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  1. Hi all. Probably should give an update. So in the end I didn’t end up getting a Shikoku or any of the suggested breeds either. Through a bit of luck and friendship we have added Mochi a Hokkaido dog to our family. He is a great dog and definitely has a lot of character. Some links for this curious: https://instagram.com/p/BhTWnEqHaYC/
  2. Hi all, Thanks for all the info. Definitely will be rethinking and having a look & think about the suggestions. Really appreciate the details and thought that went into it. Thanks again!
  3. Hi all, First post, so forgive me if I have posted in the wrong section or have somehow been inappropriate. I am curious as to any insights the community would have about these breeds. I am restricted to a breed that my wife is familiar with which has left me with Japanese breeds (heritage & experience), abet the smaller/medium breeds. No Aikita(hers) for example or mame shiba(mine). We are looking for a breed that will fit in with our lifestyle. What I mean by that is a breed that would be engaged by going on day hikes on weekends (usually to a new area, nearly every weekend), daily walks and is happy to socialize at rock climbing clubs/dog parks etc and is friendly to children with the appropriate training if necessary (adults too but what child can resist wanting to pat a cute dog? Hence my concern for children. I have none myself). The dog will also have a decent sized yard and a lot of contact time during the week (we both work but between us we work from home nearly the whole week) I have grown up around and owned various breeds in regional Queensland, most recently a Fox Terrier that doubled as a companion/rat & snake catcher. The latter seemed more his interest than mine. However my wife has not owned a dog previously though she she is very comfortable, and the dogs with her, when visiting family and friends that own dogs (Jack Russell, Ridgeback, Staffie). Leading on from this and due to my overseas living experiences I feel that a Shikoku Inu is the best fit for our family lifestyle despite the wait and challenge importing the breed. I have looked at more obvious breeds such as the Shiba but felt that the general consensus on the breed didn't fit in with our lifestyle. They seemed to be less inclined to the adventurist lifestyle that we into and are more adapted to a singular household life (some describe as the perfect dog-cat). As an aside, we are more than happy travelling over to Japan and spending any amount of time required to ensure that whatever the breed or individual that we decide upon and/or decides upon us is able to make the transition with the least amount of trauma (I do need a holiday!). I am hoping to hear from the community on this breed and perhaps others that they feel are appropriate even if they are not Japanese breeds but fulfill the requirements (Looks like a Spitz etc). From my research, it doesn't seem like the Shikoku Inu has any presence in Australia. It really looks like a shame as they are a wonderful looking breed in both temperament and appearance. One final point that I would like to make is that I would like to support ethical breeders so any pointers on ensuring that is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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