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Everything posted by VinnieG88

  1. Hi, My beautiful Kelpie has just turned 1 and for the first time she started to stagger and fall over after about 30 minutes of strenuous exercise. It wasn’t an overly hot day and I have read that Kelpies can run for hours without problems. The episode only lasted for a few minutes and she drank lots of water whilst recovering. She is a typical Kelpie and is always on the go and wants to run but I’m worried that it might happen again. I’ve research BBC anD EIC syndrome but this seems common only in border collies and labs? Visually she looks extremely healthy but seems to only want to eat once a day and was wondering if she may have been dehydrated? I researched dehydration and that doesn’t seem to cause staggering and imbalance? She is only interested in playing and running. Has anyone else experienced similar issues? Any help would be much appreciated .
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