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Everything posted by HunterDoggy

  1. Thanks for your comment. It’s honest and sensible advice! What are the main issues your dog deals with due to their anxiety and OCD? Our main issue is with food. But we have a good routine down. He gets fed outside and if we were to get another dog they would be completely seperate at that time of day so it wouldn’t effect the other dog. I have thought if we should get another dog or not and I’ll continue to do so and speak with my husband about it but for now like you said, we are just working with our current dog on his issues. We will be back to see his VB again in January so we won’t be doing anything before then! It’s very hard to explain over text / in a forum but our dogs main anxiety issues are when he is outside the house (getting nervous around people and dogs he doesn’t know, getting scared by loud noises, ect). He does bark at birds when at home but overall is a great dog, very loving and playful so I do think another perfectly suited dog will be great.
  2. Thank you. I’ll get in contact with them. As our behaviourist has said, it may take a long time but we need to be sure to get the right fit for our family. I’d love to have another dog join our family as we have so much love to give so hopefully we do find that perfect fur baby that matches well with us.
  3. Thank you very much Selkie. We want everything to go well and get the perfect fit for our family so hopefully things go well when the time is right.
  4. Thanks for the replies by the way everyone! I’ve been reading them and checking into the websites. It’s good to be informed and prepared for when the time comes. One thing I do worry about is our current dog has been diagnosed with anxiety and OCD. We have spoken to his vet behaviourist that we see and she has suggested that a mature calm female cavalier will be well suited to him that’s why we want to take this path. I do worry that breeders / people rehoming their dogs will judge this and not want to rehome their dog with us because of this reason. We are a great dog family and I know that our current dog will really love having another dog around and I think it will actually help him in ways (not that we are getting another dog to help him). Do you think when the time comes that I explain in detail about his conditions when contacting people? I’m not sure how I should go about it.
  5. What is considered a good “pet” home? We are moving in the next two months to a single story home with a nice backyard that has grass. It’s just my husband and I, no children currently. I am home during most of the day on weekdays so our dog we have now is left alone for approx an hour and a half each morning and each afternoon. Our dog sleeps inside on our bed, goes on a walk everyday, has a ton of toys to play with, etc. Are these the type of thing people look at for a “pet” home?
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