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Everything posted by haven

  1. I guess it just depends on how you see training DD. IMO training never stops. LP I see exactly what you are saying and FWIW to everyone I have seen LP train as she came through the NDTF course recently and think she's got a great understanding of the concepts and is very level headed about how and when it is appropriate to apply them. I also agree with what LP is saying about freeshaping, dogs that are primarily trained using positive reinforcement and shaping are far more likely to try new things in order to find the correct behaviour than dogs who's owners are quick to deliver a punisher.
  2. Parking will be squishy, I definately recommend that people carpool where possible!
  3. That's crazy, don't work through it, use what works! I ment to explain in my previous post regarding your comment on how would the plastic tip prongs work as well; the aversive comes not from the tips of the prong, but from the squeezing sensation created between the prongs when pressure is applied. You will find that even if you were to press bare metal prongs into your skin quite firmly you cannot create pain.
  4. I'm having a hard time biting my tongue now, as for those that know me well know my other pet hate is the assumption that physical punishers are more harmful or worse for a dog than other punishers and this topic is going in that direction
  5. Yep I was told by a very well respected 'positive only' trainer to put my GSD to sleep. I've also had people at various obedience clubs tell me he is 'untrainable' because he won't take food or toy rewards. A head collar for a horse is nothing like a head collar for a dog and it really gets my goat when I hear idiots refer to them as though they are comparable. A head collar for a dog is comparable to what we refer to in the horse industry as a 'war bridle', something only used as a last resort with extreme care because they are potentially very harmful and you never, ever tie a horse up using a war bridle. It is completely appropriate for a company to supply both prong collars and clickers, a good trainer will always work to create a contrast in training. Plus as Amhailte said, the so called 'positive only' people don't have a monopoly on using RMs in training Count me in on the capaign to bring back power chains.
  6. I'll organise some signs for people to see where to park and where the training area is. Yes, you do need to provide proof of your dogs current C5 vaccination status on the day.
  7. What are they like individually if you only walk one at a time?
  8. Sounds like exactly the kind of dog that should be there! Don't be shy Ruffles, no-one will be thinking anything of you beyond what a great responsible owner you are for seeking help with your dog's issues and allowing us all to learn something from it!
  9. haven


    Food aggression is not always reliant on pack status, dogs are much like humans in the respect that 'possession is nine tenths of the law.' Lower ranking members and even pups can and do successfully guard resources like food.
  10. This is one situation where it can be appropriate not to end training on a 'high note' or a win i.e. give a NRM and end the training session.
  11. It all depends on the dog. Certainly the act can be self rewarding, sometimes more so that the actual reward. My GSD likes doing agility more than anything else in the world and he won't take food treats or play with toys, so for him it is definately the act itself. Nova on the other hand loves everything, tug, ball, squeeky, food, agility, pats, verbal praise you name it she is a junkie for it. I find that what she desires most depends on the day and her mood and I try to reward her accordingly. Often the act itself doesn't start as self rewarding, but becomes rewarding for the dog because they come to understand that it is an opportunity to get a reward, obedience training is a great example of this.
  12. Yes I would definately use two seperate release commands and two seperate Reward Marks. No doubt that you are aware there are even different sounding clickers available these days too for training more than one dog and I have seen some that are on the same clicker so you don't have to carry two.
  13. haven


    I weaned my pup at 4-5 weeks onto raw chicken necks and had to switch to frames about a week later as he was swallowing them whole. I also know many breeders who wean onto raw chicken bones. Raw chicken in fine for pups but I wouldn't be giving marrow bones as they are too hard to be consumed entirely and can damage the dogs teeth. ETA: I have fed chicken drums without issue before, but I prefer not to as I don't like the meat to bone ratio.
  14. Are you sure there are no underlying health issues? Does your dog suffer from anxiety? How active is he? I had this problem with my GSD for 2 years or so after I got him from the RSPCA. He would eat maybe 2-3 meals a week and if anything stressed him (like a person visiting) he would go off his food for up to a week. It got to the stage where I could not walk him because he would drop kgs overnight Dealing with the anxiety was obviously a big part of the solution, but once I switched him to barf, fasted him once a week and supplemented with things like A, B,C and E vitamins, Copper, magnesium, zinc etc he came good. On a rare occasion now he will skip a meal but most of the time he will get into the cat food, rubbish bin etc given half a chance. If you haven't done so already I would definately be getting a thorough check up to make sure there are no health issues causing the appetite loss. You can also get appetite stimulants from your vet if you haven't tried them before.
  15. Hey Benson, welcome to the forums Although I'm sure the OP will be greatful for your advice this topic is almost a year old
  16. Thanks BMP :rolleyes: I'd love to hear how you go with them.
  17. Not if the human gets the prescription (from a Dr) instead of the dog.
  18. Prozac is not registered for use in dogs, you would be paying for human prozac and giving your dog the dose recommended by your Vet. This means that if you have a heath care card you can get it for around $3.85 because of the PBS, not sure how much it is otherwise.
  19. Yep, my dogs snore, twich, growl and ocasionally let out a few little 'wuffs' when they are sleeping. It's cute and totally normal Oh and Nova farts in her sleep too ;)
  20. Ok I just wanted to give everyone travelling to Wellington Park Kennels for the seminar a heads up on directions in light of a recent incident where one of our students was involved in a car accident at a dangerous intesection nearby. WPK itself is located at 10 Powells rd Lysterfield, with the only entry to the road being via Wellington rd. Just east of WPK there is an intersection (Lysterfield rd and Wellington rd). Please note that this intersection is somewhat of a blackspot as it requires you to cross two lanes of traffic (the speed limit is 80kph) but due to the terain visibility is poor in both directions. I strongly recommend that everyone travelling to WPK enters Wellington rd from a location other than this intersection, even if it means a slightly longer trip. For anyone coming from the outer eastern suburbs that would normally use this route, the alternative is turn into Napolean rd and left into Kellets rd, which runs into wellington rd. Hope that makes sense ;) I tried to link to the maps via whereis but it would only link to the home page. PM me for further info if required
  21. Most dogs dop splash around alot at first, trying to keep themselves above the water instead of moving forwards. I am yet to see any dog at the pools swim properly first time, but they definately do get it eventually. In my experience pups tend to learn faster, in one or two lessons while adult dogs take maybe 3-5 to get it right. I'm far from expert in this area, but you might PM Kimjim, as she works at a dog swimming pool.
  22. For those of you whom are unaware, Erny is currently incommunicado because her computer went gaga (yep, that's the technical term). If anyone needs to contact her urgently you are welcome to PM me and I will pass any messages on.
  23. Agree with Jules, Box Hill to Croydon in 30 mins on a Sunday morning is doable. I go from Montrose (near Croydon) to heidelberg every Sunday morning in 45mins
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