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Everything posted by t-time

  1. As far as the BCs go - I *might* be concerned that the breed may try to herd the "Boarding" horses if there is not enough training. And we are not trying to keep a "showline" BC in show coat so a brush once a week still meets the grooming requirements!
  2. I can't think of a home with a gundog where the dog won't go off if there is someone outside The majority of dogs are pretty good watchdogs though not all are bred for the purpose. There are a number of Toy breeds specifically breed as companion and alert dogs but we want a bigger breed than a Toy ETA: This may be where a German Pinscher might fail........we need to ask Angelsun!
  3. Many gundog breeds would also fit the requirements of this family
  4. I would think a show line as there isn't enough "work" to keep a working dog busy and their requirements mean that although they do a bit of training and exercise, they are not out there herding every day with the dog.
  5. Xolo German Pinscher Dalmation
  6. How big is 12 lbs? Can't be bothered to go and find a weight calculator.......
  7. Did they take a semen sample? *might* be prostate infection which can be asymptomatic other than the colour of the semen which will be dark brown to red depending on how much blood is in the sample. Just an idea?
  8. I've had it too....she *should* be normal once she has either had her second proper season or has had a litter - she won't always do it.
  9. So sorry to hear this Cockerlover but honestly, it's all for the best.....fate brings you to some sad conclusions
  10. Has the vet scraped the skin and looked at it under a microscope? This does look like a skin issue and unless allergy tests have been done to determine the cause of the allergy, even the good grain-free venison food is not going to help! The hair is not going to grow back until the skin is fixed up. It sort of sounds to me like your vet has gone "allergy - buy this food". :D Have you tried another vet for a second opinion? That's what I would be doing ;) Also, change the title of your thread to "SHAR PEI OWNERS" or something like that - I know Shar Pei have specialised skin issues sometimes so it would be really good for you to have more experienced Shar Pei people to comment. ;)
  11. Never give calcium supplement to a pregnant bitch - natural calcium only in the form of bones, veges etc. As soon as the bitch has whelped - as much calcium - natural or supplement, as she wants. :rolleyes:
  12. ONLINE entries close TOMORROW (Tuesday) :rolleyes:
  13. Are you sure she's itchy? Sounds to me like she might be licking/chewing her coat out? Some bitches do this prior to pups so they've got nice soft clean skin around the teats. Saves clipping
  14. If all is otherwise looking good, I would keep going Especially as the pups were premmie......suggestions to start on solids and supplement with Wombaroo are good ones I would also supplement with a little glucose syrup - messy but good energy food and perhaps even Nutrigel. If the puppy is bright and healthy just not gaining, I would think it's more about the prematurity as I found with premmie pups in my care that the weight chart basically had to be thrown out the window Try some of the alternatives offered this week and don't check the scales until next week Hopefully the baby will put some weight on for you.
  15. I would say it's just a little depigmentation from a scratch or sticking her nose through wire or similar :D Hard to know whether it will go black again but you might be surprised
  16. Is the pup otherwise healthy? Shiny coat, eyes opened and bright, moving around and not lethargic?
  17. Actually, I thought about this after I wrote it and I decided I wouldn't be breed biased - NO WHELPING bitch should be chained up and the breed doesn't matter. Kristina, I'm finding it really hard to be sympathetic to this so-called "breeder" - it sounds like EVERYTHING has been neglected which is sad for the bitch and the pups. But not for him......and if he's so clueless that he thinks the bitch *didn't* eat the pups well......I'm with Bilbo on this one. A bitch chained in a shed with nothing, whelping without supervision - anything could've happened but by and large the bitch eating the pups is a LIKELY outcome. Be tough - no extra stud - he got his pups - he neglected them and they died - you don't owe him anything.
  18. And just because I forgot to say it in my last post - very cute puppy I'm thinking some sort of Border Collie as well I only see Malt in the first pic you posted.
  19. Not really.....though 9 pups is a ridiculously large litter for a Malt and I'd have to say that's a whopper lie or a world record! Average size pup for a Malt is circa 100gms - give or take. Then you look at a Havanese and my smallest was 78gms and the largest I've heard of was 400gms at birth!! Huge difference! But the average is around 150gms up to 180gms. Average Lab pup at birth is around 400gms. - just the average - I have heard of 1kg Lab pups at birth! :( So just like small human females who can produce whopping 14 pound babies, a small bitch *can* still whelp a half-kilo pup albeit with some difficulty.
  20. AS - just put him back onto Puppy kibble If he's flatly refusing to eat his bikkies, he's having a lend of you in order to get more chicken Havs are not usually fussy with food but they can be extremely manipulative in order to get their favourites If there's nothing medically wrong with him, he won't starve himself for more than 3 days and he will get jealous of all the yummies given to the baby girl Be strong and give it a go
  21. Why don't you find out if she has a suitable home for the puppy before committing at your end by accepting a deposit?
  22. It's called WARMTH, BLANKETS, A PUPPY PEN and A WHELPING BOX........................ :D :D FFS - if he wants a litter, he treats the bitch like a queen.......and please don't tell me this was a Chihuahua....
  23. Yep - I just leave them to eat the placentas and make sure there is one per puppy - haven't had twins yet!
  24. Short answer to the phantom is that yes, even though you've removed the ovaries, it will take a while for the hormones flooding her body to settle down. I've seen it before as well but when the bitch got to about 6 weeks *pregnant* she all of a sudden snapped back to a regular bitch with no babies due She may even get milk!
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