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Everything posted by Deeds

  1. Deeds


    Do any of the other pups in the litter have similar problems with biting/attacking?
  2. Deeds


    This reply doesn't address the behaviour/biting issues. I think this is quite serious and should be addressed before it becomes worse. Because if the behaviour is not reined in it will get worse.
  3. Deeds


    You need to talk to a Vet and maybe they can recommend a Dog Behaviourist to you. The behaviour you have described is not normal. Even for a 5mth old pup. What if your dog bites another child of adult out side of your family. I'm not surprised you are worried. I would be too. You should have your dog checked by the Vet to ascertain if there is a medical problem or if your dog is in some type of discomfort or pain.
  4. Great that you posted back " thanks for the advice" and even better you updated us on your dog and what you are now feeding him. Again thanks for updating us coneye.
  5. The dog shouldn't have been on the street but it looked like it loved kids and wanted to play. Another irresponsible dog owner though.
  6. Could you send her back to the breeder and maybe pay the breeder to board her.
  7. The minute we put toilet rolls and paper towel rolls down they are taken. In a flash. Boxes of tissues also suffer the same fate. Everything has to be put out of reach and then you have to remember where you hid it.
  8. https://www.news.com.au/national/victoria/news/cctv-captures-brazen-dognapping-by-man-along-popular-melbourne-street/news-story/275713840504cb9736a8743d83d7d9b1 I don't know why dog owners continue to do this. I've seen people walk off with dogs that aren't theirs whilst tied up outside shops. I've seen people & children pat dogs tied up outside shops and dogs that have bitten the children & adults after being patted when the owner wasn't around. I've seen off leash dogs in the main street try to attack dogs tied up outside shops. And you still see dogs tied up outside local shops. I'm surprised the Local Council doesn't fine them as Council apparently deems dogs tied up not to be under effective control. But then they would have to fine all the off leash dogs walking around the suburb. And they don't. And why not. IWC.
  9. I heard this on the radio several days ago. Good that you have put this info out there as a warning and a reminder. Thanks PK.
  10. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11301757/Bellevue-Hill-Sydney-dog-attack-Groodle-left-horrific-injuries-attack-malinois.html There had been other attacks and other complaints prior to this attack. Perhaps if the Council had investigated and acted on the other complaints this attack could have been prevented.
  11. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-10-26/puppy-seriously-hurt-scotsburn-aggravated-burglary/101580896 This poor pup was kicked and bashed during a robbery. The 14 week old pups leg was broken in 3 places and she also had a broken hip. Makes you wonder about the human race .
  12. https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/home/pets/cant-cope-shelters-swamped-as-pet-owners-offload-covid-companions/news-story/27cf7a3159da04a90a970dda9e8d05e2
  13. https://www.news.com.au/technology/science/animals/perth-mother-protects-baby-in-terrifying-encounter/news-story/48fb8ad07f97e89fd1d2a8449cbf32db The owner apologised saying the ( 2 dogs described as staffy & Bull Mastiff ) "were not properly trained." I know. We've all seen it before and read about it before. And still it keeps happening. So frustrating some people don't keep their dogs enclosed, train them or choose appropriate breeds for where they live etc
  14. I have given one of my dogs radiation for Osteosarcoma. I live in Sydney so I didn't have accomodation problems. Can you board the dog at the vets where he is having the radiation? Otherwise I would ring the vet clinic (which I am assuming is ARH) and ask the vet nurses if they know of any pet friendly accomodation nearby. My dog had his radiation done at the Gladesville Vet Clinic in Gladesville Sydney.
  15. Some puppies are harder work than others. Even when you get the same breed over many years. There's always one that takes more patience and training than the others. I know because I've got one of those at the moment. Very hard work. Unlike his predecessors who were easy going and easy to train.
  16. No. Don't just stop without consulting your vet. There are medical reasons as to why you can't just stop Macrolone . Vets always advise to taper off the dose just as your vet has done. I have always been advised to taper the dose when I've had to use it. If you are that concerned maybe you should contact your vet anyway.
  17. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-10-10/kennel-cough-on-the-rise-across-dog-parks-what-you-need-to-know/101515232
  18. https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2022-10-09/training-dogs-to-sniff-out-canegrubs-in-sugarcane/101500648
  19. There's a lot of that. Very frustrating particularly for the people who go to the trouble to post advice.
  20. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-10-04/pet-owners-adopting-older-dogs/101473658
  21. https://www.9news.com.au/world/victorian-owners-prosecuted-for-allowing-morbidly-obese-and-injured-dog-to-suffer/c6ecc159-aea3-4fef-89cf-6c101b0407f3
  22. Even imported dogs can throw off sub standard pups which are still sold for thousands and at the last minute the buyer is asked to sign an agreement they will accept the dog on the Limited Register . Even though the "entire litter is show quality". And purchased from a registered ANKC breeder.. There appears to be no straight forward dog purchases anymore even though the dogs cost far more after Covid than they did pre Covid. My last puppy purchase 6 months ago was completely different to all my other straight forward puppy purchases. In the past all that was involved was to pay the asked price for the right pedigree and all on the Main Register.
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