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Everything posted by haven

  1. Raw meat will not make her sick, but cooked bones certainly may!
  2. Agree with CTD, would be good to have a few outings instead of meeting in the same place all the time. I'll be working right up to Christmas and going away on Boxing Day, but I am happy to do a few weeknight sessions a week between now and Christmas with Miss Nova, who is excellent with other dogs. I really hate that there is nowhere to train over Christmas. I understand the reasoning but I worry about all those pups going without socialisation, unless they have good owners who understand the importance and take their pups out and don't rely only on PPS.
  3. I personally don't because the only time I've ever had problems with my dogs eating bones it has been with lamb shanks. However, as long as you supervise your dog while eating and take away the bone when the meat is consumed it should be fine. I also prefer to give something that can be entirely consumed, bones included so I stick to necks/ brisket/tail and flanks when it comes to animals other than chicken.
  4. DOL summer school is not a bad idea. Depending on times and location I'd be happy to assist with that.
  5. Plus they won't be open over christmas. Sorry LP I don't know of anyone that is. You're welcome at my place anytime if you wanna introduce your pup to my two
  6. If it was caused by the dog pulling then it could also have happened on a correction chain, flat collar, martingale etc. I'm curious to know what kind of trainer she is if her dog was wearing a prong and pulling so hard it did damage that required it be pts... Freak acidents occur but mostly things like this are due to the misuse of the tool.
  7. Not sure exactly where you are, but even if you had to travel I highly recommend Dr Bob Cavey at Stud Park VH in Rowville, and Drs Murray Clarke and Adrian (can't spell his surname) at Kilsyth Vet Hospital.
  8. Erny, I have in my office copies of submissions made by the NDTF, various NDTF qualified trainers and other trainers and organisations. I haven't read them all so I don't know what they say, but you are welcome to copies.
  9. Still looks like a toy to me, not the handlers arm. Looking closely you can see the handlers fingers moving as he bops the dog on the nose, at the end of something he is holding that looks to me like a bite roll or tug toy of some description. I'd say he either went in for the toy before being allowed and/or caught the handler skin when he did so.
  10. Ok maybe I'm not reading this right, but it sounds to me like he toilets in the house when you ask him if he wants to go? If that is the case, it is because you are saying the command and he is complying. Stop saying weez inside and he won't weez inside! Now that he has a few times you have made it a little harder for yourself, but as long as you continue to take him outside, prevent him from going inside and clean where he has gone with an enzyme based cleaner to break down the scent (not simply mask it) you shouldn't have too many problems.
  11. Just looks to me like he might have pinched the hand in going for the toy. After he outs it you can see it in the handlers hand (if that is in fact what it is). Doesn't look to me like the bite was intended for the handler and if it were, as someone said I'm pretty sure there would be more damage considering he actually swings the dog around on whatever it has a bite on.
  12. Are you guys talking about the third bite? It looks to me like the guy has a tug, not that the dog bites the handler.
  13. Can only speak from my own experience and say that my Rotti is really knocked around by GA and takes a very long time to recover. She was diagnosed with hypothyroid, although I wouldn't say she shows any other symptoms other than prolonged injury recovery. The hypothyroidism isn't a problem, but having to carry her around for a week after a GA when she weighs 45 kg is ;)
  14. A welcome ray of sunshine? What makes you think of her like that? Wasn't she gorgeous swimming in the dam BTW, I'd definately be giving her a bath after that!
  15. Not so long ago GSDs were banned in Australia........there is hope for the prong in VIC yet
  16. He he, I was a bit teary when Steve handled my Loki at another of his seminars last year
  17. I'm sorry Corine, I don't have access to the internet at my new place so I didn't see your posts until now Was great to see everyone there and big congrats to you Ruffles, the progress you and your OH have made with Loki in such a small amount of time is fantastic! Who had the little red dog with the big beautiful eyes?
  18. OK guys, please pass this info onto anyone you can, just to make things a little easier. As everyone should by now be aware, Wellington Park Kennels is located at 10 Powells rd in Lysterfield. WPK is actually the last property, located on the right hand side, you will pass a house with a small car park and then drive through the gate into another car park. Please note that this car park is for clients of WPK ONLY, please DO NOT park there. In front of you is a small building, while the house is to the right and between is a concrete driveway. Follow the drive way down to the training area and park on the stones. Training will take place in the training shed, which is the building on the opposite side of the kennel runs, next to the dam, and also in the fenced training enclosure behind the dam. I intend to be there early to set out signs, so hopefully it won't be too confusing for everyone Please also remember to bring a current C5 vaccination certificate if you are bringing your dog along, WPK will not allow unvaccinated dogs on the property. See you all there!
  19. It certainly does work well for some dogs, but I still wouldn't use it to punish a dog (regardless of age) in a group situation because the presence of other dogs could easily become a reliable predictor that the dog is going to receive a punisher, hence the dog makes an association that results in conflict, avoidance and potentially aggressive behaviour around other dogs.
  20. Personally I specifically instruct the people in my puppy classes not to use any forms of positive punishment while they are interacting with other dogs because their dog may associate the punisher with the presence of the other dogs. It's totally normal for pups to get excited and want to play together but IMO the best method is simply to keep interaction short with plenty of rest breaks and allow pups to learn that certain behaviours end playtime, like jumping, pulling etc.
  21. Yep, peg mesh over the garden, worked like a charm on my dogs. I also made a sandpit for the dogs and taught Loki to dig on command, which is very helpful when you're gardening On a side note (and I realise this isn't practical for everyone) the dogs utilise the back yard far more than I do and as such, I'm happy for them to landscape and decorate to their liking.
  22. Sure, if you understand that training is never over and an opportunity might present itself at any time.
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