Hi guys!
I am currently thinking of becoming a dog owner, however I have had trouble finding a breed that suits me, so I would like to receive some input from this forum.
I live in a suburban area with a large house and small/medium yard. I would like a dog that is a companion, so happy to cuddle on the couch when I return from work, small or medium and does not require more than a brush a day grooming wise. I have people who are mildly allergic to dogs come over sometimes. However, I will be at work from around 8am to 4:30-5pm, so the dog would have to be alone during the day. My work gives my large holidays, so I will be able to teach the dog basic commands during that period. The dog (preferably) will spend the time that I am not home outside, and will sleep outside. I am ready to purchase dog bedding/cabin and the items needed for the dog's warmth. I do not mind adopting.