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Everything posted by Daisy

  1. Steve you mentined on another thread that you could set up a quarantine area without it costing a lot of money, can you give us some ideas please? Your quarantine areas sound fantastic but would be out of the reach of most people.
  2. I hope it works out too. It will only be one run, but am hoping it will be able to be used by more than one rescue group (one dog at a time obviously). My main thought is that I would be able to quarantine dogs that are going to rescue interstate so that they would be 'clean' when being transported. But I could also just quarantine dogs for foster carers who don't have the facilities to do it themselves or who have old/young/unwell dogs of their own that they don't want to take a risk with.
  3. Good news - I have been talking with a rescue group and they are interested in trying to raise funds to set up a quarantine run in my backyard :rolleyes: I am going to go to my local council and find out if permission is needed and if there are any guidelines
  4. Thanks Freckles and Tramissa. I had thought of most of it but not the drain Not sure how I would go about that, to get a proper drain put in would need a plumber I guess. It looks like setting up such a facility is going to be out of my budget at this point in time. I have a large backyard and would have the room to do it, just not the finances. Wondering if you would need council approval for such a structure too. Would like to know what other people do, or do you just do as I have been doing and not take dogs from any pounds with suspected parvo cases, keep the dog confined to your yard for 10-14 days, and hope they are not infected. None of the fosters I have had at my place have had anything worse than kennel cough. I was always aware that I was taking a risk though, and that if my yard was contaminated I would not be able to take any unvaccinated dogs for a 12 month period.
  5. Thanks squeak, will do. I have been thinking that if I am going to offer temp care, I really should be able to quarantine the dog, and if I had a suitable area I could temp care and hold for quarantine to help out rescuers interstate etc. Surely someone else apart from Cordy has a quarantine facility?
  6. I am interested in setting up a proper quarantine area at my place, and would like some information on how to go about this and what is needed. All the rescues I have taken so far have been confined to my back yard for 10 days, but they have not been completely seperated from my dogs, or kept on concrete, which is what I am thinking would be necessary. So, some questions to those who have quarantine areas: Is the floor completely concrete? Is the dog confined to this run for the entire quarantine period, and if so what do you do about exercising the dog, or do you have a seperate exercise area set up? How long would you consider a safe quarantine period to be? Do you need a 'stand-off' area so that other dogs are not able to get close to the run, and how large would it have to be? Any other info or suggestions would be appreciated.
  7. Name: Karen Kobier Age (optional): 40 Location: Goulburn NSW Rescue Group: formerly foster carer for ARF, now carer for CGAS and also rescue privately Time in Rescue: approx 2 years Who can vouch for you: paula_canberra, bittymoopeeb, keetamouse, horus, arf_raelene, Fiona Mills........ paula, BMP, Fiona and horus have all been to my place. Preferred Breed: Greyhounds, wolfies, big boofers. I do not take little dogs. Experience (if any): Dog owner all my life. Microchip: Always Vaccination: Always Desexing: Have rehomed some puppies undesexed as local vets refuse to desex under 6 months. All these pups have now been desexed. Will probably not foster puppies again after considering the implications and reading all the discussion about rehoming undesexed puppies, unless I can find a vet who will desex them early. Heartworm test: Depending on where the dog comes from. Worming: Always Flea treatment: If necessary Vet work if required: if necessary Basic training/teach manners: yes House train dogs: yes Dogs inside the home or outside: outside during the day, all sleep inside and have inside time with the family of an evening. Are you prepared to give extra care for a submissive nervous dog: I will give extra care for a dog with minor issues, but would not take on a dog with severe issues as I don't feel that I have the time or experience needed to help these dogs. Other: As my own pack has grown, I now only take on one foster at a time, but am happy to help out with transport or temp care where I can. I am also now making collars and coats for CGAS to sell to raise funds Who I can vouch for: keeping this to those that I know personally - paula_canberra, trisven13, Fiona Mills, horus, liberty, olly, longclaw, CBL, most ARFers including bittymoopeeb, keetamouse, kaywoman, frenzied1, mooper, ARF-Raelene, ARF-Muttly, ARF-Andrea...... will add more as I think of them. ETA I have not personally been to all these people's homes but have known and dealt with them for a while and will vouch that they are trustworthy and ethical
  8. RIP Silver I went 'oh no' as soon as I saw this topic So sad NAO, hugs to you and your family. Thanks for giving Silver such a wonderful life.
  9. That doesn't sound too good, but glad it is not anything more serious Big hugs to you and the poochies
  10. I just saw this! Oh poor Lilly! Please give her lots of big hugs for me. Hoping that it is something easy to fix and she will be feeling better soon!!
  11. I remember her too. Rest easy sweet girl.
  12. Thansk for the replies, this gives me something to start off with :p Don't know if dog training will be happening this week as it has been bucketing down here (I skipped our morning walk today too!)
  13. LMP - is this a rescue recently from a pound? Could be kennel cough, could be any number of things, best to get her off to the vet.
  14. vomiting and diorrhea, general listlessness, not eating. The incubation period is around 10 days I think, when they get it they go downhill very fast and can be dead within a few days. If you think this is a possibility get the dog to a vet FAST! ETA vomiting and diorrhea can be symptoms of many things, parvo is only one possibility, but you really should get the pup checked by a vet. As parvo advances there will be blood in the vomit and diorrhea
  15. I just did a bit of a search but couldn't find anything that would specifically help me in this situation. I have a 4 or so year old rescue girl that I adopted about 2 years ago. She is a crossbreed, possibly stafford cross but bigger. She is great with other dogs at home, and I have had numerous fosters over the past two years. She is an alpha female, but doesn't pick fights and cohabits peacefully with other dogs at home. She does have issues when out walking though. I must admit that I have really avoided taking her out because of these problems, but have decided that I would really like to spend some time with her now and work on these issues. She is very strong on lead and pulls a lot of the time. I do have a sporn harness which helps me to control her but obviously does not help to fix the problem. Any suggestions on how to get her to walk on a loose lead would be appreciated. She is not food motivated, so treats don't really work. The other issue is on lead aggression. Despite the fact that she is fine with other dogs at home, when we are out and she sees another dog she goes beserk, barking, snarling and lunging towards the other dog. Usually I have just done my best to avoid other dogs, walking at times and in places where I hope there will be no other dogs around, crossing the road or changing direction when I see one in the distance etc. Obviously this does not always work and it would be better if she would behave When she sees another dog, I cannot get her attention. I realise the theory is to get her to focus on me instead of the other dog, but wondering how to go about this, especially as she is not food motivated. I am going to start taking her to the local dog club this week, but just thought I would ask for any suggestions here - any advice appreciated I have started taking her out for walks again, and like to go for a long walk, but this is very tiring as she pulls all the time and of course I am always scanning for other dogs (I do try to stay calm so that she doesn't pick up on any vibes from me). Would it be better to just do some short walks rather than a really long one?
  16. check the thread that lillysmum put up about her dog Molly choking - she was eating 4legs dog food and a few other people commented that their dogs ahve choked on it as well ;)
  17. I sent an email too, wonder how many 'volunteers' K9 ends up getting
  18. Dogtech in Canberra offers a lot of free help to ACT Rescue and Foster, and quite a few foster carers with problem fosters have found that their advice has been very helpful.
  19. I know that most of you greyhound lovers are too far away to attend, but just in case... There is a DOL greyhound picnic in Goulburn on Sunday the 17th of June, see here http://forums.dogzonline.com.au/index.php?showtopic=101087
  20. Thanks from me for the info too. My boy only does it very occasionally so I guess it is not something to get too worried about. I had noticed that when it does occur it is often as soon as he has finished eating his kibble, so maybe it is too dry. Might start moistening it for him and see if that helps. :p
  21. Does anyone know if this can affect larger dogs? I have a foster who is a mastiff x who makes a funny sort of snorting in noise now and again. He will do it several times in a row and relaly seems to be gasping to breathe, but then it will be over and he is fine. It doesn't happen very often.
  22. Thanks for starting this thread, it has lots of useful info. I have two greyhounds, and must admit that I find it hard to keep condition on them. They are fed on dry kibble, with chicken carcases once a week, and the occasional leftovers or an egg or sardines or a bit of rice. I feed all my dogs on Bonnie, the greyhounds get 4 cups per day (over two meals morning and night) and I have actually just increased Ryan's to 5 cups as he seemed to be losing condition :p My other dogs do well on this kibble, but maybe it is not so good for the greys. After reading everyone's responses I think I might add in some fresh meat to their diet.
  23. So sorry to hear of your loss. I don't have any suggestions to help you, but just wanted you to know that somebody is thinking of you.
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