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Everything posted by haven

  1. Akitaowner, if you are not already aware, the very fact that you need to perform an alpha roll on your dog indicates that you have leadership issues. Status is largely decided without aggression, it is only when it is in contention that dogs use physical force. What you are doing is treating the symptoms, not the actual problem and while you may have 'won the battle' you haven't 'won the war.' You were lucky not to get your face ripped off though, that much is true Also using food in training doesn't = bribery, timing is everything
  2. Personally I would not even attempt a stand for exam if my dog's stand was still not well established.
  3. Yes but Laron started that she was using her partners username because "hers would take to long to get back" which sound like it means that she was previously a member but had been de-registered.
  4. hmm Laron 23rd Feb 2007 - 02:15 PM Post #91 Forum Member Posts: 1 Joined: 22/2/2007 Member No.: 15,414 -------- joined yesterday Yes I noticed that too, but it could be that her partner created the account when alerted to the discussion on the forum. Not sure about the "mine was going to take too long to get back" comment. As far as I understand profiles don't get deleted unless they are banned or ask to be de-registered for some reason. Hmm
  5. I think you've got guts coming on here and you make many fair points. I'm not sure how much of the other topics linked to this one you had a chance to read (tho origonal topic has been deleted) but the issue for most people was directly in rection to what Andoria posted. She said you were rough on the dog, sat on it, pushed it down the stairs, slammed the door on it etc etc. If that isn't what happened then you should perhaps consider addressing the issue with Andoria. Incidently, no-one would have known who you were or the details of your business if she hadn't linked your website. I never commented on your methods, because as a trainer myself I certainly do understand that soem of the things we do can look cruel or wrong to those who don't know better and can get blown out of proportion, which seems to be what has happened here. My main issue was how Andoria then retalliated after the emails to you had been made. I agree with Cosmolo, your comments about e collars and prong collars show a lack of understanding of those particular tools and the correct way to use them. Used in the manner they are intended, they are not the tools of a pain based method. I also agree with Amhailte, stick around we are not a bad bunch and expecially in the Training forum we get into some really good discussions of techniques and tools and really learn a lot from each other
  6. Unless I'm reading it wrong, or the information is incorrect, it doesn't say anywhere on that site you posted that it covers Canine cough. Incidently, are you talking about the one year heartworm shot? You might be ineterested in doing a search on the health forum about that one and reading the info, it has been discussed many times and most people recommend against it.
  7. You are so right, we are all just worried about ourselves and no-one care about what's best for Andoria and her dog That must be why a number of us have posted in a thread DEVOTED to helping them both. Have you posted in it? Has Andoria even acknowledged it? Not last time I checked. You've been here for all of five minutes, some of us have been here for years giving out free advice to Andoria and many others like her. Ever heard of the phrase "don't teach your Grandmother to suck eggs?"
  8. Damn right there is a reason, that being that Andoria singled out the said "f***ing idiots" as DOL members Her raction was totally over the top, the abuse completely uncalled for and still.....no apology. If you are suggesting that I was one of the people responsible for the emails then I take offense at that too. Besides my issue here is you, jumping into a thread thats was going just fine and prattling on about how people should "lighten up".
  9. While I agree that Nobivac sounds great it's important to note that it doesn't cover everything that a C5 does, so it is not something you should get instead of a C5. Having said that, if you're only intending to get a C3 and don't need a C5 then I would say go for it
  10. Puleeease, I do know what it is like to have a difficult dog and I'd say most of the people that replied to her origonal topic could say the same. For the record, the only person being judgemental was Andoria herself. Did you read it, if you did you would know that not one sinlge person gave her a hard time. In return, no-one got a thankyou, instead DOL members were branded as "f***ing idiots". No-one got an apology. I find your post a little condescending.
  11. I thought that the "hundreds of threatening emails" had left her "in fear for her life" I'd be calling the police if that were the case ETA I agree with PF, bring on the popcorn. This is a great example of why I think the minimum numer of posts should also be screened.
  12. I don't really think that at all. In fact I would say that the training forum is probably the best for constructive advice and discussion rather than flaming and trolling.
  13. Another excellet book, bigger and more expensive but with more infomation specifc to dealing with this kind of thing is "Aggression in Dogs" by Brenda Aloff. It goes through how to identify and deal with various types of aggressive behaviour and is written in simple enough language that people without prior training and education in canine psychology can easily understand it. Costs around $100 but well worth a place on any dog trainer's shelf IMO
  14. As Cosmolo said and also because you have posted what could potentially become a sensitive topic and it would prevent people making the kind of responses you don't want. The forum is for public discussion but it doesn't sound like that's what you wan this topic to be i.e you haven't asked any questions or anything leading into discussion. But post away, I don't care I was genuinely curious ETA: I've just read your reply above, I definately don't disagree with your comments, nor do I think they would be of no benefit to others.
  15. Why didn't you just PM this message
  16. Make that two, three if you also count Miranda (going by her response in General).
  17. For the record I replied in your thread but I did NOT contact the trainer in question. I for one don't particularly appreciate your post in regards to all of the "you people" and "you f***ing idiots" coments. Perhaps you should save your rabid tirade for those that deserve it ETA: hundreds of hate mail? Fear for her life? Get real
  18. That is exactly the way I feel about the importance of early socialisation. There is a happy medium and at the end of the day it sounds like we all want the same result. I think it's great when people get their dogs from an excellent breeder who does all the right things and ends up with a well socialised dog even if they don't do a whole lot of socialising until after their full course of vaccinations is complete. However what people like myself and Cosmolo deal with is the reality that many people don't do this. They get puppies that have been badly bred and/or raised that are severely affected by a lack of early socialisation if they do not receive adequate socialisation during the critical period. The most recent case that springs to mind is a couple I know who got a 3 week old puppy from a 'friend' who's only advice was "give it milk and it will be fine" This is a dog that is severely affected by lack of socialisation during the critical period and will probably suffer for the rest of it's life. The difference in this dog since they first started puppy school up to now is immense but if the owners had not actively socialised this pup from a young age it would probably be so maladjusted that it would have to be pts. I know dogs die from parvo and other diseases but dogs die from lack of socialisation too, or worse - they live in fear for the rest of their lives EFS
  19. I really didn't take any notice your signature thing. Which is more an advertisment than anything else. It says it all though. I don't give any credence to those driven by the bottom line. These days we have dog behaviouralists, dog psychologists, dog analylists, dog everyotherthingists. Everyone of them exploiting the gullible. Give a dog love, respect, a regular feed & a warm place to sleep & you have a loving, respectful, sated, warm happy dog that is a joy to the world. If there are any problems it's the owner that needs training & socialising. Kool you are so right, I'm sure Cosmolo has spent the last 2 years (almost) here sharing free advice and information in an effort to exploit the gullible. It's all a big conspiracy
  20. Oh you mean like trotting poles, I get it. Haven't done them with my two, but I have done the body bandage thing on Loki. I don't know if it's the same as those mentioned above, I just tried it out because it used to work well on the horses. Never really saw any benefits on Loki though.
  21. Being able to take food off your dog is not necessarily a sign that it considers you it's leader, it depends on how highly the dog values the resource. I can take a bone, steak etc off my GSD and he would never so much as raise a paw. It looks great to everyone else, but the truth is he just doesn't value food very much.
  22. I wouldn't mind testing it out on Loki, can anyone tell me where I can get some at a decent price?
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