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Everything posted by CBL

  1. I have had my 3 on it for the past week and they love it. One has a sensitive tummy so I just got a 3kg pack to start and see their reaction but so far so good. In fact a 20kg bag showed up this morning
  2. Ok so we are not quite there yet. Hopefully it isn't too far away then. GAP NSW must be pretty confident though as they have assessments booked in! Larissa, thanks for that - I would never let him go unmuzzled without confirming it with the appropriate people.
  3. My MIL just sms'd me to say that they were talking about it on ABC radio and had mentioned that the changing of the muzzling law was a promise but the article says it has already been amended.
  4. Ilive in Vic and have seen a few off leash in public parks, no muzzles and no green collar. I have little dogs so left the park. I don't blame you megan - thats so irresponsible. Even if they don't see a small dog as prey, they can very easily accidently knock over and injury a small dog (as can any large dog) - and with little to no recall having them offlead in the open like that is not a good thing. GAP NSW seem to be doing the assessing, the first 2 dates are booked up. Patch came from GAP QLD (thanks Greytmate ) and has a green collar from there so I am wondering if he has to be reassessed. I will email and ask.
  5. Wow! With Oscar the iggy it is always the other way round The little one sounds like a real sweetheart They are a breed that has totally stolen my heart. My boy has me well and truely got me wrapped around his paw. He is mischevious and naughty and but so sweet and cuddly. I don't let Oscar offlead anywhere unsecured as his recall is terrible, as are most iggies (being basically a little sighthound). He will approach people with great bravado but often backs off if they go for in for a pat. Once he knows you (give him 10 mins) he is a friend for life. All our visitors are subjected to Oscar's constant requests to play fetch. Various ones I know are a real mix, some are very shy, others are very brave. They vary in height alot too. Oscar is a biggy iggy at a bit over 7kgs (but he is over standard) but Iggy Rescue has a little girl at the moment who came into care at 3kgs. Thanks for the insight. The guy was small, I'm not sure if he was fully grown but he was definitely smaller than my sheltie. He was offlead where there were lots of other dogs wandering around, when called, he did return to his owner. Admittedly he didn't run up to anyone, but he took a special liking to my daughter. Anyway, this little guy was bootiful. Pop into the iggy thread whenever you want to talk iggies. I am always up for a chat It was love at first site for me - first one I saw was prancing around a show ring. They are certainly not a breed for everyone but they are very special. Even my oh who is not a small dog person at all (and admitedly I never was), loves Oscar (except when he is chewing a shoe or standing on the dining room table, crying because he can't get down). I find him curled up with him snuggling or telling him how gorgeous he is.
  6. Wow! With Oscar the iggy it is always the other way round The little one sounds like a real sweetheart They are a breed that has totally stolen my heart. My boy has me well and truely got me wrapped around his paw. He is mischevious and naughty and but so sweet and cuddly. I don't let Oscar offlead anywhere unsecured as his recall is terrible, as are most iggies (being basically a little sighthound). He will approach people with great bravado but often backs off if they go for in for a pat. Once he knows you (give him 10 mins) he is a friend for life. All our visitors are subjected to Oscar's constant requests to play fetch. Various ones I know are a real mix, some are very shy, others are very brave. They vary in height alot too. Oscar is a biggy iggy at a bit over 7kgs (but he is over standard) but Iggy Rescue has a little girl at the moment who came into care at 3kgs.
  7. Gap nsw website is saying there are 2 green collar assessment days planned (may and June) but both days full. Guess there may be a wait to get assessments done
  8. Fantasic news and I will be looking to get my guys assessed. Of course mine never go offlead in public and I hope others still do the same
  9. I am so sorry indigirl but I am so happy that Wally had such a wonderful last few months with you
  10. We have a licker too. Lillly came to us at just over a year old and she has always done it, no matter what we do she just can't seem to stop herself. She will even just randomly lick the air as she falls asleep. Oscar licks as well, but not as much as Lil does. His seems to be a settling thing, when he gets tired he curls up with someone and tries to lick them.
  11. We often get Patch and Lilly doing 'syncronized doggies' when they sleep next to each other.
  12. Hmmm - may need to stalk/visit Wollongong beach to catch a sight of those gorgeous 3! Actually we have been talking about the fact that we haven't taken our three down there for so long - but ours have to be on lead the whole time.
  13. I am so sorry Greytmate - and to everyone else who has had to, or will be making such a difficult decision shortly. I can't even comprehend it without tearing up
  14. Oh Jane I have only just seen this I am so very sorry :D
  15. GAP tested? oops sorry i didn't see all the other replys on the next page Greyhound Adoption Program ;)
  16. I second that. They are also portable , as they fold up nice and small You can get them on the smaller side too ;) We need Greytmate and her folded up grey pic :p Both my male and female are on the small side for greys - Patch is 27 kgs (small for a boy) and Lilly is 22kgs and very slight. They wouldn't be good for big long walks though. My Patch would put the brakes on and refuse to move when he had had enough (probably about 5 mins). And of course not suitable for offlead walks.
  17. A girl came into our vets when we were in a couple of weeks ago with a teeny tiny boston pup in her hand. He/she was just gorgeous and I was doing my best not to gush all over it (or snatch it and run out the door )
  18. Awesome post huski The general public are being told that purebred dogs are unhealthy, inbred etc etc and that DD's are the way to go. As purebred owners we should be proud to show off our dogs and talk about what wonderful pets they make.
  19. Its not about being 'racist'. It about promoting how wonderful pb dogs are - especially in the face of puppy farmers and byb'ers breeding oodles etc and claiming they are 'better' than purebred dogs. I don't have a problem with the dogs themselves - my issue is with the people who breed them.
  20. No the green dream in high density inner city living, but they do think a chicken on your balcony would be OK green wise, provided you did not eat it. All the rural lving folk need to move to the city and all their land will be reverted to natural habitat for native animals, no domestic animals allowed and we all have to be vegans. high speed carbon nutral trains from one sity to anotherm all roads removed. I identify myself on the green side of things, I work in environmental ed and have an ecology background - I sure as hell don't think like that. It is not a case of us vs nature - we are not separate from nature - we need take from the land and we need to put back as well. There are extremists in all avenues of life.
  21. Over the first few months our 2 greys had a few run ins. Our older dominant boy would growl and have a snap at the new girl Lilly, but it was all noise and over and done with in a few seconds. Lilly would make a blood curdling death scream but there would never be an injury. The fact that it was all noise and very very short, to me meant that it was just settling in 'who's boss' arguments. They have lived happily together for 2 years now. Of course there are very occasional disagreements (think once every 6 months), but again, all noise and over and done with instantly.
  22. I love my 3 lunatics but I would love them even more if they decided to each sleep through the night without having to go to the toilet - I would even settle for them just all waking up to go at the same time! I would also love them if they decided that after 7 was time for breakfast instead of anywhere from 5:30 to 6
  23. CBL


    GF I am so sorry for your loss. Archie was obviously a very special boy who lived his short and challenging life to the fullest. What an amazing dog ;)
  24. CBL


    My heart sank when I saw this thread I am so sorry Huga. He was a true one of a kind. Much love to you all at such a sad time.
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