I've never met a dog person who doesn't have a suggestion for the ANKC... well, here's your chance to be heard, about the increasingly important subject of maintaining genetic diversity within our rare breeds.
Recently, ANKC changed their regulations to prevent us from importing purebred dogs fully registered with the FCI if they don't meet ANKC's new arbitrary criteria on the number of names missing in their pedigree (for example, like an FCI registered, European-bred Azawakh who's dam was born in Africa and thus, does not have his maternal grandparents' registration numbers handy).
We believe any purebred dog of a recognised breed who has been assessed by FCI judges to be a correct, pure example of that breed and thus received full FCI registration should be allowed to be imported into Australia and receive full ANKC registration. As Australia is an FCI-affiliated country, this is the way it should be. Not only that, our rare breeds' gene pools are already restricted enough without ANKC choosing to make them smaller.
Hence, we wish ANKC to change the regulations BACK to the way they were before.
Having viewed a typewritten draft of this petition, ANKC are prepared to consider it, but require us to collect signatories using an independently verified online platform. So, please, take a moment, and go to this link, and fill our your details (name, email, address, state membership number etc.) to lend your support.