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Everything posted by CBL
Thats funny you say that. My inlaws to be are NOT doggy people but when they came to visit they coo'ed and aww'ed over Poppy so much that they had her up on the couch with them giving them cuddles. My fiance was shocked! He thought they would be very much against that. They still ask how Poppy is everytime the call! My parents aren't either - we had a dog growing up but he was an 'outside' dog. So to have 3 in the house was a shock for my folks - however they love them and love giving them pats and cuddles when they come over. My inlaws last dog was allowed in the house, slept in the bed etc so they took to our three easily - however they don't quite understand pack dynamics etc as they have never had more than one dog at a time. They actually humanise the dogs more than we do. My MIL is still going on about the fact that she has to buy 2 more dryzabone coats because Oscar and Lilly will get jealous that Patch is the only one with one It has given me a bit of insight as to how they will be as grandparents - and I see overbearing inlaws in my future We are always told we don't feed the dogs enough etc.
I have had a few people make that comment to us. My mum told me she ran into an old school friend of mine who asked if I had kids. My mum replied 'well, they have the dogs, honestly I don't know if they will ever have children' Both my parents and inlaws know how much we love our 3 - and they adore their granddogs in return.
Yep - Oscar whinges when he wants something and wants us made aware of it - and also when he wants to be covered up to go to sleep. Patch whinges in the mornings if I sleep in - he walks into my room and cries until I get up (and then he usually just goes back to bed )
So sorry persephone Reminds me of my childlhood canary Jenny. I was devestated when she died.
OH would no doubt keep all 3 if something happened to me. If something happened to both of us then my inlaws would take them all in without hesitation. Oscar's breeder would take him back but we would like to keep them all together.
Virginia Greyhound Adoption Program's Article On Muzzling
CBL replied to melzawelza's topic in General Dog Discussion
You have both made great points - I didn't realise how different greyhound adoption was over there Struck me as very over the top and that a muzzle was the answer for everything! -
Virginia Greyhound Adoption Program's Article On Muzzling
CBL replied to melzawelza's topic in General Dog Discussion
wow -
When it was featured on cotd last time - about a month maybe?
I bought the medium sized crate last time - its great. I also bought the heated bed but unfortunatley it didn't work We should have contacted them but we didn't really realise as we weren't sure how hot they got and when the dogs were lying on them they felt warm :embarrassed: I was hoping that the big soft beds they listed a while ago would have been there again today but they weren't.
Incident Yesterday .... Child At My Side Gate Wanting To Pat My Dogs
CBL replied to Tilly's topic in General Dog Discussion
With regards to the meter reading - we contacted our electricity provider and now do our readings ourselves. We have a form to fill out by certain dates (and when OH forgets it just goes on the average previously). Once a year they contact us and arrange a time to come and do an official reading themselves. -
Could possibly use the wine glass holders for bones - mine are having piggy tails for tea tonight - would you like me to give it a go?? You know I do ;)
OMG that is wonderful! :D Greytmate - if ever you find a bone holding utensil give me a heads up - both Patch and Lilly need one
Big hugs for Tag Can' imagine how scary it is for both of you.
;) Lilly comes in to tell me when her blankie has come off and she needs to be covered back up again. She runs into our room then straight back to her bed where she plonks herself down and just looks at me.
Dogs That Sleep In The House - Question On Times
CBL replied to JulesP's topic in General Dog Discussion
Mine are terrible sleepers. They generally go out when we go to bed - anywhere from 9:30 through to 11 or so. They all sleep in the front of the house with us and we have it gated off - to make sure I hear them if they want to go out instead of them being able to sneak off to the back of the house and have an accident there. Each of them will usually get up at some stage during the night to go. Lilly has taken to waking up at about 5 and wanting breakfast (which sets the others off) - she will also sometimes wake up if her blanket comes off and she is cold . I can put them off till about 6 or 6:30 at the latest (and they will sometimes try and get up again before that too). They used to just sleep till we got up but that has changed. They will all go back to bed after breakfast again. -
We have Lilly the Licker in our house. I think she is part lizard as her tongue never stops flicking in and out of her mouth. She loves licking us and visitors (and we try to discourage her) - she will lick clothes, shoes, arms, legs, faces - doesn't matter. Oscar does the submissive mouth lick to the other 2 - mostly to Patch though (who is top dog) and he will occasionally give us a slow lick, especially when he is tired. Nothing worse than jumping into bed and then getting licked by Oscar on my feet
When Oscar was little he used to curl up with Patch - doesn't any more though Lilly loves curling up and using Oscar as a pillow, but Oscar doesn't like it much at all He will get up and move shortly after she settles down next to him. Very rarely Lilly and Patch will use the same couch, but they will very rarely touch each other. All of them love curling up with us though.
Large Dogs And Small Dogs Living Together?
CBL replied to ash&elar's topic in General Dog Discussion
I have 2 greyhounds and an iggy (he is a biggy iggy) All get along really well, actually the greys get along better with the iggy than they do with each other. We had had Patch for a long time before introducing Oscar the iggy as a pup. He was incredibly gentle with him and very very tolerant (still is really). Lilly then came along and, despite never being around small dogs before, took to Oscar amazingly (and they are best buddies). -
Thank goodness Penny is OK :D Time for a good strong drink!
Best wishes to Penny - I thought I did something similar to Oscar recently. We got rushed by a big dog. Owners out the front of their house, dog off lead (actually not even a collar to grab hold of). By the time I spotted the dog, it saw us too and darted straight across a busy road at us. Woman screaming behind that he was friendly. Stupidly I was too slow to pick Oscar up - dog wasn't aggressive but overly friendly and wouldn't back off - I reefed Oscar's lead and poor bugger got airborne - I felt terrible but thankfully didn't hurt him. I was too angry to yell out all the profanities running through my head when the couple finally came over and husband carried the dog (probably 40kgs of it) back across the road - all I could tell her was she was so fortunate her dog wasn't hit by a car. Stupid woman then wanted to pat Oscar who wanted absolutely nothing to do with her. Anyway - getting rushed by another dog is my worst nightmare and I can understand your reaction. I hope Penny is OK. Gentle hugs to her and a sweet cup of tea for you (with a nip of something stronger after the vet visit).
I use it with my three - I usually only have to shake the bottle to make them behave. Its great for Patch who will sometimes get up on our bed and pretend to be asleep when we tell him to get off. One shake of the bottle and he is up and off like lightning.
Yep Oscar is a growler when he plays - or if he wants something and you are not giving it to him. He also is a fantastic whinger - when he is ready for bed and wants to be covered he lets you know!
Desperate! Long Term Boarding Or Foster Care
CBL replied to fiery_di's topic in General Dog Discussion
Di I am so thrilled for you both and so excited that you want to help out iggy rescue! -
Is she desexed?
Depends on the grey PH - and Gap would match that type of grey to him. My Patch would be quite content alone whereas Lilly would have a complete meltdown.