. I will have to sit down and have a read when I have some time.
  2. Hey all - long time lurker first time poster! Our pup had her 2nd vaccinations at 10 weeks old. She was given Nobivac DHP and Nobivac KC (nasal spray kind). Her first vaccination with the breeder was Protech C3. The vet told us that with these vaccinations the 3rd booster shot isn't required. The vet also said that our pup could go for walks and all other usual dog activity a week after the vaccinations (so 11 weeks). Following on from this advice we took her to an off-lead dog park our older dog has been going to shortly after the 11 week mark. While we were there a guy we met expressed concern that a dog's vaccinations don't really kick in until 16 weeks old so I guess I'm just a little concerned now. I don't mind getting the 3rd booster if it's required but I don't really want to over-vaccinate my dog either. FWIW, our other dog ( who we take to a different vet) had a Protech C4 vaccination at 11 weeks and 15 weeks in addition to his first vaccination with the breeder. I vaguely recall the vet at the time saying the 3rd vaccination was more of a "just in case shot". I'll be calling the vet in the morning but what are people's thoughts? Should it be safe to take the younger pup to the park? Should we think about getting her the 3rd booster shot at our older dog's vet just in case? As an aside I keep reading comments like "make sure your area isn't high in Parvo" but how would you find this information out? I have tried to google it but can't really find anything relevant to the last 6 months.
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