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Everything posted by CBL

  1. Thanks guys - yes Oscar is an iggy. I get concered when I see that they take pups from 8 weeks, but our breeder told us Oscar shouldn't go till a week after his 2nd vac? (I think he will be 12 weeks then)
  2. I can't wait for Oscar to go to puppy school, however we still have a couple of weeks till our next vac, so a while to wait yet. I have seen a few locally but would like to know how to tell the good from the bad There is a couple of dogtech ones close by as well as one run by my vets. I have heard that some vet puppy schools should be avoided. Our vets are fantastic so would like to take him there if it is suitable.
  3. Thanks Luke W - they sound like good tips. He is happily playing in his bed next to me now (not in his crate). Think I will have to move the crate in here too
  4. OK guys - so Oscar still hates his crate. I am home all this week so I would love to get the howling down to a minimum if possible The general consensus is just to let him howl, but should I be sticking to some sort of timetable e.g. in for 5 mins at a time to start off with? He basically gets himself so worked up that I think he struggles to calm himself down. I have put a kong, toys and a pigs ear in there and the distractions only last for a couple of minutes or so. Should I move the crate so it is in the room with me initially or will that make it worse? We have thought about moving it to a different area of the house were we can put some baby gates up too, which will give him a bigger area to play in, but my gut feeling is it is the companionship that he is demanding. He is still just a baby I know but the longer I leave it the worse it is going to get and I will end up with a dog with major separation anxiety problems
  5. CBL

    New Pup

    Oscar now sleeps in a little crate similar to one above next to our bed (though he is going to grow out of it very quickly). I have to get up to take him to the toilet about twice a night but he has settled in there beautifully. We also have a big crate for during the day when we are at work, and we put the little one in it - but he absolutely hates it - will scream for ages till he exhausts himself! Not a nice sound
  6. SP I am so sorry :rolleyes: Spike was a gorgeous dog and obviously shared an amazing connection with you. I know you will treasure that always.
  7. Oh Ellz I am sorry there has been nastiness, but I am more sorry that you have lost the gorgeous Tigger :rolleyes:
  8. I have no advice Greytmate - she could always borrow Patch to teach her - that boy will pee on everything! We have the opposite problem, trying to discourage him from pooping on the concrete.
  9. I've had no dogs who have brought it refuse it,infact some have reported that when changing over to orijen and mixing with there previous food some have picked out the orijen and left the other. CBL's greyhound actually ate some out of my hand the other day and he's one of the fussiest dogs around :rolleyes: He does love it - I have given him some of the sample pack as a treat and he woofs it down. Will change over to it once I get through the Nutro
  10. Cool,we'll be able to organise a DOL meet.Now just a few more Wollongong DOL'ers to wrangle in,now where is CBL and Patch,he'd be GREAT at obedience,and even better at agility ;) This saturday's only goes to 9.45 as there's an agility and flyball demo. Will try and catch up and say hello.Lucy's pretty easy to spot so if you hang around them I'll find you.I take one of my german shepherds and I guess to a lot of people they all look the same and theres a few there now(used to actually be a gsd club) cya saturday guys Patch? Agility! That would involve effort I love my boy to death, but he is dumber than a box of rocks! I am thinking of doing lessons though - may have to join you guys but think I will start with a couple of private classes before unleashing his silliness on everyone I also need to get his immunisations up to date, I know they are due soon but his booklet is out of reach in storage. Jemapelle and I were talking about a Wollongong DOL meet. Must organise it soon.
  11. CBL


    Sorry, Paula, wasn't sure if he was one of the fawn boys or not - regardless, I am so sorry :D
  12. CBL


    Dammit I am so sorry Paula - Harvey was a beautiful boy. I feel terrible that I can't remember, but Harvey was one of the boys I drove from Sydney wasn't he.
  13. Oh thats not good, I was happy with Patch on this, am going to have to switch again
  14. Oh Hannah, I am so sorry that you have lost another of your precious ones
  15. CBL


    Oh Kaffy The love you have for Kaden shines through your post :rolleyes: I am so very sorry that he had to go so young, its not fair
  16. oh geez Warls I am so very sorry honey :hugs:
  17. Oh Trish no! Not Tonka :D I am sitting here blubbering away, I can't imagine how hard this is for you, I am so sorry That is such sad news, he was a beautiful pup who turned into a stunning boy
  18. Thanks everyone - certainly is a bit of a mystery but I think I will steer clear of the bones from now on - unless they are big marrow bones that he can't swallow. The fact that he has lenards mince but is fine is perplexing, the vomiting seems to happen the morning after he has eaten chunks of bone. He generally is a really good chewer, doesn't tend to scoff his food down in big lumps, though he nearly choked on some bone pieces I gave him last week so they are not coming out again. I will give him a dentabone thing every so often, can try brushing his teeth though I can guess how much he will love that - and at his next check up the vet can give him a good clean Annie - its not our carpet (which makes it worse) - thankfully the new house is all floorboards except the back room and while it is currently carpetted, that is going to be ripped up and probably tiled.
  19. No - he is throwing up a bit of liquid (yellow) with bits of bones in it - no solid bits (besides the bone pieces) visible at all. And why is it always on the carpet There are plenty of tiles in this house, but he will walk over the tiles to throw up on the carpet
  20. Wow Mita - I never would have considered that bones have a lot of fat - thanks for that! Next vet visit I will certainly ask some advice.
  21. I did grab some dentabones the other day so will stick with them - though he hasn't quite mastered really knawing at them, he takes delicate nibbles
  22. We are reasonably confident that Patch can't stomach bones - chicken necks, wings, beef bones etc. We found he was throwing up chicken necks not too long after we got him, stopped feeding them to him, but lately we have noticed that he is being sick a little more regularly, and these are coinciding with when we are feeding him bones. He got chicken wings for dinner last night and I have found out that he has thrown up this morning. He eats the chicken mince from Lenards without a problem and that has frames minced into it. Consequently I have an overload of bones in the freezer, but more importantly, I am concerned with keeping his teeth clean. I assume big marrow bones are still OK because he isn't eating all the bone but what else can I give him to keep his teeth clean? Is it common for dogs to be sensitive to bone?
  23. Oh Sammy I saw the thread title and my heart stopped - I am so very sorry. Fergus was a gorgeous little man
  24. The friend that I posted about previously has had private lessons with her rescue lab for around 3 weeks now and she is really happy with how things are progressing. Barney is a very stubborn boy but they are making headway
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