I wanted to ask experienced people about euthanasia, my dogs time is approaching and this is my first time dealing with this. I don't expect it to be this week but definitively this year at some point.I want everything to be as easy for her as possible.
I have seen two different options whilst researching, sedation first and then the final needle, or just the needle.
I asked my local vet what they did and he said they don’t bother with the sedation first. I was quite shocked at this but I realize I don’t really know what I am talking about as far as medical things go.
I would love to get peoples opinion on this. My dog is 16 kilos if that makes any difference one way or the other.
I also saw some vets online that seem to just do home euthanasia, would it be better to have one of these vets come over instead of my local? Thanks for reading.