Great material RuralPug. After my experiences I feel that in certain situations, philosophical and ideological differences need to be put aside in the interest of preserving human or animal life, and evidence based training needs to be employed. The evidence for DELTA is very worrisome & appear to rely on alot of pseudoscience, like psychiatric drugs for training which is not indicated, ie evidence based, researched & legal, for use in this manner. If I prescribed psychiatric drugs for an anger management problem I would be in court for malpractice.
I have been able to rehabilitate my dog with 99% positive reinforcement and relaxation techniques, its the 1% of the time when he tries to bite someone that he gets a correction. Because I trained him out of his bad habits using a check chain, now I only need to rattle the lead clasp on the D-Ring on his collar as a correction and it works reliably.
I agree with what you said about using a variety of methodologies dependent on the situation, rather than being firmly in a respective camp. Although I am concerned about the 'cult' like aspect of DELTA when it comes to dogs at risk.
Also when I read an RSPCA article about 'Dominance' they contradicted themselves by saying dominance theory is redundant and cruel, and that dogs actually use aggression to control their environment. Yet this is exactly what dominance theory is about and its the same with humans who use intimidating behaviors to dominate others, or speak over them to dominate a conversation or a meeting. The DELTA Cult appear to be very confused about what their philosophy actually is.
Thanks again