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Everything posted by haven

  1. Whilst I've been guilty myself of saying "I don't much like kids", I really like the point someone made (apologies for not quoting you!) where they compared the 'deed not breed' argument to the "I don't like kids" mantra. Catch anyone at the right (or wrong) moment and you will see bad behaviour and without knowing a context for it's occurrence you can't really make a value judgement on whether that behaviour makes them a bad person or is a true reflection of their personality unless you know them well enough. I agree with others who have posted that having preconceived ideas that may alter how you treat someone, anyone, is a bit unfair. Sure it isn't a problem if you don't let it affect you or others in a negative way, however I think reflecting the problem onto others is wrong. Take for example my Daughter, who is a 3.5 years old and extremely social. She loves to greet people (strangers) wherever we go, just to say hello. She doesn't harass anyone and usually won't say any more than hello unless they respond positively. From what a lot of people have said in this thread it seems to me that this kind of behaviour is looked upon unfavourably and would be ignored (and rightly so the attitude seems), but if it were an adult doing the greeting you would be considered rude to ignore them. Huge double standard there. Yes, I agree that bad behaviour is difficult to put up with (and I doubt anyone knows that better than most parents of a child/children), however there are so many threads on here filled with examples of poor adult behaviour and yet I don't hear many people saying "I don't like adults". It's absolutely no skin off my nose if people don't like my child, but I do expect people to treat her with the courtesy that any human ought to be entitled to, despite her age, and I have to say that on a percentage scale of badly behaved people, kids wouldn't be at the top of the list from what I have witnessed. Certainly my child has better manners than a lot of people we meet on the street and even some of the posters in this thread.
  2. I don't know anything about what markings are desirable in Aussies, but I love PJs half white face!
  3. I don't understand the assumption that the child was disabled or that he was on the Autism spectrum, was there something other than what you put in your OP that made you think this or was it just that the kid didn't listen to you and shoved you? I have had more than your average persons experience with Autistic kids (including family members) and I can tell you that none of them would have behaved like this, but I certainly do know a few kids that are just poorly parented who might.
  4. Congratulations on your new babies LP, they're gorgeous
  5. I sent them an email but the ad has now been removed. I hope that's because they have decided to contact a rescue or the Samoyed club and not because they gave her to the first person who called
  6. Steve do MDBA have their own registry? I saw a site claiming their puppies were eligible for registration with the MDBA, with a link to the website.
  7. I found the Samoyed club of Vic but I'm worried that if I email someone it might take awhile to get a reply and she might be gone by then. I'm not 100% that she is purebred, but it says in the ad she cones with pedigree papers. I'm tempted to call about her but Im not in a position to hold her long term if I can't find a rescue to take her
  8. I know there are strict guidelines for posting in here so I apologise if I'm doing the wrong thing but I googled and could only find one in NSW. A 2 year old, supposed pedigree, female that is undesexed has just been advertised free on a classifieds in my local area and I want to know who I can alert to take this girl before someone with more sinister motives can get a hold of her. TIA
  9. I have a friend on Facebook who was at occupy Melbourne until they were forcibly removed and according to her posts they are planning some kind of rally at Fed square today at 12 and then a march somewhere. I hope this doesn't interfere but I suspect you're right Grumpette and I fear that we will get little media attention by comparison
  10. If I remember rightly, a DOLer once lost her dog when its collar got caught in a hanging pot plant
  11. I like Rozzie's suggestion, Helen Keller was certainly a strong, brave and determined girl and woman who overcame her disabilities! Otherwise, you might find something here
  12. Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear this RIP Grotster, definitely one of my most favourite DOL dogs!
  13. It's a recently divorced parent with a couple of late teenage/early adult (P plate driving age) kids apparently. The guy next door said he's actually seen Lucy a few times since Wednesday, as she has escaped their yard and he has seen them calling her and taking her back into the yard so once or twice her shooed her back in himself thinking that she belonged to them. It was only when he got the lost notice out of his letterbox that it even occurred to him that she wasn't their dog and he called straight away. Mum said one day last week when she was walking down that street calling for Lucy there were people out front of that house and none of them said anything. They've been reported to the council and the ranger is going to go out and scan all of the dogs they have in their yard and make sure their microchips are registered to them. Scumbags
  14. Ah, and as it turns out the neighbours of the guy who called have had her in their back yard this whole time, still wearing her collar and everything
  15. I don't have the details, but I'd expect Mum would because she spoke to them. No doubt she will be organising something to say thank you as soon as she has Lucy settled! I'm not 100% sure, but I think what actually happened is someone called from the street next to where Mum lives and when they went out to walk around looking for her she came running to them, so she'd actually found her way home!
  16. Yes, I saw a lovely little dog marked as a pitbull in one of the pens at the RSPCA in Burwood when we went looking for Lucy and I almost lost it. I doubt that dog is getting out of there alive
  17. She's home Someone called earlier today, after seeing a notice in the local shops, to say they had seen her just outside the immediate area we thought she would have been in. Mum went and letter box dropped that area right away and somebody else called to say they had seen her hanging around their street and so everyone went straight out looking for her and she was found wandering in the next street over! The callers are unlikely to ever see this message, but thank you, thank you, thank you!
  18. Aw kirty thank you, and please say a big thank you to your kids from me and from my family, that is so lovely of them!
  19. She is still missing, so please continue to pass on the information. We have walked and called in the local area, knocked on doors, letter box dropped, called the local Vets and all of the Melbourne pounds and visited the local (and some not so local) ones and no luck. We have also spoken to the council to check that no dog matching her description has been picked up deceased. I suspect at this point that someone has her and has decided they will keep her so please, please take the time to put the word out on Facebook and similar places, or tell your friends and family if you know people in the area. If someone has kept her our best chance is for someone who has noticed their friend/neighbour/family member has suddenly acquired a new dog to see the message and come forward! Aussielover I don't know what she is crossed with, perhaps she is just a poorly bred lab, but she was purchased from a pet shop and doesn't meet the standard in many ways. Thank you everyone who has been putting the word out
  20. Thank you everyone! Cougar, the Border Collie, is home! I don't have much info other than someone managed to catch him last night and took him to the pound. For some reason his chip didn't scan (perhaps it has been damaged?) but Mum went to look this morning and they were happily reunited. Apparently the person also tried to catch Lucy but was unable and so she is still missing. If you know the area she was last seen on Crestview rd in Montrose. Again, she is a female black Labrador x, please call Dorothy on 0425 765 908 if you have any information.
  21. I know we have a lot of DOLers in the Outer Eastern suburbs of Melbourne so I hope nobody minds me posting this in here. With the wild weather today my Mum's dogs have gone missing from her home in Montrose (near Kilsyth, Croydon, Lilydale etc). Lucy, a female black Labrador x and Cougar, a male black and white Border Collie. Lucy: Cougar: If you could please cut and paste the information at the bottom of my post and share it on Facebook and other social networking sites I'd really appreciate it. Cougar particularly can tend to be an anxious dog and required a lot of rehabilitating when he was rescued, so it is especially important that he be found as quickly as possible! If anyone has any information about these two please message me or call Dorothy on 0425 765 908. TIA Missing from Montrose/Kilsyth (Melbourne) in the storms on 28/09/11: Lucy, a female black Labrador X and Cougar, a male black and white Border Collie. Please call Dorothy on 0425 765 908 if you have any information.
  22. This. It isn't that the little girl doesn't deserve the chance, but when her prognosis as a result of an amputation is potentially poor coupled with the fact that finding her a home would be difficult as a result and her life span could also be reduced I think I would probably PTS. The time and money you spend on this dog could go towards helping a lot of other dogs who will have a much better outcome, while this one ultimately has the same result no matter which option you choose (option 1 not being an option really, for the same reasons as above and because I know you're not swimming in donations).
  23. Four Paws K9 Training has locations at Keilor Downs and Parkville, both on weekends. Would be about a 30 minute drive depending on exactly where you are according to Whereis, but I cannot imagine you would be unhappy with the services they offer. They have excellent trainers and are very knowledgeable about the importance of socialisation.
  24. I'd complain to the council and be damned if they knew it was me, although I do like Sir WJs very clever suggestion if you want to remain anonymous. What concerns me is not just the pup, but the accident that it could cause if a driver tries to avoid hitting it doing 80kmh. Stupid owners
  25. Oh hey, Haven .... that would be marvelous, but only if it isn't out of your way. I have a friend who lives down that way and I am trying to contact her to see if she would pick it up from PP for me. Then it's just a matter of working out when she and I can get together. I've moved now, so It's not far and I'd get to see you which would be fantastic. I'd have to bring Chimaera though, if that is ok.
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