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Everything posted by Daisy

  1. I have a young foster girl (approx 6 months) at the moment who at best guess is kelpie cross bull terrier and she is full of energy and just LOVES to chase a ball. She is also pretty smart and very food motivated, so will be highly trainable. I vaguely recall that there was a dog sports/flyball site somewhere that would allow you to advertise rescue dogs, would anyone be able to point me in the right direction? Thanks :cool: Here's a pic of Summer, a real little cutie too
  2. so sorry to hear. I lost two little rescue pups to parvo last year, it is so upsetting and such a tragic waste of life
  3. RIP grandma, sorry for your loss Trish, but so wonderful she got to live out her last year with you
  4. Daisy


    So sorry for your loss
  5. Yep big hugs Em. It really doesn't seem like two years. Hope Hazel and Loki are having a ball - two very special girls.
  6. So very sorry Shelly and Anzac
  7. Very sorry for your loss Griff.
  8. Thanks for the lecture but I don't need it thanks. My attitude is not cavalier, it's realistic. If the pup is from a good breeder, is healthy, and started life out with Mum's antibodies and has one vaccination under it's belt, it should be reasonably well protected. Parvo is everywhere at this time of year and unless you want to wrap the pup in cotton wool and stay home with it for 3-4 months, for fear of bringing parvo home to infect it... how realistic is that? Unless there was KNOWN Parvo in this yard, like I said, I would not be concerned. ok I am sorry for sounding like I was lecturing you, but I was very concerned that Peter D might not understand the risk - and whether or not you believe it is a high risk, the risk is definitely there, especially, as kelpie pup has said, as there would be a stream of different dogs coming in and out of the holiday house. Personally, if it was my pup I wouldn't be taking it on holidays, but cosmolo has given some excellent suggestions as to how to assess the level of risk to help Peter D make a considered decision
  9. gareth I amazed at your cavalier attitude! have you ever lived in a town with a parvo outbreak like we had here last summer? where the vets were seeing approximately 20 new cases per week and the survival rate was less than 50%? where breeders had entire litters of puppies wiped out despite living out of town and even having the vet go out to them to do their initial vaccinations so the pups did not have to come in to town and risk infection? Have you ever seen a baby puppy suffer with parvo, which is a very nasty disease? It attacks their internal organs and the blood that comes out in the diorrhea and vomit is actually their organs beginning to break down :D I had to have two baby rescue puppies put to sleep a few months ago, as two days after they arrived at my place they became sick and were confirmed with parvo (they would have been infected before they even got to my place). It is horrible to watch such cute and active little babies go downhill so fast and watch them suffer There is no way I would be taking that risk with my own puppy.
  10. Your concern is greatly warranted. At 9 weeks old your pup is NOT PROTECTED against parvo virus, and the virus can live in the environment for up to 12 months. Also, a dog that has the virus can be shedding the disease even before they appear unwell, so often the disease is spread quite unwittingly. As well as surviving in the environment for such a long time, the disease is also quite readily spread on shoes, clothing etc, so even if there has never been a dog with parvo on the property there is no guarantee that the disease is not present. DO NOT take your pup on holidays, there is a very high risk factor, and the chance of a pup surviving parvo is less than 50% :D
  11. SOrry to say but I believe the virus is easily transferred via shoes and hands, and yes I would be banning all the neighbourhood kids from your house and yard and any contact with your puppy. Taking off their shoes and washing their hands would be a good precaution too if you don't want to go so far as to ban them completely. Make sure you don't let your puppy out into the front yard at all. As you said that the neighbours kids and dogs do wander into your front yard, you really should be leaving your own shoes outside and washing your hands before you touch your puppy as well.
  12. wishing lots of luck and hugs for the big boy
  13. Daisy


    I have been thinking about Hazel a lot, although it makes me cry, because i don't want to forget anything about her. It upsets me that I might start to forget what it felt like to cuddle and stroke her, or any of the funny things she would do. i want to start writing them down, so i don't forget. This will probably be just a ramble, but maybe one day i will write it up into a nice piece of prose and have it framed. Hazel had a very short fine coat, but it was so soft. I used to love patting her, especially around her head and ears because they felt so silky. She had no hair on her belly, but it was nice to give her a belly rub too because her skin was very soft. And she had such a gorgeous 'smooshy' face, I couldn't resist giving her a kiss on the chops now and again. She wasn't a licky dog at all, but sometimes if you asked for a kiss she would give you a lovely slobbery lick. Hazel liked to be petted and stroked but she didn't like to be picked up or to sit on your lap - probably just as well because she was a bit too big! She had the waggiest tail, whenever you talked to her or patted her or played with her it never stopped wagging, but it was a whippy tail and could hurt a bit if you got whacked with it! It was also noisy if she was standing next to something as she would just keep wagging it even if it was whacking the wall/fridge/washing machine. It didn't seem to hurt her. One day she even whacked a power point with it and turned the fridge off! Luckily my son noticed and turned it back on again! And another time she did accidentally damage the tip, and ran happily through the house wagging her tail at the kids and I had to clean up knee-high blood splatter from all the walls. Hazel loved water, and on the odd occasion we took her somewhere there was water she loved to swim and splash around. I can remember seeing her bouncing through the shallow water at the edge of the dam at Tuggeranong Dog Club with a big silly grin on her face! Hazel was so good with the foster puppies we had over the years. She was endlessly patient and would always play with them, however was really great at teaching them manners as if they were too rough or rambunctious they would be told off in no uncertain terms, but then she would be happy to start playing again. She was Dozer's best play buddy, they would wrestle for ages, and both were very noisy - if you didn't know them you would have thought they were trying to kill each other! Hazel also loved my greyhound boys, and would often lick their faces and mouths. She was particularly good buddies with Ryan, and it was so funny seeing them together trying to play! Ryan, being a greyhound, likes to play chasies, but Hazel's favourite game was to wrestle. Ryan loved her so much he would actually attempt to play wrestles sometimes, but he wasn't very good at it! And she was very gentle with him compared to the way she played with Dozer. Hazel always slept curled up into a tight little ball. She loved sleeping and loved her bed. On the rare occasion she was allowed to sleep on mine or the kids beds, she was a bit of a bed hog, curling up into a ball in the middle of the bed! She did like to curl up in the crook of your knees if you were sleeping on your side. The dogs aren't usually allowed in my bedroom, but one morning a few weeks ago I had got up for some reason then gone back to bed and not closed my door properly. Next thing I know Hazel was visiting, so I invited her up for a cuddle, and she settled down right next to me cuddled up against my chest with my arms wrapped around her. A precious memory. She was always so pleased when you came home, sometimes she would pick something up in her mouth and run around with it, usually a dirty sock or something like that. and sometimes she would do the 'burrowing' thing, if she was in a playful mood she would kind of put her head upside down on the floor or burrow into your legs...hard to explain but I can see it so clearly in my mind. Hazel was a very chunky girl but had her own grace. She was a fence jumper, and although this ultimately led to her death even though I thought we had resolved the problem, I remember watching her with awe once as she sailed over a 6 foot fence with ease, stunned by the sheer power and grace of her movement.
  14. Daisy


    thank you for the kind thoughts everyone i just can't get used to the idea she is not here, I keep thinking I hear her, or expect to see her coming into the room no more Hazel cuddles, she had such a silky smooth coat, and gave such lovely smoochy kisses, and could be such a funny dag when she was in a playful mood every time i come in here i start to cry again. i am looking forward to the time when I can remember her with a smile instead of tears
  15. Daisy


    My beautiful, beloved girl was given her wings today. Hazel was my first 'rescue', I adopted her from ARF nearly four years ago. Since then I have fostered many dogs, and also chosen some others to call my own, but Hazel was my special girl. She had some issues, and had obviously not been well treated before she came to me, but at home she was a loving and devoted companion, best friend to my children, and matriarch of the other dogs. After a tragic incident yesterday, I made the agonising decision to give Hazel her wings. I will miss her so much, and I so wish that I could have given her many more years of love. I keeping thinking that I can't cry any more but the tears keep on coming. Taken too soon, my lovely girl, may you be at peace. I love you Hazel.
  16. Daisy

    Rip Buzzy

    So very sorry! RIP Buzzy
  17. I have always found Sean from DogTech to be really helpful.
  18. OMG! I am so sorry Indigirl! RIP little Ripley
  19. If you ask very nicely, BittyMooPeeb might do it for you. She is not a groomer but usually does her own and other people's fosters.
  20. ooohhh how exciting! I might finally get to meet shmoo! :D
  21. there is a thread somewhere... or just PM cosmolo :D
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