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Everything posted by phatdex

  1. I totally understand and thus cannot comment on only vid 2 that I saw, but his ears were up and tail wagging until ur hand came near and then ears down and mauling. So yes, he def didnt like u near him. If I was u, I would just take him. Even if u dont keep him, he cant stay with that lady it sounds. Maybe lock him in your laundry for 2 weeks etc and do what K9 Force said. I'm sure K9 can tell u who he recommends in QLD.
  2. yes, I had the same thoughts as Kelpie-i, he seemed quite happy, wagging his tail etc and then when you went to touch the side of his face he got upset and bit but didnt look too aggressive to me. I dunno, hard to tell from video.
  3. I just saw aggressive tibbie number 2, but not the first one. And that site seems fine, it is only 2 vids posted by the same person that have jap porn.
  4. Him lunging at it is when I am getting him excited and trying to raise his drive. Ie teasing the crap out of him with it and doing some bite work etc. Then when I walk him around all excited in a circle like julie did, then hold it close to me and ask him to sit when he is on my left hand side heeling, u can see his mind ticking over whether to try and jump at it or sit. But then he slowly sits after about 10 seconds. Yeah, I do stop moving it when I ask him to sit. Basically doing exactly what Julie was doing with the chasing it in a circle, holding it still and then asking him to sit, but he is still so focussed on the item he takes a while to sit, that is all. I guess he will learn that he will get it when he sits. I think steve said the dog will take longer to do the command than normal in prey drive at first and then they will catch on? I am using a bite bar thing, not a ball.
  5. He had his first "lunge" on his prong collar today at the park, I wont go into huge detail, but I can assure u, he wont be doing that again. I did no pop of the lead though, he corrected himself quick smart! He is also going absolutely nuts for his prey item, I am making him sit and lie down while chasing it, but he takes a long time still, he is slowly realising he will get it quicker if he sits etc. Gotta watch it though as he is nearly taking my hand off trying to get it, but if he makes contact with me he realises and pulls his bite. I'm swinging him in circles in the air off the item though. He hasnt let go once yet, even when he doesnt have a good grip. I have taken all his other toys off him too, so he can focus on just the one prey item for the moment. Please correct me if I am missing the idea. That he will soon sit quick smart as he will know that will get him his prey item. At the moment he is still thinking about lunging at it or sitting.
  6. Erny, didnt get to meet your dog but she looked sooooo quiet and placid! Wish i could have.
  7. yep, so was Gouki, he was making loud SNAP noises too. And he didnt stop crying the whole presentation I think!
  8. yes, and thanks to Lab lover and Steve. I was soooo taken aback by Gouki walking with Steve, if anyone looked at me I would have looked very stupid grinning ear to ear and with a tear in my eye. Couldnt believe it after 30 seconds of walkinghe was doing everything asked of him!
  9. yep, he has done nothing effectively, just puppy school for 4 weeks and thats it.
  10. Yep, fantastic! At the end steve did some bite sorta work and building of drive with a bite bar thing and Gouki took to it well. He also tried a prong collar on him and I nearly cried how well he walked, heeled and sat, so I just had to buy one! I took the prong collar home and tried it on my pei, while I was walking and sitting with my pei, Gouki came over and heeled alongside him and sat etc without me even calling him, offlead! Never had to jerk the collar once with either of them! Excellent! (and just incase u didnt know, neither of my dogs have done any obedience ever or heeled in their lives!) Some very cute dogs there and I loved how timid Loki was, and his mouse whiskers! Jyra also looks great in a scary way when barking etc she would scare me if she was trained in bitework etc! And Hagrid, how devoted to his mum! He shook the whole time she was gone and I was invisible to him!
  11. sounds good, but I dont really know either, Have to look at it more.
  12. I need to bring my Amstaff as he is the prob, but my shar pei cant stand to be without him, screams and stuff. So I have to put him in the laundry, scatter the back yard with bones, and drive out the front with the amstaff where the pei cant see him and let the pei out with the bones and hopefully that distracts him enough! hehe
  13. Thats the freeway exit where if u turn right u go to dandenong city centre right? I know that.
  14. I got no idea where it is, but I guess I will find it. i will be taking lunch with me so can watch the dogs if everyone leaves them and goes to the pub. I will bring the nintendo DS to play and keep me company! ;)
  15. very good advice K9. Arienwen, maybe u can take him and do this isolation thing? Would be great to see him rehbilitated and a brand new dog!
  16. I'm sure someone will recommend a behaviourist seeing him, but it will take quite a bit of work from the family also, if they are not prepared to put so much work into him, maybe someone on here would want to take him to K9 Force etc and then do the training involved with him?
  17. re the wrist bands, DucatiBruce has gone AWOL at the moment, arent sure what has happened and he was organising them. Hopefully he is alright and returns soon!
  18. Here is a basic question. The people behind us just looked over the back fence and I heard a low rumbling growl and some low barking. I went outside to see both my dogs at the fence with their hair on their backs all raised, my amstaff doing the growling and my shar pei doing the barking. Not being trained, does this mean if the people behind us were then to jump the fence into our backyards the dogs would do nothing? Or u dont know until the ppl try? Can some dogs without any training actually attack someone who jumps your fence? or would 99.9% have no idea what to do? I cant see my dogs attacking anyone in a normal situation, but are they more likely to protect their backyard against intruders?
  19. I would say a malinoios then jinto, 25KG's is a bit easier to handle and I posted up a vid of them doing takedown work here once and they hit the people HARD!
  20. Johnson Am Bulldogs would be pretty similar in agility to a rotty wouldnt they? (I prefer scott type and are much more agile) And malinois are used as police dogs, but say to protect a backyard would they be too small? I guess there is a diff between police dogs and home protection dogs in training and what traits u want? People seem to want more of a monster like a roty etc for protection and a GSD/mal etc for police work. etc. As u can tell, I am not too knowldgeable on this subject.
  21. K9 Just wondering, I have been told Johnson American Bulldogs are great protection dogs, had any experience with them? Are they good?
  22. If u havent noticed, corn comes out whole in humans too. :rolleyes:
  23. Ahhhhh, just realised I dont even know where the thing is. So i guess it is at your place or something?!?!? Now I understand!
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