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Everything posted by Daisy

  1. Great to see the big shaggy ones doing some winning Welcome to DOL Mel, you made a lovely lead for me to give to my DOL secret santa last year, and I often admire your deeries at local shows. I don't show myself (yet) but I do like hanging out with some of the sighthound people and admiring their dogs
  2. One of my former fosters is now an army detection dog - Summer, now known as Bella
  3. Hi guys, and welcome NSW Have been on and off this week, haven't walked every day... had my tooth taken out yesterday, so was thinking yay the toothache would be gone, but have been in pain ever since the anaesthetic wore off Hoping it will get better soon, because I really don't feel like doing anything much at the moment
  4. Daisy


    So sorry for your loss
  5. I have to hide the heat bags really well in this house, the dogs love them and have eaten more than one, they have never had any nasty side effects, they just seem to poo it all out
  6. Hi, in our area we have a dog club that focuses on formal obedience and showing. As I don't have a show dog (yet) and I am not really interested in competing in formal obedience trials, I am looking to start up some sort of fun group for dog owners. Ideas so far are a social walking group (which I could run myself), doggy dancing, flyball, agility or a 'tricks' class. For anything other than a walking group there would be equipment and an experienced instructor required, which could be difficult to organise. So does anyone have any other suggestions? I am going to approach the president of the dog club and see if they are interested, but would like to have some ideas to put forward first
  7. just to throw in something completely different... I have heard that hungarian pulis (sp?) are good at sports, also for some reason lappies spring to mind. And cleoj is doing really well with her corgi (I always get the types mixed up she has the type that the queen does not!).
  8. ok a better start this week I woke up early but had a terrible headache so didn't go out this morning but even though it was dark when I got home the boys (greyhounds) and I went for a walk this evening
  9. the tooth ache comes and goes, but I have an appointment at the dentist next week Ok so it is happening, the reason I started this thread, I have only walked once all week, have completely lost my motivation. Been tired and it is cold in the mornings and I am not wanting to get out of bed early, and it is dark when I get home from work now Will have to make a big effort this week!
  10. yes the ear thing Also, a lot of greyhounds will not sit at all, it is not a naturally comfortable position for them, however most can be trained to sit with some patience I believe (I have actually never bothered with mine). And the teeth chattering thing they do, hard to describe....
  11. oh puhlease someone buy me a puppy for mothers day, a borzoi preferably Coz if someone else bought it and gave it to me the OH couldn't make me give it back, could he
  12. About the greyhounds: No they do not bite, it is just an outdated law that says they have to be muzzled. No they do not need much exercise, they generally like lounging around in a warm sunny spot most of the time. No mine will not try to eat your small fluffy dog (but I wouldn't trust them with your cat). About the greyhounds and the whippet: No they are not starving, you are supposed to be able to see their ribs, they are perfectly healthy Yes they do need to wear the coat, I am not just playing 'dress-ups' with my dogs About the whippet: No she is not a baby greyhound And something else a lot of people don't know - greyhounds and whippets do not have a 'doggy' odour, mine only get bathed once or twice a year yet they never smell
  13. I did get out for a walk yesterday, even though it was pretty cold and I have a rotten tooth which seems to be making the whole side of my face and ear ache. I wore a nice warm beanie and scarf though! And we have dog training this afternoon, I usually do that instead of a walk.
  14. well done I have walked every day this week, except this morning, I am not going to have time now before work as I had a bit of a sleepin.... may be when I get home, although much as I dislike walking in the mornings sometimes, it is even worse in the dark!
  15. yay for Moose the Wonder Dog
  16. Daisy


    Oh Horus I am so sorry for your loss ;) Ellie was such a lucky girl to have been rescued by you.
  17. nice to see you guys back I am rushing to go off to work early today as I have a lot on, but will endeavour to walk tonight - although I wish we had daylight savings all year round as it is dark now by the time I get home :D The cold is getting better and I did get Dozer out for a short walk yesterday :D
  18. Keeping her quiet would be very difficult I'm sure! Roll on Monday we didn't walk today, I have a nasty cold and just really didn't want to go out at all, but will try to make the effort tomorrow, especially if it is another nice day
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