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Everything posted by haven

  1. Wrong. Students of the Certificate III in Dog Behaviour and Training are sent to a number of different training centres that are approved by the NDTF based on a number of requirements, eg, the school in question must allow all breeds, all ages, cover all levels of obedience and socialisation, allow the student to give behavioural advice (after the relevant lectures during the course) etc etc. Currently and in the past, students have trained with Four Paws, Dogs of Vic, Hanrob (sydney) Croydon, Southern Cross, Planet k9, ADT and many many more. Students are encouraged to attend more than one training club and observe many different styles of training, that they may come to understand and be competent in all methods. Edited because I haven't been able to quote properly since the forum format changed
  2. I think it is important at this stage to ask how you react when Bailey beats up on Malcom as your reaction could have a very strong affect on this behaviour and not necessarily in a good way. For example, if you were to scold Bailey and cuddle Mally you are far more likely to cause Bailey to try and assert herself over Malcom more often and possibly with more intensity. The term dominance is sadly very misunderstood. The term 'dominant' is simply based on the predicted outcome of an altercation between two or more (dogs, humans etc). The purpose of a dominance hierarchy is to avoid altercations rather than induce them. The sitiation you derscribe suggests to me that its possible your heirarchy is unballanced, hence Baileys need to constantly assert herself. Aside from that I tend to agree with Rusky, I think consideration of finding one of the two a new home for the benefit of both would be wise.
  3. There are certainly many other dog training venues that offer this sort of service, not just ADT. And as "employees" of the NDTF as well (you all know who you are), you should also be recommending the other schools/clubs that are paying members of the organisation - not just ADT. I wouldn't say many other dog training venues offer the same services as ADT. You are quite right in saying that there are a few that do, although in this case as the OP is looking in Berwick, ADT is the closest. Having said that my post was in response to Tess32's mention of the employment issue, not a recommendation aimed directly at the OP. For the record I will continue to promote 4 paws and training clubs that are members of the National Dog Trainers Federation where appropriate, just as I always did prior to working for the NDTF and certainly not just because of my employment status. Amen to that ;)
  4. Unfortunately these days I hesitate to post in reply to questions about obedience schools, because inevitabely someone jumps up and down about the fact that I work for ADT (a general obeservation based on this and previous threads and not intended to reflect only your post Tess32), which is sad because at the end of the day I honestly believe it is the OP that suffers. To set the record straight, I am employed as a trainer by Australian Dog Training. I am paid by them to conduct dog obedience classes and also to fulfill the role of behaviourist. I do not receive a comission of any kind to recommend people to train with ADT, nor does any other trainer at ADT. I continue to promote ADT because I wholeheartedly believe that they offer the best to everyone. Anyone who has been a regular on DOL awhile, will know that I started with ADT as a member, a paying customer, with a very difficult dog. I had previously been turned away from every other obedience club in my area and had paid a very well respected (by others) behaviourist an extremely exhobitant sum of money to be told that my dog was a lost cause and I shouldn't bother trying to fix his issues. Australian Dog Training welcomed me and my dog and helped us to overcome his problems in addition to passing Advanced obedience. As a trainer I see many people with problem dogs who have also been turned away from other obedidnce clubs join ADT and succeed as Loki and I did, in overcoming the seemingly impossible. I also believe that ADT has many advantages over other clubs for the average dog owner, things like qualified trainers, access to a behaviourist, formal socialisation progrems etc etc. I never intend slight on other obedience clubs in promoting ADT over them as I am sure that there are many good ones out there that also offer great training and advice, in addition to the bad ones. It just so happens that I passionately believe that Australian Dog training is the very best, which is why I continue to encourage people to join ;)
  5. Oh that's awful, I'm very sorry to hear of your loss I understand you will miss her very much, but rest assured she is safe, happy and pain free waiting for you at the rainbow bridge
  6. Personally I find the way you refer to anyone who has done what they have done for the animals and people who train them pretty offensive. Without people like Monty Roberts, natural horsemanship would never have been promoted en masse for the benefit of people and horses around the world and he himself emphasises that it is not magic, it is something that everyone can do with ease.
  7. I generally don't train at Ascot Vale because it is about an hour away from where I live, but like Erny said, I can regularly be found at Boronia, Heidleburg and Doncaster. I am sure that you will be very happy training there
  8. Agreed. Corrections are about technique, not strength.
  9. You're right, it is a long journey, but one that will be very rewarding for both of you in the long run. You have already begun in recognising and working to your dogs critical distance, a very important step
  10. I hear what you are saying, but I agree also with the above posts. A fear aggressive dog is not a happy dog, showing that behaviour (for your dog) is extremely aversive (ie not something she enjoys doing). Dealing with an agressive dog takes time, extra effort and patience but you can do something about it! You should also realise that while muzzling your dog may keep other dogs from being bitten, they are still affected by her behaviour, if she for example was to lunge at and bark/growl at another dog. If it were my dog I personally would prefer to work on changing the way she felt in the situation (around other dogs) because I believe that she will be a happier dog that way, but at the end of the day you're right, she may never come to 'enjoy' to company of other dogs. That being the case, it is important to communicate to her that she is safe always because you as her pack leader will protect her and that aggression of any kind is not acceptable behaviour.
  11. Yes the whole thing is fine provided that it is raw. If you're lucky and have a nice butcher like I do, you will get extras too (liver, heart, neck etc)
  12. I used to use Revolution but have switched Sentinal Spectrum to avoid giving both the Revolution and a seperate wormer. I was also told by a Vet that Revolution and some other spot on treatments are not suitable for pets that swim and I was somewhat put off after an area of paint melted off my wall where my dog was lying against it after being treated. I realise this incident doesn't necessarily mean that it is harmful to dogs but it made me reluctant to use the product again for what I hope are obvious reasons
  13. Pampa, I just found this topic or I would have posted earlier to say that I hope your furkid gets better soon! Best wishes for a speedy recovery :rolleyes: Also, thanks for the heads up about the rat bait, I didn't know it could be that long before symptoms showed either.
  14. haven


    Today a friend of mine made the difficult decision to have her gorgeous man Oscar PTS. I hope I can do him justice in saying that he will remembered by many people and dogs as a gentle and loving dog with perpetual cheer, a permenant grin and a great sense of humor. After one last swim he was given his wings and will never again feel any pain. Lots of love
  15. Just wondering where you get the water retaining crystals from and if they are safe to use? Someone posted awhile ago with directions and suggested getting them from a garden centre but I found that they all contained slow release fertilizer and surely therefore would be unsafe to use? If yours are non toxic I'd really like to know where you got them from so I can get some! Both my guys have really been struggling in the hot weather
  16. HA you don't know the half of it ;) Just FYI in case anyone is confused I'm outing Erny as a SHE, hope you don't mind Ern
  17. I guess it depends on exactly what your definition of 'highly trained' is. My GSD is extremely weak nerved and yet he has trained beyond advanced obedience but having said that I could probably never trial him and if it were possible it would take an enormous amount of work. Once upon a time I intended on doing all that work and getting him to trial but then I realised what that meant for him, the kind of pressure I would be putting him under and decided it was too much more than I wanted to ask from a dog that has already given me so much.
  18. Oh Crysti lei, I'm so sorry to hear that :rolleyes:
  19. That's a question you want to be asking your Vet. You need to find out if it is an appropriate treatment for whatever health issue your dog is suffering and the recommended dose if any at all.
  20. To be honest, while I definately agree with Erny's comments earlier about owner's not sticking to advice being a common problem, I would consider very seriously about kicking these methods to the curb. They sound unnecessarily extreme IMO and even if it works, at what price to your dog and you relationship with her.
  21. It sounds to me like all the changes are definately causing your dog some anxiety. I don't know the situation that prompted you to seek out degtech and apply these measures, but in most cases I would say they are extreme. For most pets, you can live a leadership lifstyle without being a nazi, although there are some temperaments and issues that require much more vigilance than others. Depending on the severity of your dog's issues and the urgency to remedy then, i would suggest getting a second opinion, especially if you are unhappy or uncertain about the results you are getting.
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