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Everything posted by Deeds

  1. Definitely Havanese. I'm not a small dog person but all the Havanese I have met in the park have been absolutely delightful.
  2. LMO it takes a special person to do what you do. Giving love and hope to older discarded dogs. Thank goodness there are people like you to take care of these dogs and bring happiness into their lives.
  3. She may have had a seizure and the poo hanging from her was because she defecated during the seizure. As well the pacing you described is consistent with post ictal pacing after a seizure. Dogs can also become temporarily blind during and after a seizure.
  4. Anyone who buys one of those dogs will be spending a fortune on the dogs at local & Specialist Veterinary Clinics.
  5. My packs of 3 were all the same breed. I don't know if that helped the ambience or not.
  6. I've often had 2 entire males & 1 female (obviously desexed) and they have all lived happily together. The females always came to me as urgent rehomes so they were the last to enter the pack. And they were usually around 5 yrs old when I got them. Everyone got on famously. I don't think I would put 2 females together from what I've heard over the years.
  7. You did do your best for her. She was lucky you took her in. I'm very sad for you & Katie. It's never easy making that appointment.
  8. I knew the original enquiry was in regard to a mini schnauzer.
  9. BTW if you do find a tick and remove it you can apply some Advantix to the wound in order to kill every thing off . Just in case there are some bits or venom still there.
  10. BTW if you do find a tick and remove it you can apply some Advantix to the wound in order to kill every thing off . Just in case there are some bits or venom still there.
  11. If the dog keeps having seizures one after another he is in danger of going into Status Epilepticus and that can be life threatening. https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/seizures-general-for-dogs
  12. https://www.sashvets.com/services/neurology-and-neurosurgery/ I recommend Dr Patrick Kenny or Georgina Child. I have a dog that has cluster seizures i.e. more than 1 seizure in a 24 hour period. You have to stop the seizures as soon as they start as 1 seizure begets another seizure. My dog started having seizures just after he turned 4. I have had around 15 dogs in my life. This dog was a rehome. I have never had a dog with seizures before and I found it an awful thing to watch and deal with. It is very stressful as it usually happens when they are asleep. Then there is the post- ictal phase that can last for days. It's almost impossible to find what the trigger for the seizures is. The best you can do is manage the seizures as best you can. Usually with medication. The general rule from Vets is if the dog has more than 1 seizure in a month it should be medicated.
  13. Katie's luck has changed. She looks deliriously happy. And now she is getting all the affection and care she has missed out on for the last 5 years before you took her in. Thank goodness you opened up your heart to Katie and took her under your very generous wing to give her everything she needs in her later years.
  14. If he did need to be operated on could they do it with sedation instead of a full anaesthetic.
  15. That's very good to hear. Thanks for letting us know how well she is doing.
  16. I am not a small dog person. But even I would consider a Havanese. Everyone of the Havanese I have met are lovely and not barky or neurotic.
  17. I would get SASH to do the bloods & everything. Because if you go there they will want to do their own tests anyway. You don't want to pay for the same thing twice. Your dog is 12 and may have the condition for some time before it was picked up. It is a progressive disease. Your dog's circumstances vary greatly from mine. Because of the age and the later diagnosis. I don't give my dog the canned renal food.
  18. That's great news. I have used the Antinol Rapid and the 4cyte etc but I found the Paws Cosequin as good as anything for arthritis.
  19. The Specialist told me he can have 10% of protein in his diet, Maybe you should have one appt with Dr Bing at SASH so she can clarify everything for you. You could get her to do his bloods and blood pressure. You don't need a referral and after the 1st appt you can go back to your own vet to do the blood etc & they can send the results to Dr Bing. That's what we do. She is very nice & very good. Maybe just 1 session with her might be useful. https://www.sashvets.com/our-team/dr-bing-yun-zhu/ White meat like chicken is better for them. My dog gets chicken every other night. He gets red meat once or twice a week and sardines (salt reduced) once or twice a week. My dog can have protein but it can only comprise 10% of his diet. As I said rice/pasta .veggies & cooked chicken. I would be worried about muscle wastage if you cut out protein altogether. I have been doing this diet with my dog for 5 years now and the blood levels etc haven't changed much.
  20. Can't he have cooked chicken or the RC Renal pouches? My dog likes the Renal Pouches mixed with rice, veggies with shredded cooked chicken on top. https://www.budgetpetproducts.com.au/product/royal-canin-veterinary-diet-canine-early-renal-pouches-wet-dog-food-100gm-x-12/17559 The Specialist also approved the Renal Pouches. Has medication been recommended for your boy? Perhaps because he is older he might need medication. I'm sure he could have just 10% of meat as his 10% of allowable daily protein. That's what my dog has.
  21. Thank you for sharing this link. I lost one of my dogs in late August this year and still miss him dreadfully. He was such a character and loved life and his walks. The house is so quiet without him. I think of him every day. Some dogs you just can't replace.
  22. Well done. You & your daughter. You obviously bought your daughter up with solid values and respect for animals. There is too little kindness in this world towards other humans and animals. Especially older people and older dogs. You've made my day. What an absolutely great thing to do for a dog who has probably never known kindness before. Lovely dog as well. Good on you.
  23. All controlled by diet for over 5 years. No medication required so far.
  24. That's why I am very particular who I buy a dog from. Because I want good health and temperament above all else. And that's why I research the lines in my breeders dogs. I prefer to buy show quality even though they will be family pets. I know the lines in my breed. I only mention imports etc in relation to breeders costs and work and what I would expect to pay for a dog as a result of those costs .
  25. My concern is that if something goes wrong like your dog getting mastitis the kennel staff won't notice it. I see you know the kennel people personally and I'm sure you will be making regular calls to the kennel to check on her. Did she settle in at the kennels ok. The best person to look after your dog is you. No one cares for them as much as you do.
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