Hello there. Just looking for any in site into my current situation.
The situation is that my girlfriend has a 4 year old spoodle called Teddy, that will randomly jump up on our back glass door. I have tried everything to prevent him from doing this. I have placed balloons on the door, i bought a dog fence to prevent him from getting across - he just climbs this. I take him on daily walks to try wear him out, i leave him toys when i go out and take them back when i get home so that he can see it's not such a bad thing when i go to work. When he behaves i let him inside. I am trying my best to look after him but no matter what i do he will consistently and for no reason jump on the back door or do something to constantly need attention. There is no pattern to him jumping so i cannot even pin point what it is that is causing him to do it!
He is exhausting me with the level of attention he wants. We have trained him to sit, stay roll over, but it is at the point where he is causing my partner and i to fight and i am starting to hate him. I have always had bigger dogs in my life never smaller ones, so i see him as this annoying little turd. I used to enjoy having a dog, and now honestly i actually hate it. I am not able to relax at all due to him constantly misbehaving. It is at the point i don't even want to go home to deal with him. My main issue with him is he is quite switched on he will do things like pretend to shiver so that you let him in, little sneaky things like that to play with your mind to get his way. I struggle with him jumping as it triggers me so just walking away and ignoring him is very difficult for me to do.
Anyways that is the current situation, I am not sure how to go about fixing this - i have spoken with a few trainers 1 suggested a shock collar which i do not want to do as i don''t want to hurt him.