Hi, just wondering if anyone can help. I have a 5 year old female staffy that I've had since she was a puppy and 2 1/2 years ago I got a male rescue staffy who is a year older than my female (he's 6). 95% of the time they are perfectly behaved but about 3 or 4 times a year they get in a fight which is near on impossible to break up. I feed them separately, make sure one doesn't get more attention than the other, they sleep seperately, bath separately, they're both on a raw diet, both get walked separately for approx 5kms at least 4-7 times a week.. my female gets aggressive over food and my boy getting too much attention. My boy has random outbursts of aggression, usually during walks when they are together (now they get walked separately). They never have gotten in a fight while they are alone, only when people are around. They both go to dog training and are star students there. Unfortunately where I live we have no dog trainers that do house calls. Does anyone have any tips or tricks to stop them fighting? Or to notice when they are about to start fighting? Or is random fights between them something I just have to deal with? I feel like I've tried everything