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Everything posted by haven

  1. I do hope you're keeping a record of all his shenanigans Kirty, a man once made an awful lot of money by sharing the exploits of his labrador :D
  2. I've had good results using DAP with one of my dogs who had chronic anxiety issues, however I was doing a number of things at the time to treat the problem so I don't know exactly what worked how well. It is my opinion though that a change in diet saw a greater and more lasting improvement. I have also used nervatona spray on him and a number of other dogs for various reasons and I did see some improvement, as did almost every owner of the dogs I used it on.
  3. As a dog lover (but not a showie) and a parent, I honestly have no idea
  4. Sheesh, I'm glad your neighbours have more consideration and sense than some of the posters in this thread
  5. I thought lots of places had drop off cages these days, to try to stop people dumping animals willy nilly where they could come to harm?
  6. Really? You seem to be doing a bang up job of it in this thread alone :D
  7. careful aussielover or your name may end up on that list of nawty DOLer's that gets pm'ed to all the newcomers. Say what? Surely this doesn't happen! And if it does....who is on the list?
  8. I thought I wanted to be a breeder once, until one of my dogs came to me while (unbeknown to the previous owner or me) pregnant. She had ONE live pup and it was such a nightmare finding the right home for him to go to! The number of enquiries I got from people I would never sell a goldfish to was just scary. I haven't read all the replies, but I don't doubt that all of the other bases have been covered by people with far more knowledge about the pros and cons of breeding than I :D
  9. Check with your local council, depending on what time it is 15 minutes of barking is possibly acceptable. If it were really excessive barking then I would try keeping them inside during the day.
  10. It's fantastic news that Harry has been found and returned to his owner, I just hope that the 5K reward doesn't encourage a spate of similar thefts considering the publicity this case has had
  11. Jumble, perhaps send Herr Rottweiler a PM. He is a qualified trainer, has Rottweilers and has done a lot of tv and film work before. I don't know if he will have issues as a member of the CC as others have mentioned, but even if he cannot or will not participate he will possibly know someone suitable you can contact.
  12. Oh dear, I shouldn't laugh because it must have been sad for the owners, but I admit I loled
  13. I think I used to order mine online through Vetstop, it was quite a few years ago now though so whether thay still sell it and at the cheapest available price I couldn't say.
  14. This is anecdotal only, I'm sure there are many owners and breeders here who will have had a different experience, however... I adore my Rotti girl, she is very special and as a dog I think they are an amazing breed, but I don't think I will ever get another. She is very well bred, as are most of the rotti's I have known (and I know more than a few), and I think every single one over the age of about 8 has had surgery for, or has died of, cancer
  15. Absolutely see a behaviourist but in the mean time I would recommend that you keep them seperate and take no chances at trying to modify this behaviour yourself. Every time your bitch attacks this pup you risk permenantly scarring your pup and I don't just mean physically.
  16. This story sounds extremely suss to me, but if it is as you have said then she ought to be able to return to her property if she is accompanied by a police officer.
  17. Being a qualified obedience trainer/instructor clearly does NOT make you a behaviourist.
  18. My 2 year old will often shriek and carry on when she see a dog, not out of fear but because she gets excited and wants to play with them (we have dogs at home). I'm teaching her to stand still and keep quiet when she sees a strange dog, that she has to ask first before she pats them and she is not allowed to play chasey with dogs etc but she is 2 so it doesn't happen overnight I can understand why so many kids are afraid of dogs, just today on our walk I saw two seperate incidents where young children (3 years and under) were charged and knocked over by a dog while their owner stood at the other end of the park vainly calling their dogs and making no attempt to actually physically get them. When the dogs finally returned to their owners no attempt was made to ensure the child was ok, or to apologise The best thing you can do is make your dog and yourself good ambasadors. When I am out with my Rotti and we see children I will talk to them and tell them she is ok and always keep her under control. If they are scared I will get her to lie down or roll over if they want to give her a pat and then show them a few of the tricks she can do. Seeing her roll and twirl and bow usually has them giggling in no time and it's very rare that even the most timid of children will not want to give her a pat when it is time to say goodbye. This us Vs them mentality is only contributing to dogs getting squeezed out of our society instead of being a welcome part of it IMO
  19. I'm not sure that Kristina reads DOL often enough that she is likely to see this, were you were hoping for a response from her?
  20. You can possibly still get them through the NDTF too.
  21. If the dogs are only barking for a short amount of time you have nothing to do, the council won't deem it a nuisance unless it exceeds a certain limit. I imagine that when you contact the council they will tell you what the limit is, if not ask them. It is generally something like no more than 15 minutes of barking (cumulative) within Xpm and Xam and no more than 30 minutes (cumulative) between Xam and Xpm. What your neighbours will now have to do is keep a diary of when your dogs bark, how long they bark for and how it affects their life. What you should now do is take steps to ensure that you can prove that your dogs are not barking if the neighbours make a false claim. If it were me I would set up a recording device to record them each day, making sure that you either have a time stamp on the recording or you do something to register the date and time when you begin the recording, like showing the days newspaper or whatever. If your other neighbours are happy to, ask them to give you a statement in writing saying that they are home regularly from X time to X time and to their knowledge the dogs don't bark at all/much/whatever. If they are willing ask them to keep a diary too. If you do find that your dogs are barking beyond council limmitations then I would recommend you speak with a trainer/behaviourist to help you treat the behaviour instead of just managing it. If you haven't already I would still approach your neighbours (if they are approachable) and thank them for making you aware of the problem and apologise for the barking. Give them a brief explanation of why it's occuring and what you have been doing to manage it. You may want to include some information from a trainer or simply request that they refrain from things like yelling at your dogs if they are barking or doing things like leaning over the fence, hitting the fence, entering your property etc as this will only exacerbate the issue. I would, as someone else suggested, ask for a copy of the footage they took (when they entered your property). I wouldn't recommend you take the tack of trying to get them for tresspass at this time (that's a surefire way to ruin any posibility of living amicably in future) but at least you have it as proof should you ever need it. I have lived next door to constantly barking dogs, it can really make your life hell
  22. I'd say do a search but I think everytime this topic comes up it ends up getting deleted I'm in the minority, I think IF you can meet your dogs nutritional requirements by feeding vege/vegan and you have a mind to then go for it.
  23. This is absolutely something you need to speak to your behaviourist about, preferably one who is also a Vet like Dr Robert Holmes, as some medications are contraindicated when aggression is present.
  24. OT, just out of curiosity, how come you have two logins Aidan? Sorry if I've missed where you have explained it before but I tend not to spend so much time in here as I used to.
  25. Happy Birthday! I hope it is a particularly lovely day for you, you deserve it
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