Hi everyone, I have bought two maremma puppies, from different bloodlines. Viewed parents of both and they were beautiful and massive healthy dogs.
My main question is that both there coats are different, and the male is 3 weeks younger then the female but much stockier.
Do you think the male has Pyrenees in him while she is just a pure maremma?? She is 14 weeks and weighs 15.8kgs and he is 11 weeks and weight 16kgs. Both gaining at least a kg a week in weight. But just look different. But all parents looked the same.
They both have constant access on high quality Xlarge breed, puppy food. And get meat cooked for them every night, usually white meat but occasionally red.
They have both been wormed recently, and she has put on 2.5kgs in 9 days days but still very slender.
Any information on breed and weight would be much appreciated.