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Everything posted by Deeds

  1. I think GSD's were the only dogs they used for Police work in Britain back in 1969.
  2. I have been watching a British Documentary set in 1969. The police dogs i.e. German Shepherds looked so different from what is bred today. They all looked healthy with no sloping on the back or back legs at all. Very nice looking German Shepherds.
  3. The Specialist checked all the products available and recommended RC Renal for us.
  4. Our boy is better with one of the female vets for his bloods & blood pressure. We get some trazazone (I spelt that wrong) from vet to give to him around 45 mins prior to consult for blood pressure. The traz calms him down without making him woozy. Better for an accurate reading particularly if the vet is running late. You should have his blood pressure taken when he has his next bloods done . I only give 1 can of sardines once or twice a week. My dog weighs 53kgs so maybe only give your dog 1 sardine from the can a couple of times a week. If he doesn't miss the sardines don't give it to him.
  5. How old was your pup when you first got him. Did you get him at 7 months old?
  6. Specialist recommended the Royal Canin. I changed to Hills because after years on the RC he got bored with it . Now I mix the 2 together. I sprinkle some liver treats on top of the kibble. He often doesn't want his breakfast the same time as normal dogs would. He prefers to have it around 11am or so. I have read that people with kidney problems don't like to eat first thing in the morning. In the evening he has every night steamed rice plus 1 pkt of frozen steamed veggies. With that cooked chook from woollies or some cooked steak or Brunswick sardines (reduced salt). Sometimes he has the RC Renal Pouches as well. This has been his diet for around 5 years now. The Specialist is very pleased with him and she always says "Don't change anything because whatever you're doing is working". It was the same with us. We wouldn't have found out there was a kidney problem but on my insistence they did bloods (dog was only 6 months old) and found the kidney problems. Luckily they didn't proceed with the procedure otherwise we would have lost the dog. So lucky for us we found out early as well.
  7. The SASH Kidney Specialist told us no raw meat because it can cause infections. Anaesthetic is also not good for dogs with kidney problems.. They need lots & lots of fluids if they have to have anaesthetic. It is life threatening for them. I would cut out the pork knuckle with meat on it. I know a lot of dogs get pancreatitis from ham etc especially around Xmas and as minis are prone to pancreatitis I would give the pork a miss. This may bring down the liver blood count. Worth doing for 6 weeks to see if it does make a difference to the liver blood results. What pathology lab is doing the bloods. Is it Vetnostics or Idex?
  8. Has it been confirmed that it is his kidneys?
  9. Is the Vet prepared to put it in writing that the pup has a hereditary fault passed on by one of it's parents?
  10. I usually buy the same breed of dog. The last dog I paid $3500 around 5 years ago. This time around it will be $4k to $5.5k. By looking at the pedigrees you can see the number of imports in the lines, factor in import costs, stud fees etc not to mention vet fees, reproduction fees and the breeders time and resources. As well showing takes a lot of time, travelling and energy to get the dogs championship status points. I have seen the work and pride good breeders put into their dogs. I don't haggle over the price for the reasons stated above. And because I would only purchase from 2 of the 4 breeders in Australia that makes it a lot easier. I'm glad I'm not into oodles etc.
  11. You did the right thing for the dog. Trying to get the dog back will definitely make it confused and won't be good for the dog as it's adjusting to her new home. Trying to get her back or even going to see her in her new home is definitely not doing the right thing for the dog. You need to move on. You did do the right thing for the dog.
  12. Their dogs are untrained and the owners are bullies looking for a fight. When their dog attacks your dog they start attacking and abusing you for being in the park.
  13. My local park which I have been using for over 30 years has now acquired a group of 10 or more dog owners who meet in one area of the park at the same time every day. The dogs are left to their own devices while the owners stand and talk etc. The other day another resident walking on the path with his leashed dog was told by one of the group" you shouldn't walk your dog here because our dogs think they own this part of the park". Their dogs can do anything to other dogs i.e. rush up to them whilst leashed etc but the minute the other dog reacts to being rushed at or approached that dog is turned into the "problem". Obviously I avoid the park at that time of day as do many other residents. Unfortunately it has changed the atmosphere in the park with other residents becoming resentful that they can't use the park whenever they want in order to avoid this unpleasantness. The dogs are out of control and the owners nasty and confrontational. Does any one else experience this type of behaviour . in their local parks.
  14. @giraffez . Feel free to PM me if you need any further information. I have a lot of experience with schnauzers but not mini's.
  15. In this case it's what the Kidney Specialist at SASH recommended. And it's the phosphates that have been minimised or eliminated in the kibble. He had all the appropriate tests plus an ultra sound done at SASH. And has blood,urine plus blood pressure done every 6 months. I am assuming that your boy is a mini schnauzer. The reason why I mentioned the pancreatitis is that mini's are very prone to getting pancreatitis. I would ask the Vet about pancreatitis when you go back. It may be the liver test you have already done may be enough to clear him of pancreatitis.
  16. Why was this pup still with the breeder at 5 months old. I agree with Powerlegs that she may have been returned to the breeder before you bought her.
  17. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-11-27/vets-on-frontline-treating-dogs-caught-up-in-toxic-food-scare/100638250 Published online today from ABC News.
  18. Only 10% protein because the kidneys can't process too much protein. The kibble has minimal protein and no phosporus in it. He was very lethargic and cried after eating. We thought it was his hip so we booked him for an X-Ray. The Vet asked me if we wanted bloods done because they usually didn't do bloods for dogs that young. I asked for the bloods to be done because I knew there was something wrong with the dog. The Vet rang me after she did the bloods and said he's got high creatine levels. We went straight to SASH where they did an ultrasound that confirmed he had kidney dysplasia. The kidney specialist told us what to feed him and basically his bloods & creatine levels vary very slightly each test. But not by much. For the first 2/3 years we tested bloods etc every 3 months now it's every 6 months or so. We did bloods & urine last week and the urine was in "normal range". Everything was fine and hardly changed from the last test. Sorry I can't give numbers as we haven't received the report. We got the results by phone. "Everything within normal range". Has your dog been tested for pancreatitis.
  19. I agree with sending her back to the breeder.
  20. One of our dogs was diagnosed with kidney dysplasia (similar to kidney disease). He has been to the Kidney Specialist at SASH Dr Bing who is excellent. He has bloods done every 6 months as well as urine and blood pressure. We found out he had kidney disease at 6months . He has just turned 5years. He is not on any medication. He has the Royal Canin K/d as well and Hills K/d kibble as recommended by Bing.. He has cooked chicken as well as sardines (reduced salt) occasionally and some cooked steak once a week. We were told to ensure that only 10% of his diet is protein . He has rice and vegetables every night as well. If it is kidney be strict with his diet. Give him the special kidney diet.
  21. @Giraffez Sometimes the Vet can do the bloods again say in 2 weeks time or whenever and the bloods etc will be back to normal. Or sometimes the Pathology Lab can get it wrong. Both of these situations have happened to me. I realise you are worried because of your boy's age. I am keeping everything crossed for you and your boy and I hope it all turns out ok,
  22. Would this help .https://www.blackmores.com.au/products/pet-health/liver-health/denamarin The problem of dosing looks easier.
  23. Paw knuckling can be caused by Cervical Disc Disease but given the other symptoms I agree it sounds neurological in origin. The problem with MRI's is that even if you do one you might find out what is happening but you may also find out it is a disease that you can't cure or fix. And MRI's are very expensive.
  24. It's the paw knuckling that concerns me. I'm not sure if that is part of vestibular disease.
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