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Posts posted by luvinshep

  1. This council is a disgrace....Pendleton is the one that says that his dog is not desexed & why shouldn't people have a choice if they have their dogs undesexed or desexed.....but he isn't concerned about where these dogs end up....as he says he has a puppy farm next door to him (with a smile on his face)....what is the big deal....well Pendleton if we had mandatory desexing then these dogs would be safe from neighbors like yours & other puppy farmers who exploit these dogs & make plenty of money out of it.....somebody is taking handouts somewhere along the line.....money speaks a lot of languages.....so please come to this meeting on the 2nd May & show Pendleton & his labour cronies that we are there to protect these animals from anymore inhumane treated from irresponsible people.....let the council know that it is their responsibility to do the right thing....OPTION 2... :thumbsup:

  2. Hi Everyone....tonight is the meeting of the UCAMASC at Blacktown Civic Centre....62/68 Flushcombe Rd. Blacktown at 6.30pm....we all want Mandatory desexing at Blacktown Pound so please come along & show our Mayor & his Committee that there are a lot of people who support this issue.....it has been going on far too long we need a council's commitment NOW!!....Mandatory desexing is going to help these animals from being exploited by puppy farmers & back yard breeders who come to BP to adopt them....please come tonight, bring friends & let us show a big hands up for Mandatory desexing to help our fur friends at the pound....get there about 6.15 so we can have a chat before the meeting starts....spread the word...it is very important..:-)

    we want a full gallery tonight....Rescues please support this committee they are fighting for the dogs & cats you save from BP... :thumbsup:

  3. Hi Everyone....tonight is the meeting of the UCAMASC at Blacktown Civic Centre....62/68 Flushcombe Rd. Blacktown at 6.30pm....we all want Mandatory desexing at Blacktown Pound so please come along & show our Mayor & his Committee that there are a lot of people who support this issue.....it has been going on far too long we need a council's commitment NOW!!....Mandatory desexing is going to help these animals from being exploited by puppy farmers & back yard breeders who come to BP to adopt them....please come tonight, bring friends & let us show a big hands up for Mandatory desexing to help our fur friends at the pound....get there about 6.15 so we can have a chat before the meeting starts....spread the word...it is very important..:-)

  4. Is it possible to tap into a retirees network for this kind of volunteer work?

    Retirees....great! I am one of those :thumbsup: but I don't have the extra time to put in here..yes Lynne Thurston has done a wonderful job & we need someone dedicated to fill her shoes....It can be done at the weekend.....but without these pixs it will be hard for the dogs & cats at BP to be seen by the rescues that can help get them adopted....

  5. Is this for the pound or a specific rescue organisation? Will the person have to go into the kennels and get the dogs out or will the dogs be brought to them?

    I ask because I've been to Blacktown and know they are short staffed and how the dogs are kept.

    sorry clicked too soon,

    Dogmad this is for the Blacktown List...they are taken then uploaded to Flickr for all rescues to see...

    No you don't have to get any dogs out...some are already out in the exercise yards..(not that often) you take them in their kennels or wherever they are...

  6. We are looking for someone to take pictures of dogs in Blacktown Pound. You don't have to be a professional just someone that is dedicated, compassionate & loves dogs. You will be out in all sorts of weather only one day of the week & you will know that you are helping these dogs to get adopted. If you think that you would enjoy this then let me know. You will be trained & shown everything you have to do. This is not a paid job it is for someone who is dedicated & just would like to help these dogs. Thanks in advance. :D

  7. Now if you know to much or speak out too much you have no way of getting on the volunteer list......these volunteers are angels & they need a lot of them.....but council pick who they want the ones that work like robots & say nothing & just do their job......volunteers & staff need to work with each other in the interest of these animals...that is what it is all about.....council don't give a stuff about these animals....a Chinese garden that is exactly what Blacktown needs..like hell!! just one part of that money could be spent on putting more staff on & bringing in mandatory desexing & get rid of the tender system....there are a lot of vets out there that are willing to help with these dogs so that the pound doesn't have to rely on the University.....& it will not cost any where near what council is spending on this chinese garden, having their expensive holidays at the expense of ratepayers money....the mayor & his blacktown followers needs to be shown up as inhumane, insensitive, heartless cronies who just don't care..we have to show them that we do & we will fight for the rights of these animals.....

  8. They look beautiful.....Well again I would like to wish you all the best.....thank you for the information I do like to know what I am talking about if someone asks & you have given me some facts that I can share with all my dog friends......I am just off now to take my dogs out for their last minute wee's :mad so I don't have to get up during the night.....my big Shepherds sleep inside....too cold outside.....bye for now Fanuilos.....thanks again...

  9. I am sorry your are stopping your breeding program for the moment.....but I hope you will start it up once your puppys get older......it would be nice to see some changes in the German Shepherd lines......I am not a breeder but I am very interested in the way the GSDs are bred.....I am not too happy with that at the monent.....I do not like the sleek lines they have...banana benders :mad I like the old style square back.....I know breeders are not keen on them but i only do obedience with my Shepherds.....they do very well.....good luck with your White Shepherds I hope your breeding does well......give the GSDs are run for their money :) Also I do hope they are successful in the Show Ring.....

  10. Thank you Fanuilos that does make it clearer.....they are a lovely dog to look at a little longer than your usual shepherd.....nice temprements....now i will know what i am talking about if someone asks.....thank you again.....goodluck with your dogs....I wouldnt have anything else but a Shepherd :mad

  11. Are they from German Shepherd lines...if the parents are not white can they have a white shepherd.....i suppose it would depend on what colours mum n dad are.....i am very interested.....i have had shepherds for 30 years....i luv them....some people i know have a white shepherd & she said it is not a swiss shepherd :mad

  12. at 8 months he should be getting the idea......using your check chain (if ur using one) put your hand down as far as u can & push his head down with the check chain with your food in your right hand....giving plenty of encouragement .... don't forget to use your right hand past his nose & down to the ground....that is his signal to drop.....dont push his back just pull him down from the front entising him with the food.....using lay or drop or down....which ever one.....use the same word all the time.....the dog will get use to the word & the hand signal & know he is going to get something nice when he goes down.....he will soon get use to it.....it is not easy but if you persevere & be consistent he will get the idea......good luck :(

  13. DD when my dog drops in the ring when in a heeling pattern she drops on her all fours....no laying on one side....it has to be a nice quick drop to the ground.....I agree with you if they went on one side they would have all sorts of trouble getting up to finish their heeling :love:

  14. I understand where your coming from Erny.....there isn't any big deal in dropping from a sit...it is just something that Ihave been taught & I have always done it :( no you didn't come across nasty :) everyone has an opinion on some part of their training that someone else might not agree with.....that is why we have great trialling dogs & we have dogs that are working hard to get to be great trialling dogs :love:

  15. Erny just so i have not misunderstood you....when you first start obedience training heeling then a drop lets the dog know what a drop is as long as you give the right foot walk & hand signals...then a stand from a heel same as drop....then the footwork tells the dog that you are stopping so they know to sit......i have always trained my dogs that way.....but everyone has different ideas about training :love:

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