Thank you. I have a harness but he was so active it was hard to put on. So will use it again and, instead. So get these good weeks then what happened at the market. Its all very helpful advice and can wait for the February intake of the Buderim group. Ill look in at Pines River too and see what works best. I think sometimes when I put him in the car he thinks he's going to be given away again as he made a big journey up from Victoria in a trailer over 3 days when I inherited him. I think the plane would have been much better but at very least he feels secure in the crate they travel in when had to make one more journey back for a bit. So will get there and made lots of progress but there are these days when it all reverts as if you achieved nothing. Thank you lots sandgrubber, Tassie and Dogsfevr. He is a beautiful dog and he is eager to do well and just enormously happy.