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Everything posted by Deeds

  1. https://9now.nine.com.au/a-current-affair/rental-crisis-forces-pet-owners-to-part-ways-with-furry-friends/452d7e85-1fe8-4bbd-88f2-619e6d67d713
  2. Perhaps the age of the dog and the owners usual habits of letting it say hello to passing dogs is part of the reason. Some dogs are more sociable than other dogs. And in my experience going to the Dog Park and playing off leash in the Dog Park has a lot to do with it and the dog's expectations.
  3. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-29/easter-holidays-camping-pet-dog-emergency-first-aid/103635462
  4. https://www.9news.com.au/world/robotic-police-dog-shot-multiple-times-credited-with-avoiding-potential-bloodshed/d1d022f1-9fce-4625-9f35-f3b7a05e3ccf
  5. https://www.news.com.au/technology/science/animals/horrible-nations-fury-after-magpie-taken-from-family/news-story/1100c7fad0eff46625c53af5d1bde937
  6. https://www.9news.com.au/national/dachshunds-under-threat-as-germany-proposes-ban-on-breeding/433f71e8-4939-43ea-82a8-c67b6a8fd8d4
  7. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-26/molly-the-magpie-surrendered-to-wildlife-authorities/103635186 Lovely pics of Molly with her best friend Piglet , a Staffy.
  8. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-25/lack-of-regulation-in-the-pet-food-industry/103609836
  9. https://www.savour-life.com.au/adopt-a-dog/search-now/view/72936 Apologies for putting this on a pure breed forum but I was absolutely staggered at the breeds listed in this dog for rescue.. Despite this he is very cute lookig.
  10. https://www.theleader.com.au/story/8560413/horrifying-screams-in-alleged-hit-and-run-over-dogs/
  11. I've updated the security cameras out the front of the house. A bit more tweaking and they'll catch everything that moves on camera. Then I'll go to the Council. These people are weasels they will just lie unless I have proof. As well as the effects on the owner dog attacks also leave significant effects on your dog. Mine can't wait to return the favour.
  12. I live in the inner suburbs of Sydney. Terraces close together and small backyards etc. The idiots 3 doors up from me have now acquired a cattledog due to their daughter working on a property for 6 months and bringing the dog back with her. It's never on a leash and is allowed off leash on the footpath and the streets. We are between 2 parks so a lot of dogwalkers go from 1 park to the other using our street. On Sunday the cattledog attacked a leashed Greyhound walking past and then yesterday afternoon in the back lane I heard it going for another small dog. Of course the idiot owners know nothing about dogs and now have a cattledog presumably from working lines off leash in a built up urban area. It's already a vicious & menacing dog. And it's only a year old. It barks late at night with no restraint. The stupidity of these bogan F... Wits overwhelms me.
  13. @Kazm So many idiots with dogs around . There has been so much media coverage re aggressive dogs off leash and not properly controlled you would think some of it would sink in out there.. The problem is people like the ones with dogs off leash just don't care about anyone except themselves. Sorry to hear about your incident it sounds terrifying.
  14. Not much gets trained around here let alone specialist training.
  15. I like Rebanne's idea of taking a riding crop. I will have to check out where to buy one.
  16. Similar incidents like this happen to me all the time. Alll of the dogs walked off leash around my way are by men. The other morning one of my neighbour's dogs (off leash of course) left its poo right in front of my front gate. The thing that annoys me the most is that after their dog (off leash) growls and tries to intimidate your dog it sets up a situation that your dog then becomes defensive and is ready to have a go back next time they see the same dogs again.
  17. I note that mrpickleman96 states that he mostly walks his Golden Retriever off leash. In a previous post started by him re Stud Service Refund etc he states"My boy is a very active stud". I am surprised that such a valuable asset and active stud walks around off leash.
  18. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-13/injuries-caused-by-pets-increasing-in-australian-homes/103580222
  19. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-11/australian-shepherd-named-viking-crowned-best-in-show-at-crufts/103573388
  20. As well it's usually the restrained dog on a leash that is well behaved and the unrestrained dog/dogs off leash that are poorly behaved.
  21. @Rebanne Yes. That post illustrates exactly the arrogance of off leash dog walkers. Of course my dog is socialised. He lives with another dog and plays off leash with his doggie friends in a off leash park every day.
  22. Does anyone else get as angry as I do at people walking their dogs off a leash all the time. They don't even bother to carry a leash with them. In my street we have a cattledog that goes for other dogs and is continually off leash. There are also 2 large Golden Retreivers that act as a pack and again never a leash in sight. You do wonder where the Rangers are when you need them.
  23. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-09/pet-ownership-amid-housing-crisis/103431852 What a great idea Safe Pets Safe Families is.
  24. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-humber-68502421
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