Hi guys,
Thanks for your help.
We have implemented some of your tips such as taking her on a leash outside and praising (verbal and treats) when she does go as well as limiting any unsupervised inside time to a play pen which has seemed to be helping. Haven't had an accident inside for a few days! We'll see how we go though :D
In regards to her being told "bad dog", I would like to clarify that this isn't being yelled at her in any abusive tone at all but more a stern "no this isn't okay". I would agree that this is no way to house train a dog if this negative reinforcement was her only feedback but as it is, we are teaching her that it isn't okay to go in the house, and that going outside is a rewarding, happy experience. As Dogsfevr pointed out, she obviously cannot be assumed to know going inside is wrong and we aren't making that assumption at all. We are simply telling her firmly but un-threateningly that it is not okay to go inside.
Again, thanks for all your help guys! She is making leaps and bounds and while the journey isn't over yet, I'm confident that we're a fair way there