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Everything posted by Deeds

  1. Christina 77 . Make it easy on yourself and get exactly what you want. Not Chi's. All the Chi's around here try to attack big dogs and yap constantly. Some pups are really hard work. More than you want when you are older. I am going through this atm. Maybe ask around and try and get an ex show dog or older dog from a breeder,
  2. https://shop.coles.com.au/a/national/product/living-planet-milk-long-life-goats
  3. Australian Terrier or Havanese. Maybe Border Terrier. All nice dogs even though I'm a Giant dog person I rate these particular smaller breeds.. I see these breeds in the park and they are all nice and well behaved. Not yappy. Aussie Terriers are very hardy.
  4. You can get long life goats milk from Woollies or Coles. It's called Living Planet UHT Goats Milk and costs $4.70.
  5. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-62490192
  6. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-62487600
  7. I had to do this about a year ago and it broke my heart . This dog was a rehome and quickly became my heart dog. Even though it's a year since he went I still miss him and think of him every day.. You are in my thoughts at this sad time.
  8. Maybe contact these people on FB . Fair Mate Catahoulas Australia. It may be one of their dogs and they may know who lost the dog. https://www.facebook.com/fmcatahoulas/
  9. Apparently, because of all the publicity surrounding the attack he went to Council and admitted it was his dog and he was unable to control the dog.
  10. The idiot owner got fined $330. The owner is apparently a"Celebrity TV Star" whatever that is. I always think idiot people usually have idiot dogs because they don't bother to discipline or train their dogs. And horrible people usually have horrible dogs. It's called projection.
  11. https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/coonhound-paralysis https://geelongcreatures.com.au/2017/04/08/coonhound-paralysis/ You may find these articles on Coonhound Disease useful.
  12. @Dimond . I had thought of this as well because a dog nearby had Coon Hound Disease some years ago. Very unusual I would have thought to get this disease in Inner Sydney but that was the diagnosis.. The owners had it diagnosed by Specialist Vets ( SASH in Sydney) and the dog did make a slow but full recovery. It was a bigger dog than a JRT.
  13. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11072277/Dog-attacks-horse-Sydneys-Centennial-Park-Rider-slams-pitbull-owner.html This has made headlines internationally. Another example of another idiot who can't control their dog and doesn't say sorry and runs off.
  14. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11072277/Dog-attacks-horse-Sydneys-Centennial-Park-Rider-slams-pitbull-owner.html
  15. Could it be Leptospirosis? Are you on acreage? Those symptoms are the same as what happened to one of my dogs years ago. They did all the tests at a Sydney Specialist Centre and couldn't find anything. I thought it may have been Leptospirosis so my normal vet treated him with antibiotics. He got better but was never the same. He was never diagnosed with a specific condition so we don't know if we treated it correctly or not. https://kb.rspca.org.au/knowledge-base/what-is-leptospirosis/
  16. I am using Meals for Mutts Turkey & Chicken. I have used this brand on & off for some years.
  17. https://www.news.com.au/technology/science/animals/girl-12-and-her-pet-dog-mauled-by-two-canines-outside-melbourne-school/news-story/5e281bbc023d287dddaddcd080689ded
  18. What about some Greenie dental treats. They come in all sizes for petite to large dogs and they are all natural.
  19. My neighbour's daughter has just bought home a female blue heeler cattle dog. It is now about 5 months old. None of them have a clue about dogs. They told me" they are not dog people". The dog walks around the streets unleashed amongst traffic. Barks non=stop day & night especially at night. There is another blue heeler down the street as well. Even though it is walked regularly the owner goes to work and leaves it to bark non=stop all day. Not a good breed choice for an urban area.
  20. https://www.9news.com.au/national/nrl-player-jai-arrow-dog-thor-mauls-central-coast-pet-to-death-after-another-attack/b4d81218-f817-4f4e-82b8-b4c842c6894d I feel sorry for the greyhound owner. He was just walking his dog not far from his home. This is the 2nd time this particular dog has mauled another dog. It was unmuzzled , off leash and not enclosed in a yard.
  21. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-07-22/street-dog-terrier-spryte-wins-dog-agility-championships/101241602
  22. One of my Giants had a large lipoma in the middle of his back. It would burst sometimes when he rolled on his back . It eventually went away altogether. It did seem to get smaller after each time it burst.
  23. I wouldn't be happy if your dog harassed my dog in the park in the way you are describing. I agree with what everyone else has said. There are a lot of bullies in dog parks. I find the human bully worse than the dogs. If you don't do something about your dogs behaviour other dog owners are going to get nasty and it may even end up at council if your dog is not pulled into line. Is your dog desexed? Did he get socialised at puppy school ?
  24. It's all a very slight variation on the same theme. i.e. Different shoes.
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