Our other dog is 3, he's a Moodle and yep he is desexed. They are both desexed.
We got her off someone who initially got her for breeding but because she had some health issues she was not suitable for breeding. Quite sad really.
She had to have a procedure in her tummy because she couldn't keep food down and it would just came back up all the time. Pyloric overflow disease I think it is called. She also had trouble breathing so she had a procedure in her throat for that. We had her desexed at the same time.
That was when we first got her and she has been healthy and happy since.
She is very well behaved..sometimes she will get her back up at other dogs when out walking though.
She is very attached to me so I thought that might be why she is being aggressive. She follows me everywhere and I noticed last night she went for our other dog when he came towards me.
She has also been aggressive with him when food is involved. I always feed them separately so she can't eat his as well.